About This File
These are some personal tones I have edited . The 3 guitars are variations of effects and amp cabs. The other tones are mostly done with some significant DSP EQ applied. Some of these play louder than others so watch your hearing....
StPV - Stratocaster Peavey Amp
StratFG - Stratocaster Flanger
BrtStrt - Bright Stratocaster EQ'd
Brass 2 - EQ'd
BrasFal2 - Brass Fall 2 EQ'd
BrasFal3 - Brass Fall 3 EQ'd
Brass 3 - EQ'd
CjnAcdn - Cajun Accordion EQ'd
DeePipe - Pipe Organ Deep Bass EQ'd
ActBasF - Acoustic Bass EQ'd
TSax EQ - Tenor Sax EQ'd