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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, I did a little tweak to Steve Weigart Electric Piano that was made by Mike Martin. Now it has distortion controlled by S1 and chorus controlled by S4. Parameters: S1 Distortion S2 Strings S3 Key off S4 chorus S5 Delay S6 Reverb K1-K4 EQ Enjoy πŸ™‚ SW Dist EP.ZPF
  2. Supertramp View File Tentei criar um som de piano parecido com o do grande Roger Hodgson . referΓͺncia ao timbre da mΓΊsica Logical Song - Supertramp . editado no modo Hexlayer Eu fiz a seguinte programação: I tried to create a piano sound similar the great Roger Hodgson . reference to the timbre of music Logical Song - Supertramp . edited in Hexlayer mode I made a Next Programming: Layer 1= PCM Wave 063 (60's EP-2) Volume [+110] CoarseTune [-12] Cutoff [-50] Atk. Time [+127] Rls. Time [+127] _______________________________________________ Layer 2= PCM Wave 064 (Dyno EP-1) Volume [-66] CoarseTune [-12] Cutoff [-38] Atk. Time [000] Rls. Time [000] ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Layer 3= PCM Wave 076 (Trem.EP1-2) Volume [-94] CoarseTune [-12] Cutoff [000] Atk. Time [000] Rls. Time [000] ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Layer 4= PCM Wave 024 (Dance Piano) Volume [-108] CoarseTune [-12] Cutoff [-17] Atk. Time [000] Rls. Time [000] ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Layer 5= PCM Wave 019 (Rock Pno-Rt) Volume [-100] CoarseTune [00] Cutoff [000] Atk. Time [000] Rls. Time [000] Submitter Guilherme Moreira Submitted 06/13/2016 Category XW-P1
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Tentei criar um som de piano parecido com o do grande Roger Hodgson . referΓͺncia ao timbre da mΓΊsica Logical Song - Supertramp . editado no modo Hexlayer Eu fiz uma programação seguinte : I tried to create a piano sound similar the great Roger Hodgson . reference to the timbre of music Logical Song - Supertramp . edited in Hexlayer mode I made a Next Programming: Layer 1= PCM Wave 063 (60's EP-2) Volume [+110] CoarseTune [-12] Cutoff [-50] Atk. Time [+127] Rls. Time [+127] _______________________________________________ Layer 2= PCM Wave 064 (Dyno EP-1) Volume [-66] CoarseTune [-12] Cutoff [-38] Atk. Time [000] Rls. Time [000] ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Layer 3= PCM Wave 076 (Trem.EP1-2) Volume [-94] CoarseTune [-12] Cutoff [000] Atk. Time [000] Rls. Time [000] ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Layer 4= PCM Wave 024 (Dance Piano) Volume [-108] CoarseTune [-12] Cutoff [-17] Atk. Time [000] Rls. Time [000] ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Layer 5= PCM Wave 019 (Rock Pno-Rt) Volume [-100] CoarseTune [00] Cutoff [000] Atk. Time [000] Rls. Time [000]
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