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About This File

I always like a piano sound that cuts through a mix.  This registration file contains four similar power pianos (these are modifications of the factory default GrPnoConcert tone and have a more powerful attack).  Each registration has a different Touch Response setting.  DSP is Stereo1BndEQ with an increased Dry Level.  Knobs control Brilliance/Reverb.  Rhythm is Straight 8Bt.

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

I am a real novice to digital piano so I am not qualified to offer an expert opinion. But I can tell you that I  definitely like the enhancements your download brings to the pianos. Will probably select this registration as a favorite.

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Thanks so much for sharing your sounds! I'm always on a quest for different piano sounds for different situations!

EDIT 8/10/20:

I just wanted to let you know that I mostly play classical, and your area 4 sound has become my go-to! I always pump up the brilliance all the way, and add reverb to taste depending on what the material is that I am playing.

Thanks SOOO much, it is way better than the factory presets.


FYI, originally I wanted a brighter piano, so I layered Gr piano 1 and Gr piano 2. I set knob 1 to layer balance so I could adjust brightness, and knob 2 to detune them from each other.

It is interesting, but I won't upload it to share with everyone because the overtone conflict between the two sounds can be a little odd unless you tweak it just right.  Maybe I should be working with the EQ on one sound instead, but the  treble range doesn't "sing" enough, that's why I love your tweaks!


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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

This registration is exactly what I needed playing piano with a blues/rock band. It cuts through the mix like a musical machete!

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