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Ginkiter’s Casio Mid To CMS Converter Program-Manual

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Ginkiter’s Casio Mid To CMS Converter Program: Here is a manual on how to use the program.  I will also upload a Word Doc. Hats off to Ginkiter.


The First Page is an informational page. If you choose to click on the Open File Tab at the top, open a file and file data will appear in the large page to the right, for informational purposes. A Tab with the File Name will appear at the top.

The Long rectangular box with the Up/Down Button is to display the file data of any files listed in Tabs across the top of the page. Starting at “0”, incrementing moves to the next file that was opened.  It doesn’t appear that opening a file on this page is necessary.





To convert a File from Midi To CMS, go to “Midi Convert” Tab. Select the drive and mid file by double clicking whatever folder the file is stored in. The File Names will appear in the column to the right. File Data may appear in far right for viewing.

Double click on the File Name. The page will automatically switch to the “CMS ????” Tab.









At the same time the chosen mid file name will be listed in the Upper rectangular box, below the file name column. There are two boxes and the lower box will automatically display the same file name, but with a “.CMS” extension.

Click once on the box on the lower left labeled

“ ????????????? “. Additional file data from the current file will appear on the large page to the right and the newly converted .cms file will be copied to where ever the companion mid file was stored.  Your Done.


Hats off to Ginkiter for developing this program, the only one of it’s kind in existence.



Casio Midi To CMS.docx

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