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Posts posted by cellachris

  1. 3 hours ago, Jokeyman123 said:

    and to cellachris-it sounds like you have managed to record your program change messages correctly with your software. Once this is done, these settings should be retained as tnicoson has described as long as you saved your file. You got it to work, that's what matters, right?


    And again as tnicoson said, the entire concept of midi as a language has evolved over decades, don't be discouraged that you can't figure it all out in an hour or so! What was supposed to be a simple "protocol" of commands to get midi instruments to work together has morphed into a fairly complex system for use with lighting, audio and every other imaginable thing that can be controlled with software or hardware but the basic language and functions are pretty much the same as when it was first created...with a few other commands added over almost 30 years! :banghead:


    Thanks @Jokeyman123, I think my issue was more with Ableton than the Casio. Since responding last time I found the change message within the MIDI channel on Ableton and now it's a very simple task. Embarrassingly simple, but I'm still pretty new with Ableton. MIDI can be frustrating but it enables some incredible things! Thanks again to everyone who offered their help.

  2. Hey thanks everyone for all of your help and work on this issue. I've never dealt with change messages before so it took some research to get a basic grasp of the concept. Unfortunately I cannot provide a lot of insight into what worked exactly, but I finally got it working. Basically it required me changing the sound to the desired sound while the MIDI passage was playing in Ableton. Before I had Strings selected and then I pressed play, and the Piano sound was recorded. Now that I changed to the string sound while Ableton was in the process of playing the MIDI passage, the correct sound comes out. Furthermore, it continues to play the proper sound if I stop and start it now. 


    Thanks everyone for all of your help.

  3. 11 hours ago, Jokeyman123 said:

    Without seeing your software setup, I would think the midi control change message required to switch to the strings setting is not getting through or is not there at all. Can you install Midiox on your computer, run it while playing the CDP130, and check to see what "CC" control change message is being sent over midi to the computer, without looking at Ableton first? You may have to study Midiox a bit to understand what you are seeing and how to use it, but this will show you the actual midi data being sent from the CDP130 to your computer and to Ableton.  Also remember that to record separate tracks with the CDP130 to Ableton or to any midi sequencer, without my knowing how the CDP does this, you need to change the midi transmit channel for each track. And i will have to look at the manual, but I'm not sure the CDP130 is multi-timbral-is it capable of receiving separate mid channel messages to create multitrack arrangements? If it isn't, it may always be set to transmit the same CC message for the one track. I will study the manual and see if I can help a bit more on this.


    Thanks for the advice Jokeyman123 and also nice avatar, I love Zappa. I'm on a Mac so I cannot use Midiox, apparently Snoize is a mac equivalent. The thing that confuses me is that I'm not trying to record MIDI information in Ableton, I'm trying to record an audio signal. I'm sending MIDI from ableton to the CDP130 and the notes are being played but only with the piano sound. Sorry if I'm missing some basic information about how MIDI works, I've been using it for a while but not to this extent. 

  4. Hey everyone,


    I'm having some MIDI issues with the CDP-130. I am trying to send MIDI information from Ableton Live into the CDP-130. I have the keyboard set on the "strings" setting, however the "Grand Piano" sound is what is recorded in Ableton. The MIDI notes are reaching the keyboard properly, but the wrong sound is coming out. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?


    Thanks for any and all help,

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