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Everything posted by Casiokid

  1. I heard a rumor, a while back, that Casio had upgraded their keybed action with the release of the Ct-S1/400/450/...... On the Gearfacts (1000V vs e425) video, keybeds are compared which was stated that the e425 was slightly noisier and less spongy?
  2. https://www.midikits.net/midi_chan_changer/midi_chan_changer.htm
  3. Yes a great video, using looping to echo her voice to great effect during the song, but she only used the voice synthesis feature right at the very end of the song
  4. Pity the Ct-S1000V does not allow Rhythm track editing. Indeed the in-built Rhythms have been overlooked in the release videos.
  5. https://www.casio.co.uk/ct-s410?utm_term=casio ct s410&utm_campaign=UK+-+Search+-+Brand+Plus+SKU+-+Casio+Instruments+-+Exact&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=5484644598&hsa_cam=11542180970&hsa_grp=130160647088&hsa_ad=570758741514&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-1368119871749&hsa_kw=casio ct s410&hsa_mt=e&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gclid=Cj0KCQiA5aWOBhDMARIsAIXLlkfB3We0SBKxsbpU-21oAXumoskdRDGhV7GKLCJslgn7A_NVnOUpM4MaAv-hEALw_wcB
  6. The S410 is supplied with a pedal. Otherwise it is just the same as the s400
  7. I'd welcome someone to simply explain these Midi manuals -so that we can all understand them practically. Whoever writes Midi manuals also assume everybody knows all the abbreviations ?
  8. See this link -it might help you: http://www.casiomusicforums.com/index.php?/topic/14108-ctk-7000-and-bass-pedals/&do=findComment&comment=41994 Also you need to be set up for midi setting C
  9. Any tips for putting together a big orchestral type, busy, movie-like backing track with my keyboard's on-board sequencer ? A suggestion is made to lay down first a ghost track of the main theme to help keep things together whilst building the sequence. In live performance I intend to play live this main theme. In the past I've learnt a lot from Brad's examples on Facebook, where he even records registration changes in the sequencer. But I just want some help in getting started.
  10. When a 'crash' (see above) occurs it's impossible to define what caused it ie the keyboard, device or host unit? This is the reason why nowadays top of the range arrangers, with the exception of Roland arrangers all have 5-pin Midi DIN. USB/Midi is designed for computer use.
  11. A WARNING: In my experience there are issues in using USB/Midi host units. They are certainly not as reliable as the old conventional 5-Pin Midi DIN. For instance I've had them 'crash ' on me during performance with tones hanging/sticking which I've never experienced in using keyboards with midi set-ups using the traditional 5-Pin Midi DIN At best USB/Midi units are a compromise of the real thing namely 5-Pin Midi DIN.
  12. I know a guy who plays his MZ-X500 from his Pa4X 76
  13. Korg keyboards operate with the same midi channels for Upper 1 & 2 and Lower 1 & 2 (Korg equivalent R 1, 2, 3 and L) so by coupling the MZ via midi cables with a Korg keyboard you could access and operate the MZ by means of a Korg keyboard
  14. As I've said before Brad because of you this is the best music forum going !
  15. Bag 1 by Thomann (I think?) which are relatively inexpensive but have good zips and cardboard glued together with PVA Regards
  16. The use of hot melt glue guns are great for sticking plastic and the glue has the advantage of being relatively easy to remove without leaving a mess on the plastic components Alternatively, if its from the inside of the case you could also try 'welding' the two sides of the crack together with the hot tip of soldering iron
  17. As usual Ted thank you for your very detailed explanation. I've learnt quite a lot of what seemingly will be going on to achieve the shadowing (albeit flashing) of LK notes played remotely by another keyboard Instead of routing through a laptop or pc I'm wondering if a USB to 5-pin Midi host box might make it possible to couple a keyboard with 5-pin midi directly to the LK USB port ? Without the need to go through software? Like you I am too an 'old-schooler' concerning the need for dots but in my old age I am trying to gain a better and natural and visual appreciation for musical intervals a'la tonic solfah in a long term bid to play without the need to rely on dots as some player have a natural ability to do -which I envy! Also before the invention of written down music notation in the 11th century musicians didn't play from dots. With best wishes and health Ted
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