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Trying to achieve a certain stage setting


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I'm slowly getting the hang of altering sounds -- and had a wonderful epiphany over the weekend by adding some mid-high gain (i.e., analyzing the problem and figuring out how to solve it) -- but I'm not getting the controller thing.  Here is what I want to do:


1.  Stage setting has 4:  1) synstrings 2; 2) woods&strings; 3) flute; 4) warm pad.  Attacks are all fast -- this is no New Age pad swell stuff.  I'm playing along to flutes and strings.  What I want to do is --


2.  Incorporate about a 5 db cut because on one song, the first verse, I play a part that's quieter.  Turns out about 5 db works.  Then when it's time for verse 2, I want to push a slider up really quickly to get back to normal volume.


3.  Volume sliders for each of the tones, but with a minimum sound value.


4.  A slider for the relative synstrings/flute volumes (up is more strings, down more flute)


5.  Same for W&S/warm pad.


If anyone can help, I'm grateful.  Needless to say, I'm really excited about using the PX-5.  I almost jumped ship to Nord because while the PX-3 was good, I knew I needed something better.  Found it.

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Hi Blood-Pudding,


While I'm new to all this, An idea came to mind regarding the volume control.  Not sure if I understand phrases but I think this might work:


Phrases can store slider and knob information.  So if you can trigger a phrase that has only the specifc volumes/eqs they should be able to be set instantly without having to touch the sliders. It's all theory to me right now, but it seems like a possibility.  Figure out a way to trigger the phrase and I imagine it would work.


To further elaborate, you can store up to 8k of information in a phrase.  Let's say you could create a phrase of midi events that's as long as a particular song or verse.  You could program in all of the volume changes you need.  As long as your playing is synced with the timing of the phrase, your volume changes would "key in" automatically at the desired parts without you having to manipulate the knobs or sliders.  Of course, the timing would be the thing to manage. 


The phrases may only be triggered through a Stage Setting, so to have the midi events run independently, I think you could store the phrase(s) as a song and play the song along with whatever you are performing.


Another option is to have mirrored stage settings that have the volumes set to the different levels you desire.  Then simply switch from one to the next with the same set of sounds but different EQs.

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