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Found 15 results

  1. Hello everyone! My main question is: How can I stack multiple drawbar tones in one? My intention is to recreate my own pipeorgan tone. Basically, I've saved my own edited drawbar tones and tried do use it in the hex layer. But, in the hex layer only shows a "close" list of waves, also there are some "UserSplit" waves. How do I access this "user" waves? Can I save my drawbar tones in there? If I could, then it is solved my question. If anyone have any other suggestions, please help.
  2. Hello. I'm trying to see if I can (somewhat) recreate the Crystal Rhodes/EP sound from the JD-800. From what I can gather from the internet, that patch was made with an EP waveform, a pad waveform, and a gamelan waveform. The PX-5S has comparable EP and pad waveforms, what I can't find is something similar to the gamelan sound. All the metallic percussion has "thud" sound and the synths have a guitar "pluck" sound. I need that "tink" sound from the JD's waveform. Does anyone have any ideas to get that sound from the PX-5S? I'm about two to three weeks into this, and am bashing my head against the wall. I'm starting to think I may need to use 2 HexLayers to make it; one for the gamelan sound and the other for the EP-pad layer. Aside from that, I still need to figure out how the filters effected those old waveforms to match that. Any help in the right direction would be appreciated. Thank, y'all.
  3. Ok. So I have this phrase recorded on the PX-5S that was made for a particular hex layer tone I made. I want to playback the phrase as a part of a song sequence where: track1 is the phrase for the hex layer tone and track2 plays another phrase consisting of a drum pattern. Now, in the song mixer I can tell the PX-5s which instrument or tone I want to use for a particular track. I succeeded in picking a drum set for the drum phrase. However, I can't select the said hex layer tone as my tone for the phrase in track1. I consulted the tutorial manual for the PX-5S and according to it, in its tone list, (page E-45), the program change number for user hex layer tones 050-127 is 50-127, while the Bank Select MSB Value is 97 For hex layer tones 128-199 the program change number is 0-71 and the Bank select MSB value is 98. I tried to dial in the corresponding program change number with Bank Select MSB set to 97 and 98 - but I don't see my hexlayer tone as a selected tone. Any suggestions? Help is greatly appreciated, Thanks. Jay 🎹
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Teste do do clássico timbre da música Save a Prayer, a partir do recurso Hex Layer do Casio MZ-X500, misturando Pulse Waves, aplicando efeitos de delay, chorus. É a primeira tentativa, futuramente, será feito os ajustes mais finos, além da aplicação do portamento. Vídeo de demonstração: https://youtu.be/Zgyw-sMLKB0
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This is a hex layer attempt at the landing jet at the beginning and end of "Back in the USSR", by the Beatles. The zip file contains an MP3 of the sample so you can listen to it before you go through all the effort of loading it into the PX-5S.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Tried to recreate the vocals of "I'm not in love" using internal samples, not perfect or complete, but with some adjust it could be of good use, hope you like, and help me finish , cutoff 35-55 may help improve fidelity.
  7. Piano ALI.ZLT Fiz usando o hex layer, Slider 1 - é volume do GndPiano L1 Slider 2 - é o volume do GndPinano R2 Slider 3 - controla um strings coloquei pra fazer fundo.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    An HexLayer tone to have a more powerful and convincing pan flute-like sound, I've created this tone to play "The Lonely Shepherd"
  9. Version 1.0.0


    A rich HexLayer tone I'm having fun with it, it have splits and velocity triggered voices, play it softly for smooth sounds (right hand sounds will starts to detune if holded), or play it harder to trigger more powerful sounds. I hope you like it
  10. Version 1.0.1


    Here is new tone MR Funk wah (load to Hex Layer) and registration for all controller. Modulation wheel is in use for Distortion, Knob1 for Dealay, Knob2 for Reverb, Knob3 for Amp and Expression pelad for Wah. This is a very Rock setting... I'd be glad to hear did you rock with it...? I love this odd px-560 ! In this setup I used MR Funk wah in Upper1 and Syn-Bass+Ld in Upper2. First load the tone to Hexlayer and save it and then registration and save it to bank+area.
  11. Version V1.00


    Enjoy it
  12. File Name: Save A Prayer Tone File Submitter: Berk5 File Submitted: 18 Feb 2016 File Category: XW-P1 Enjoy it Click here to download this file
  13. Hi, guys, Is there a way to change the bender wheel range in HexLayer tones? Reading the manual, I found the parameter, but only for performance mode. Thanks!
  14. Version Hexlayer


    A Choir & String Hexlayer that I just had created on my XW-P1. I have just as base the "SOFT ANALOG PAD" uploaded here by eddieriff. I tweaked it and added some other sounds to it. it is a 6 layer piece. For me the best way to use it is sliding with the mixer-sliders to play around with the different layer-sounds or using different key-touch Hope you can use it.
  15. File Name: Choirstrings.ZLT File Submitter: phrozenlight File Submitted: 31 Aug 2013 File Category: XW-P1 A Choir & String Hexlayer that I just had created on my XW-P1. I have just as base the "SOFT ANALOG PAD" uploaded here by eddieriff. I tweaked it and added some other sounds to it. it is a 6 layer piece. For me the best way to use it is sliding with the mixer-sliders to play around with the different layer-sounds or using different key-touch Hope you can use it. Click here to download this file
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