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Everything posted by ClumsyFingers

  1. My band usually wants me playing electric piano on blues...seems to fit with the otherwise guitar-driven sound we have. I REALLY wanted a gravelly Rhodes sound, but none of the eight electrics quite did it. So, I opted for the one that was most metallic and had the most dialed-in tremelo, the "60s electric piano". One night, I thought I broke my PX-330! We were doing a request: Joy To the World by Three Dog Night. The keyboard was mixed particularly quietly that night, so I found myself beating on it pretty hard. Yay, Casio, it takes the abuse. But my ears went into shock when I heard the perfect metallic clank of a properly played Rhodes - coming from my PX-330! But only for a few notes, then back to the more bell-like tones that are a poor sub. I immediately realized that the patch plays a completely different sample when you strike the keys hard. Not a more aggressive sounding version of the same sample, but it's as if they sampled two completely different instrumenst. Back home I explored it further and confirmed it. Seems that of the "layered" voices, there's one that doesn't fit the rest in that patch...and I wish it were the normal one. I experimented with the touch sensitivity, but no matter how sensitive I set it, my fingers/hands do not have the strength to reliablity coax that unusual sample out of the instrument. On the whole, I'd say the patch is defective. I'd love to see it always sound like a Rhodes, but second best would be always sound like the "60s electric piano" normally does. Is there a software upgrade for this kind of issue, or did I really break it? Thanks, Clums
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