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CT-X 700/800 Keybed and styles quality vs Yamaha ?


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I have seen some of you have had noisy keybed problems with the CT-X700/800. ;  is it a frequent problem or isolated cases ?


As I hesitate between this model and the Yamaha PSR-E363/463,  can you give me your opinion on the quality of the keybed for these models compared to Yamaha ? 


And by the way how do the CT-X styles compare with PSR-E ?


Thank you in advance for your advice



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  • 4 weeks later...

Even the MZ-X500 gets knocked for keys being cheaper than relative Yamaha or Korg or Roland.

But for the price the X500 offers more overall. But all Casios in every range beat the other three major companies (Yamaha, Roland, Korg).


I am teetering between the CT-X800 and 3000 models myself for my needs as a guitarist who needs a low cost keyboard that gets it done, and not some $2,000 arranger that Yamaha considers a “moderate” market Yamaha.

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  • 3 months later...

Yo me desidi por casio mzx500 entre

Yamaha psr750

Roland ea7

Korg pa700

Lo encontre en oferta y pss no dude y estoy a gusto con el, puse samples, efectos, edite todos los drum kids y sonidos a mi gusto y tengo un teclado sintetizador a mi necesidad, tengo teclados avanzados como un roland gw8 pero estoy mas a gusto con mi casio mzx500.

Comparar casio ctx 5000 con 64 de polifonia y en unos 32, frente a yamaha psr e 463 con 48 de polifonia, la polifonia es muy importante, le da mas potencia y presencia al sonido.

a la hora de tocar con estilos casio ctx 5000 tiene 1intro 4 main y 1 eding, y 4 multipads de efectos.

yamaha psr e463 tiene su funcion groove con perillas para hacer una revolucion al estilo dj, y puede copiar samples de otros sonidos.

pero en casio tienes buena posibilidad de edición y guardar 100 sonidos de usuario.


casio ctx 5000 =8x16 bancos

yamaha psr e 463 =4x8 bancos

para un tecladista esto tambien es muy inportante en el directo.

yo me voy por el casio, claro que a mas baja serie se iran recortando efectos y funciones.

Yamaha en mi ciudad suele ser algo mas caro.

Solo me gustaria que se pudiera dividir sus 4 sonidos en layers por capas, osea dividido en 4 partes el teclado por sonidos y me lo compro


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I decided on casio mzx500 between

Yamaha psr750

Roland ea7

Korg pa700

I found it on offer and pss do not hesitate and I am comfortable with it, I put samples, effects, edit all the drum kids and sounds to my liking and I have a synthesizer keyboard to my need, I have advanced keyboards like a roland gw8 but I am more at I like my casio mzx500.

Compare casio ctx 5000 with 64 of polyphony and in about 32, compared to yamaha psr e 463 with 48 of polyphony, polyphony is very important, it gives more power and presence to the sound.

when it comes to playing with casio ctx 5000 styles it has 1intro 4 main and 1 eding, and 4 multipads of effects.

yamaha psr e463 has its groove function with knobs to make a dj-style revolution, and you can copy samples of other sounds.

but in casio you have good possibility of editing and saving 100 user sounds.


casio ctx 5000 = 8x16 banks

yamaha psr e 463 = 4x8 banks

For a keyboard player this is also very important in the live performance.

I am going for the casio, of course that at a lower series will be cutting effects and functions.

Yamaha in my city is usually somewhat more expensive.

And by the keyboard I tried it to my pairser everything well in the casio ctx 5000

I would only like an update that gives me the possibility of dividing its 4 sounds into layers by layers on the keyboard and I buy it.

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