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Hey, Ruby’s back, kiddos! Yeay! Ain’t that nice?! Her and Zaphod are chillin’ on a Zreoan sunny day, just passing the time with some lazy cloud watchin’. Ruby tells Zaphod of her friend the Bodhi-bug. That’s right, dude is a bug, man! Faaar out! A 4 foot tall species of intelligent insect! Cool! He’s bodhi too. Whaz that you say? You’ve never heard of bodhisattvas? Well, now you’ve. So go ahead and Google it for more info. Every human on Earth now has instant access to the entire recorded knowledge of Man via their phones! Oldies like me had to look stuff up in instantly outdated encyclopedias back in the bad old days. And they didn’t fit in your pocket either. You should be learning at least one new fact every day. Do it! Knowledge is power! At 1:48 too bad the camera pans off Ruby while she’s enumerating the 25 steps to becoming a wholly enlightened being. Sorry about that. I’ll try to fill you in on those later. Heh heh.

Hey! What gives at 3:47?! Aw, man! It was all just a dream?! Oh, crap! I pulled one of those on ya, heh heh! That’s Ted the bleephole in SD’s nightmare. He kidnapped SD’s love, Ruby. Whoa, man, not cool! SD has been following the traces of Ted’s spaceship for months, but the nefarious evildoer is always one step ahead of him. Dang! Space nerts!! SD awakens in a deep dark pit. You ever been at the bottom of one of those? Yeah, we all been there. We all gonna be there again. And again. **sigh** And again, and again, and….. So easy to fall. So hard to climb back up to the top.

SD wonders if maybe this Bodhi-bug guy could help him find Ruby. His ships Frinkatron 9000 plots a course to the Bodhi-bug’s home, the planet Marama. The first 4 minutes is the Casio CT-390 from a ‘95 tape. At 6:08 it’s back to the ‘92 tape this story is based on. I now call that stuff the “Space Dude Theme.” At 7:03 the Yamaha PSR-190 joins the Casio with some stuff recorded in ‘98. At 9:05 I have some Extreme Trivia for you to play. Can you name the five spaceships that are docked at Marama Space Port and the one that floats upward? I doubt it. This trivia test has a hardness rating of 12 on the 15 point Schmallmakker scale of reference obscurity!

At 13 minutes, there he is, the Bodhi-bug! Pretty cute, eh? He’s part damselfly and part grasshopper. And he’s blue! He can fly, he can jump the length of a football field in one leap, he can give ya a pretty nasty bite, he can talk, he freely dispences nuggets o’ wisdom, and he loves Led Zeppelin! Coo-uhl! How do you like my reggae with accordian “B.B.’s Theme”? Man, I sure played some strange stuff over the years. When B.B. talks I want you to hear the voice of George Carlin or B.B. King in your mind. Maybe a combination of the two.

B.B. takes SD into the lotus dome, where your emotions are converted into music only you can hear. So, what do you hear in there? B.B. has learned how to project his thoughts from Mojo of ZBS stories. Look into the meditation pond and he’ll show you visions of the bleepholes. I’m further developing the “bleephole” characters found in the ZBS Ruby series. Bleephole being the polite term for a**holes. Who are the bleepholes? Everything that is wrong. Just start with Nazis and keep going. Racists, sexists, speciesists, every evil you can imagine, that’s them. They assume they’re superior to all other beings. They kill and destroy without batting an eye. They actually enjoy it. They revel in the spilling of blood! Empathy and caring are signs of weakness!! The weak shall be destroyed!!! Only the strong survive!!!! Tell me, you know people like that, don’t you? And it’s been so long too. Geez. But human cultural and mental evolution and improvement continues, right? My positivistic side says that things are pretty good right this minute and always Getting Better (it can’t get no worse). My pessimistic side howls with laughter at my positivistic side, slapping it’s knees in uncontrollable fits of disbelief, emitting hoots and hollers, “Wha ha ha! What a Pollyanna! What a rube!” Then my pessimistic side spits in the face of my positivistic side saying “you’re an idiot!” The battle continues.

They were once bleepholes themselves on the planet Marama. They went through all the same crap that all intelligent beings have to go through on their journey upward. The cave man years. The industrial development. Seeing every new invention as a new way to kill more and more people more and more efficiently. Eventually they outgrew evil. They matured. Some do. Some don’t. Marama and Velnias lie on opposite sides of the same galaxy. B.B. offers to help SD rescue Ruby. But how? Hmm. At 19:40 B.B. sings some Plant / Page Friends from the third Zep album. Zaphod and B.B. instantly bond over their mutual Zep appreciation. Zeppelin rules!!

Can they rescue Ruby? Is she even still...alive? Oh! Man, this is getting scary!

Keep your eyebulbs peeled for the hidden Red Dude in this episode. First spotter gets 1,000 points! (Points are non-transferable. Void where prohibited.)

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