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109 files

  1. Casio MT-40 Drums

    Here' a user wave tone (MT_40_SE.ZWT), a performance file (MT_40_PE.ZPF), a sequencer file (MT_40_SE.ZSS) and an audio demo of it all (MT40 Samples Demo 1.wav) that I made from the samples described below:
    Casio MT-40 Drum Samples & Demos - Classic Casio Discussion - Casio Music Forums
    you can play the drums using these keys on the keyboard:
    C2    = kick
    Eb2 = clave
    E2    = snare
    F#2 = closed hihat
    Bb2= open hihat
    or you can start the step sequencer with the sequence already made.
    To link the tone and the sequence in the performance, I use the following memory slots:
    Performance U:8-0
    Tone U:208
    Sequence U:5-5
    Have Fun
    Jay 🎹


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  2. NeverEndingStory

    Here is an attempt to create the beginning of a performance file for Giorgio Moroder's “The Never Ending Story” sung by Limahl -
    for the XW-G1.
    NEVEREND.ZPF - performance file
    NEVEREND.ZSS- sequencer file (in slot U:4-7)
    NEVEREND.ZPH - phrase file (to be used on control track 14 in the sequence)  (in slot U:3-7)
    NEVEREN2.ZPH - phrase file with piano/melody (to be triggered by a push on the Phrase Seq Play/Stop button) (in slot U:3-8)
    NeverEnding.wav - a sound example. You may download this file first to hear the performance in action.
    (You may have to edit the performance file and possibly also the sequencer file in order for the to link to the respective files correctly).
    Jay 🎹 


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  3. Billie Jean by Michael Jackson V05

    I see there are a lot of song-ready stage settings for the PX-5S, but not so for the XW-G1 😮
    So, here's my take at making a song-ready performance/step sequence for the XW-G1 to make up for that imbalance.
    This my first attempt at doing so, and what you have here is perhaps a bit preliminary in the sense that it isn't complete.
    However, this is just the first "draft". If you like it, please tell me - and I might improve it at some point
    I have included 3 files in this upload:
    BILLIEJE.ZPF - Performance File BILLIEJ5.ZSS - Step Sequencer File  
    Billie Jean by Michael Jackson for Casio XW-G1.WAV - Sound Example  
    (in the perfomance, the step sequence is placed in U: 2-2)
    (in the Sound Example I play the melody on my PX-5S)

    Jay 🎹


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  4. Casio CT-370 Drums

    For fun I sampled some drum sound from my CT-370 to my XW-G1, and made a sequence aswell.
    In this upload, I've included four files:
    CT-370 Drums Sequence.wav - an audio file for demonstration purposes
    CT-370__.ZPF - a performance file that links every thing together
    CT-370__.ZSS - a step sequencer file
    CT-370_D.ZWT - a user wave tone
    Once loaded, the performance lets your play five sampled drum sounds from the keyboard:
    C2 - Bass Drum 2
    C# - Rim Shot
    E2 - Snare Drum 
    F#2 - Closed Hihat 1
    Bb2 - Open Hihat 1
    You can use Knobs K1-K4 to adjust the internal equalizer too.
    The step sequence has currently four different patterns that all make use of the sampled drum sounds. You can hear it in the wav file.
    Notice: The performance file expects the user wave tone to be placed in slot 209 and the sequence to be placed in slot 3-7.
    Jay 🎹


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  5. Oberheim DX

    a sample (User Wave Tone) of Oberheim DX | Vintage Synth Explorer split in five parts:
    C2  -  Kick
    E2  -  Snare
    F#2 - Closed Hihat
    Bb2 - Open Hihat
    C3  - Cymbal 
    That you can use for keyboard play or in the step sequencer.
    Jay 🎹


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  6. 4 On The Floor solo-synths

    A collection of solo synth sounds basically for electronic music. 


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  7. AllPack Festival edition.

    Most of my performances are build for the looper.
    I also did stand alone performances and regular ones.
    I will present a recording of one of them so now and then.
    In this pack there are performances.
    A set of solo-synth sounds I'm building up.
    Step sequence for drum patterns.
    I'm going to edit this pack and probably make seperate ones specially the bass 
    performances of which some sound pretty cool. 
    I haven't spend much time cleaning out by deleting unwanted parts.
    But I'll work on it and update this zall file. 
    Explore it, change it , play it , record it.   
    I've recorded loops with these performances in the sample looper "Press Play" discover them. 
    Ive added two MP3's Festival Pack is how some of the patches sound like.
    Sample loops are loops I've made in combinations with step sequence , performance and solo synth. 
    Festival Pack sounds.MP3
    Sample loops.MP3


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  8. XW-G1 - Sweet Dreams (are made of this)

    This was something I originally did on the PX-5s. I have heard some people use the XW's for this song. I decided to give it a go myself.
    This is a step sequence and performance file along with custom melody tones for playing this song.
    Demo on my soundcloud page....https://soundcloud.com/bradmz/casio-xw-g1-sweet-dreams-are-made-of-this
    SweetDreams.ZPF - The performance file that brings everything below together.
    SweetDreams.zip - Uncompresses as the ZSS step sequnce file used in the performance file above. Place in U:1-6
    SweetLead.ZTN - Tone used in the performance zones 1 and 2. Place in U:107.
    SawSweet.ZTN - Tone used in the step sequence parts 10 and 11. Place in U:106
    SquareSweet.ZTN - Tone used in the step sequence parts 12 and 13. Place in U:105
    Bender wheel is disabled for the lead sounds. Pitch bend is tuning the tom drum hit in the step sequence by way of the sequencer control track.


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  9. Monzano

    This is a soft string-piano-choir performance.  Nothing overly complex, kept it simple.
    Maybe you'll like it.. Add to it, or change it up a bit for fun if you like.  


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  10. High Sierra

    This is kind of an ambient piano choir, strings combination performance I made this afternoon. 
    Notice that with a very soft touch, you can get the choir/strings to sing without waking up the
    the piano keys, IF you are very soft on your touch. There is some great music hidden inside of
    this performance patch, and it is your job to pull it out,. so get after it now!  (lol)
    I hope you enjoy this.  It's a nice performance to chill out to. 


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  11. Sound Addiction Sample Looper Set - WIP

    Hello I've uploaded a sample looper performance set I've been working on off and on.
    I've build sounds what I like or for certain music projects its a work in progress (WIP)
    Some of the performances need the knobs to create a sound scape. 
    Some performances need octave shift or octave transition shift.
    Some performances are just not finished some are.
    Most performances have no category yet nor or are ordered in that form.
    Some performance may sound lame while others have something interesting.
    Some step sequence are harsh while others miss a certain kit some are just cool.
    I'm always building music in the sampler so you might want to check what I've
    left there first be warned I used headphones mostly so it might sound different
    on the speaker. Also the kind of music I do is a bit fruity and weird so be warned
    Everything is a bit sloppy but I'm one to take the moment of creation and go at it.
    This ZAL file will erase most of you're own performances so be sure to backup your own 
    files first before installing this one. 


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  12. Queens solo-synth Break Free.

    First attempt to create synth sound from "Queens Break-Free" 
    Queen allegedly used Oberheim OB synth to create this,
    The G1 has Oberheim samples for both the synth and PCM parts 
    within the solo-synth.  
    For the synth part its 0087 - 0101
    For the PCM part  its 1767 - 1781 
    I've tried to figure out how to make that rich fat sound but I can't 
    identify it yet. However I've found using sample 0046 MG Square L
    for synth part a better option to come close at it. 
    So I'm guessing its a square wave and now have to figure out how 
    to fatten it up and to make the sound glide down. maybe using portamento
    but a single stroke from the last note going down a few octaves also work. 
    (work in progress)


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  13. Oscillator Shaping - RavingPundit

    This is an example for using Oscillator Shaping on the XW.
    Install it on a free user slot, assign solo-synth to zone 1 and 
    don't forget to add the custom arpeggio also in a free slot.
    Its a rave synth btw :-)  very addictive to play with.


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  14. XW-G1 45 Performance Sound Sets

    Sounds created to record and play with the Looper, They are also new sounds for the G1.
    This will get gradually filled up with more Performance sounds I've intentionally created to record
    loops with the looper but as I've later discovered the standard step sequence are great joy also
    for these patches. Hope you'll like some of them and be free to edit and make you're own from these.


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  15. TheCarsLetsGo Solo Lead Synth (XW-G1)

    NOTE: This works only on the XW-G1. Download the MP3 demo to get an idea of what it is supposed to sound like.
    A quick attempt to get the famous sound heard in the song by The Cars Let's Go.


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  16. Even Harmonics Waveform

    This is the waveform that contains all even harmonics, created in Audacity with C5 (523.25 Hz) as the fundamental. The sample wave contains the first 20 even harmonics (each with 1/n amplitude). It does alias a bit above C5, but down pitches nicely.
    I got interested in it because you would think it would be one of the standard synth waves, given that sawtooth contains all odd and even harmonics, and square and triangular waves contain all odd harmonics. But this wave is more complex than the others, looking a bit like synth wave 159, CZ DoubleSine.
    I also got interested in it in light of the discussions about the harshness of the XW distortion, and reading that “warm” analog distortion creates even harmonics, as opposed to “harsh” digital distortion which creates odd harmonics. To this end, I used Audacity's Limiter effect to clip the wave at various levels, thereby introducing some, hopefully “warm”, distortion. The soft clipping method was used.
    So the User Wave in this download contains five splits as follows:
    Split 1 : the unclipped Even Harmonics Waveform
    Split 2 : soft clipping to -2.5 dB
    Split 3 : soft clipping to -5 dB
    Split 4 : soft clipping to -7.5 dB
    Split 5 : soft clipping to -10 dB

    You can turn each split on or off by setting its volume to zero or 127 (or some other value). You can also have multiple splits playing, detuned to taste. You can also run them through the Distortion DSP, but this probably starts introducing odd harmonics, especially at higher gain settings.


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  17. 50 sample key layout (XW-G1)

    This loads as a user drum tone. It maps all 50 sample "splits" to the keys. They are organized from lowest to highest starting with user wave tone 200, split #1.


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  18. Sitar Groove

    Install to a Free User Slot.
    Don't forget if needed to let the Performance know where Arpeggio, Step sequence and DSP.
    This can be done in edit mode sequencing etc same also for the sample loop.
    Set the Bpm to 138 this is to sync with the sample loop.
    Zipped the step-sequence and DSP for reasons known.
    I've set the knobs to Cutoff , Attack , Release, Decay
    My settings are:
    Due to my peculiar sound design skills you may need to
    transpose the keyboard to -03 Holding Transpose and press minus button.
    Cutoff 110
    Attack 50
    Release 110
    Decay 50
    One more interesting performance thing if you've set it up right press Hold Arpeggio,
    Select with the Minus step button this will change the which sync type you want during
    performance this can be handy to set up front.
    I've set it up on S/Sq so that when I hold a key the Arpeggio and step sequence play at once
    and when the key is released it stop playing by switching arp on and off during performance play
    its awesome. Plus by switching the sync to on only it switches the S/seq off leaving room to turn on
    the sample looper and have a go with the pre-recorded performance to play along with.


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  19. Groovy Sample Loops Part 2

    Groovy Loops Part 2.
    Based on Performance patches and Step sequence.
    Package for this going to be called Run_The_Looper
    Some of these loops where build with one Performance patch,
    Others with stacking another on top.
    Some drum patterns have been realized by creating two patterns
    and stacking them on top of each other which was one way to do it
    but I've also could program a full step sequence using Bass , sol 1 2 for drums
    Have fun if you have any idea's shoot me a few.
    *added 8 more loops which are some of my experimental kind of stuff.
    Package available soon.


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  20. GrooveBox 1.ZSS

    NOTE: The website would not let me upload the step sequence with the correct extention of .ZSS, I had to change it to .ZSQ to upload it. So if you download it you will have to change the file extention from .ZSQ back to .ZSS the correct file name extention.
    This is the StepSequence with a new user configuration called GrooveBox 1.
    I had an issue using the XW-G1 factory settings for the StepSequencer as a groovebox. The issue is I want to use the sliders to turn the parts on & off with all drum parts and the bass guitar part on the same group of sliders. The factory setting has the kick drum on slider 8 in the first set of sliders (1-8 sliders) and the other drum parts on 9-12 sliders and the bass guitar on part 13.
    So I created a new user step sequence configuration with the parts moved around a little. I moved the kick drum from slider 8 (part 8) to slider 13 (part 13), the bass guitar from slider 13 (part 13) to slider 14 (part 14), and solo 1 from slider 14 (part 14) to slider 8 (part 8). I could not change the part names. The part 8 is still named "Drm1" even though it is now "Sol1", part 13 is still "Bass" even though it is now "Drm1", and part 14 is still named "Sol1" even though it is now "Bass".
    Instructions for use:
    1. Press the "STEP SEQUENCER" button
    2. Press the "SELECT" button to select sliders 9-16
    3. Create a sequence by turning the buttons off & on for the parts 9-16 as usual
    4. While playing the sequence, Press the "MIXER" button to bring up the mixer menu and make sure "Part" is selected so the sliders turn on & off the parts. Slider up turns on the part & slider down turns off the part


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  21. Chirps FX

    Sampled Instrument FILE.
    Load into sample player then go to Tone User bank 200 and select the bank where the file is loaded in.
    Experimented with reverse recording with the sampler and edited with external recorder by recording the sound into it and slowed down the speed then using the XW-G1 editor to make the patch all done with experimenting.
    What I've done is recorded a step sequence called ReverseForwrd (available for download from interstellar pakage) and recorded it as a reverse loop then I recorded that back into the roland micro br80 and played it back by slowing the playback speed to 25% this is different on the micro br80 because you retain the same fidelty as you would with normal speed but now slower which gives a different sonic Fx.
    I liked it so much that I recorded it back into my computer chopped the good bits out and imported them as multiple waves into the XW-G1 editor and made this patch out of it one word.


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  22. Groovy Loops G1

    Groovy loops from patches its a mix of these patches and tones combined sampled together as a loop to groove on.
    Added an additional 10 loops to jam with.


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  23. Reverse Sample Loops Using SampleLooper

    This is having fun with the G1 reverse feature with the sampling it opens up a whole new sonic great for ambience , intro etc.
    here are some of my examples.


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  24. Interstellar patches and drumset

    Before installing don't forget to store you're own patches in user space .
    Thank you for downloading Its not finished yet and this package not in order meaning some file needs more tweaks but I guess better now then 2later to upload .. Missing are Phrases , Arpeggio's and linking performance to step sequences but experiment along and something will come up if you mix them a bit.
    Some patches have buttons assigned use them to get a nice blend of sonic,
    Some patches have arpeggio .
    Some patches Solely build for use with looper.
    Some patches experimental XD like hey gotta try something news once a while.
    Some patches may be terrible that way but fun in the other.
    Some patches and stepsequence are still under construction.
    What I'm missing is using the solo-synth within performance patches I've discovered
    It would make a bigger difference which will be the next thing some.


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  25. BizzarePad

    This is the performance patch and step sequence I've did the cool and awesome motion with,
    Use the Knobs to change how it sounds. The coolest thing is to create you're own phrase and then let
    the arpeggio go at it.
    Also use the the step buttons to go into sync with a step sequence and the Octave keys to go lower
    in the key register -2 is the max to keep some sense in the sound.
    *this still under construction as part of Interstellar package.*


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