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  1. My Casio Privia PX330 Digital Piano doesn't play the sound it should, instead it just plays some white noise and glitchy audio, This happens with all the soundfonts, with or without headphones on, but when I play audio from their speakers, they do sound normal and plays perfectly any audio, so the problem should be something going on inside the Preamp of the Piano I suppose? Video https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K9frFyxwWOcWn3rDlsfAOcJYiDzUxk22/view?usp=drive_link
  2. Hello, guys! My CTX3000 became a headache to me and it's new. Not even a year old yet. And I don't use it everyday. Before, every time I open it, beats automatically plays. When I went to the Casio Service Center, it was repaired. But then, few months later, it's happening again. I am very careful with my stuff that's why I know myself I didn't do anything to break it. Even the repairman said he doesn't know the cause because he observed that the keyboard is safely used. Can anyone tell me what's happening? Why does this keep on playing beats by itself when opened? And also, when that happens, I can't even control the buttons anymore. Even the power button. When I need to close it, I have to pull the plug out.
  3. I hear no sound when playing the keys without headphones. I tried factory settings, Local control but nothing happening. Please give me clue. Thank you.
  4. Does the CASIO PX-S3000 have the same sound quality of the same tones as the CASIO CT-X5000?
  5. Does the CASIO CT-X5000 have the same sound quality of the same tones as the CASIO PX-S3000?
  6. I just recently bought px160 After reading almost every reviews online and watching all the demo videos on YouTube. It sounded amazing. Since I was going to okay the piano almost 100 percent of time with a good headphone, I thought it was not necessary to buy higher models that have better speaker system (believed that they all carry the same piano sound if heard using a headphone). Therefore, instead of investing money on piano, I spent them on the headphone Sennheiser HD598 with impedance of 50 ohm which (I believe) is enough to sound great on most portable devices. However, compared to Sony MDR-XB500 (which has heavy bass focus, so I do not like the sound from it), the sound quality I am getting from HD598 is muffled and very disappointing. Could someone figure out this kind of issue? Also, any advice to improve the sound quality of px160 heard from a headphone is greatly appreciated! I spent more than 200 dollars on the headphone thinking that it will make the px160 sound like a real piano...... The headphone works great on any other device. It is just with px160 that I am disappointed at....
  7. Version 1.0.0


    I modified the GrPnoConcert again and this time added Stereo3BndEQ DSP. Each area registration uses the same sound but the Knob assignments are different to get a variety of different piano flavors. Adjust K1 and K2 to taste. 1. Modified GrPnoConcert using Stereo3BndEQ (K1 cutoff freq, K2 resonance) - turn K1 down for a more mellow sound 2. Modified GrPnoConcert using Stereo3BndEQ (K1 brilliance, K2 reverb send) 3. Modified GrPnoConcert using Stereo3BndEQ (K1 chorus send, K2 reverb send)- a little chorus can go a long way 4. Modified GrPnoConcert using Stereo3BndEQ (K1 attack time, K2 release time) - you can get some interesting sounds changing K1 and K2
  8. Hi Everyone! Its been about 4 months and my keyboard has been giving me problems. Specifically, the "B" note of the keyboard is sounding rather shrill and that's getting worse. I'm sure something's wrong with the speakers. Please help. Thanks in advance! Below attached is the sound recording that describes the issue. Voice Capture 011.m4a
  9. Hello guys! I discovered something not very pleasant about the issue of equalization. Using the envelope knob I ended up with something scary ... For that I used the attack control (K1) at its highest possible value and adjusted the value of the release control (K2) to zero. Playing note by note from note E4 to the octaves below it is possible to notice that the sound sample has a higher pitch mixed with the original sound. When a lower note is played, this sound is very noticeable and "spoils" the sound sample by mixing a frequency or timbre that most resembles an acoustic bass or something like that. I don't know if other PX-S3000 users have noticed this. I will post a video with tests that I did on my DAW and I await your comment. The first four played have no release and no attack values. P.S.: I'm very sorry about the hamming noise... I need to change my cables... 😕 Thanks! CASIO stereostrings analysis.mp4
  10. Hi everyone I am new to this forum and the PX-5S. On Soundcloud.com I've come across the following PX-5S demo: Casio Music Gear@soundcloud: orbiting The accompanying text says "A new sound that is available for download at www.casiomusicforums.com for the Privia PX-5S." But where on this forum do I find it? - I've been looking high and low for this, but to no avail. Help is much appreciated! Thanks, Jay 🎵
  11. Hi I own a mini keyboard Casio SA-76 model. The keyboard sound is almost inaudible . When the casio keyboard is powered on, at the beginning there is very feeble sound on pressing keys but as we keep on pressing the keys , soon the tune is almost muted. The volume is set to maximum and the battery sets are new . Initially we thought it to be a battery problem and replaced all the batteries. But no improvement whatsoever. It may be noted that we are using our keyboard after a long period (after around 6 months). Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks and warm wishes Saurav
  12. Hiya, I own a Casio WK-3200. Am a second owner. I am also selling it as I am looking to upgrade so I want to know if I can fix it. The person I bought the keyboard from wasnt the owner, but her sister owned it and was selling for her. She said her sister had barely used it at all. When I got it, the keyboard looked great, well kept so I dont want to blame damage from the previous owner. Problem: So all keys work fine except for C2 and C3. The issue is when these two are pressed with a bit more force, either individually or together, there is a rattling sound or like a distortion. When I play a C octave as bass notes on the left hand and a C chord on the right hand (with the two keys being pressed mentioned above) it is highly likely that this distorted or like rattling sound occurs. It makes playing the notes sound bad, happens in both speakers. Touch sensitivity is set to 2, which is good for how I play but its just the two C notes ruining it. If I set the tranpose to '01' instead of '00' it fixes it but it changes how everything sounds and I am not a fan. This ringing/rattling/distorted noise happens on any touch sensitivity just at different points when pressing the keys. Its not a matter of 'just press the keys with less force', I am selling this keyboard and it shouldn't happen so I am asking for a fix for it so its as good as new to go to a new owner.
  13. Is there anyone still reading this forum? If you use your CASIO to play in a band, please reply with : the keyboard(s) you use the amplification the size and type of band / music IF you want, also include YouTube links to video of your band, or your band's web address. I have a WK 7500 and have been having a terrible time with amps, and outdoor gigs. It just doesn't cut through the band noise. Thanks :-)
  14. Berk5

    Insomnia Saw

    Version v1.0


    Just enjoy it My Video(I used Insomnia Saw)
  15. IF I cannot fix my broken volume knob, which other keyboards should I shop for ... which include built-in speakers??? I've really become quite attached to having built-in speakers! Thanks for any leads. YOu can include links if you wish! :-)
  16. My 3800 had the perfect steel guitar sound ... perfect attack ,etc. Most of you are probably too young to remember the Byrds "You Ain't Goin' Nowhere" but that CASIO had the PERFECT sound . . . I traded up for a new WK 7500, and the sound seems to be missing . . . can anyone help me find the Pedal STEELE GUITAR on the WK 7500:
  17. I didn't see an obvious post for this so I thought I'd post it. Here's a direct download PDF of the appendix, listing all the onboard default sounds: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiejbX_z5zYAhUK_WMKHdDKBJwQFggpMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsupport.casio.com%2Fen%2Fmanual%2F008%2F07S1APPEND-WL-1A_EN.pdf&usg=AOvVaw3GuVxLSmqwb07Mn5hNsxAo
  18. I have a Casio CDP-100 I haven't used it in a long time (I find the keys too heavy) I've attached a small sound clip of the issue - I'm hoping it's just loose solder The first note I hit is with the piano on under half volume. the last two are on full volume IMG_0574 (1).mp3
  19. Hello, recently i bought PX860, everything has been good, but today i noticed that 3rd highest B Flat sounds really short, comparing to others. you can watch the attached vid to see it. Is there any way to solve it? CF088B05-DC29-4624-BD5E-2DFB939F2AF0.MOV
  20. Hello everyone. My new song is here. (All of keyboard parts recorded by Casio XW-P1)
  21. Hi just bought a privia px 760 second hand but in mint condition. I trusted the reviews talking about an award winning piano sound. I must say I am far from impressed. Particularly C3 to C4 sounds too bright and metallic to the point that my 8yo daughter asked "is that a guitar?" I reset everything to factory default, but that sound is still there. Any tip on how to optimise the concert piano sound to make it sound like a ... piano? Thanks
  22. Hi I am new to the group and am in serious need of help. I have a PX 750, suddlenly the left keybord stopped playing sound. Both Centre and righ keyboards do play as normal. Before I take it to the service I was wondering if anyone can be of help. Much appreciated. Cheers. Nacho
  23. I don't know if I'm allowed to ask this/ask it here, but is there a sound that is like the keyboard in take on me? I've been wanting to try to recreate it. If there's something that's similar but not exact, I'm okay with that
  24. Hi. I have the PX750. Was doing OK until one day kids might have messed with it. It turns on fine, lights initialise but then i realise the power lamp is not lighted. I also get no sound. I've tried function / local sound etc but get nothing. I can't seem to enable operation tone either. One thing for sure, operation lock works (func+last key) Off and on it seems to be OK when I mess around enough with function+X but after I disconnect mains and try to turn it on again, I get this non operative mode. Can anyone tell me what's going on pls. Must be some midi/usb/local setting.... Thanks
  25. I purchased a used PX-160, however sound is not working with the internal speaker system. Is there a system reset or function that I need to press for it to work? Audio inputs using the front port produces sound.
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