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Magic Man by Heart Synth Solo Break
By DaveMcM
I did this late last night and plan to tweak it a bit but it is pretty close. There are two files, one is the edited tone and the other is the registration with controller assignments.
Controller assignments:
Mod Wheel - Portamento Rate Knob 1- Pitch LFO Depth Knob 2- Filter CutOff Frequency Knob 3- Filter Resonance Level CC Pedal- Expression
My plan was to use the Pitch Envelope Generator for the dive bomb effect at the end of the solo break, but turns out it is not as functional as the AMP and Filter envelope generators. I am using the Mod Wheel to control Portamento Rate because it is easier to go from zero rate (no portamento) to the pre-assigned slowest rate (to match the song tempo). The knobs being rotary encoders that have no 'full off/full on' means it requires multiple spins to reach the slowest rate. Much easier to reach over and push the Mod Wheel all the up quickly for the big slide. Hope that makes sense. Then once the vocals come back in it's easy to add just a bit of Portamento while also adding some resonant filter sweeps behind the vocals.