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Found 11 results

  1. Hello, guys! My CTX3000 became a headache to me and it's new. Not even a year old yet. And I don't use it everyday. Before, every time I open it, beats automatically plays. When I went to the Casio Service Center, it was repaired. But then, few months later, it's happening again. I am very careful with my stuff that's why I know myself I didn't do anything to break it. Even the repairman said he doesn't know the cause because he observed that the keyboard is safely used. Can anyone tell me what's happening? Why does this keep on playing beats by itself when opened? And also, when that happens, I can't even control the buttons anymore. Even the power button. When I need to close it, I have to pull the plug out.
  2. Hi guys I am a beginner, from yesterday I am facing an issue in my ctx 700 keyboard, everything is fine except the G key is not working in the display it's showing its pressed or something if it's correct, please can someone help me with the problem, thank you
  3. Hi there everyone, I just joined this forum community a few weeks ago after purchasing my PX-5S. It is awesome being here - lots of questions I've had have been answered! That said, I was hoping someone could help me out about this issue: I've been trying to post a new horn patch I designed to the PX-5S Downloads sub-forum, but I keep getting the error "Error code: 3D286/1" when trying to post any subcategory of file (from +create =>File Download=>any category). I'd love to post this setting and a really nice piano patch I've modified. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Any help is appreciated. Thank you!!
  4. I recently acquired a Casio CZ-2000S. I have been trying to upload some patches to it from my computer. I use MIDI-OX and a MIDI-to-USB cable to send midi messages between the CZ and my computer. Notes played on the CZ are shown in the MIDI-OX window, hence I expect the midi connection is ok. However, no sysex data can be received or sent, no bytes are transferred. If I plug in the MIDI-to-USB cable while the CZ is turned on, it shows the following error message: *MIDI* DATA ERROR! When I turn it on after connecting it doesn't show this message. I'm not sure whether this error is related to the problem described above or if the CZ should be turned off when connecting anyway. I would like to be able to exchange sysex files between my CZ and computer. Any help would be much appreciated!
  5. I have a Casio CTK-720. I make beats on Fruity Loops Studio. Usually I would connect my keyboard to my Windows PC, and there would be no issue. It worked instantly. Now when I plug it up, my CPU does not recognize the Keyboard's hardware. I have downloaded the driver software from the Casio website, and it still does not recognizing it. This is very frustrating because it worked perfectly before. Please help.
  6. Hello! As it is written in the title. My at least 12 y. o. Casio WK 7500 is tuning itself! It is super weird and it is totaly accidental, happens time to time. Mostly while I am playing (!), the pitch starts to change. First it sounds like a bit of pitch wheel but then it goes absolutely to a honky tonk piano without any use of pitch wheel or system transposition. Today for the first time it changed its pitch completely to a higher tone and made me huge troubles because I was just choosing the tuning for my singing repertoir. The thing which scares me the most is that it takes usually few minutes and it repairs itself for some time. How is that even possible? Do you have or know the same problem? Thank you for the answer. Hopeless Iva P.
  7. hello again - You all helped me so much with the rhythm-problems - Now i have the next one, First, sorry for my English I am from Austria. First I have to say <I tried it with two new differnt USB Flash Drives. In the manual you can read that it is possible to store under the "Musicdat" wav files ( 16 bit, 44,1 khz ) . I made the files like this and saved it on the usb drive. befor I did this i formated the USB via the Keyboard. After starting the Audio the Keyboard started mounting and then always the same: Error with the file- PLEASE HELP - WHAT am I doing wrong ??? I send one of the files Anna Anna.wav
  8. I recently found out about the feature on the sd card , so i decreased the size of my 16gb sd card into 1gb and i get this error "card r/w" when formating it in the piano. What does it mean? and how do i fix that?
  9. I depend on Opera 12.02 because my PC (made from finest DOS-age hardware with AMD K6-3+@550MHz,768MB RAM on Win98SE) can not run newer browsers. When I try to reply in this forum, the editor window has turned into a solid grey rectangle with no text input field. So I can only edit with javascript turned off, which shows a plain textbox without style buttons that is awkward to handle, because I have to remember BB codes by trial and error and so e.g. can not upload photos or properly quote with name anymore. Please fix this!
  10. Hi All, I was wondering if anyone else ran into the File Format Error while trying to add some of the downloads from this site to their XW-P1 through Data Editor. It seems to happen with the Performance menu with .ZPF files. Theres some really cool looking tracks I'd like to put on but cant seem to do it without getting the error. But only for Performance Mode. I havent had a problem with the Hex Layers. If there is already a post on this site that i missed it would be much appreciated if you could add it. I'm new to the site and new to the XW-P1 and love it so far and this forum and download site is awesome!!!. Much Thanks
  11. So I recorded myself playing my casio priva px5s and i go trough all the steps to play it back but its silent. I took the usb drive to my pc but the wave file plays back silent there too. My usb drive is formatted corectely i dont know whats wrong.
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