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About This File

As demonstrated in the video below:

Zone 1 is the "bowed piano arpeggio" off by default. 
Slider 1 - Sub
Slider 2 - Pad Volume
Slider 3 - Pad FIlter 
Slider 4 - Zone 1 on/off - arpeggiated piano texture
Slider 5 - Delay
Slider 6 - Reverb
Knob 1 - TBD in future revision
Knob 2 - Filter for arpeggiated elelment
Knob 3 - Attack for Arpeggiated element
Knob 4 - Release for Arpeggiated element




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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

This is a really nice stage setting to go with my collection of piano/pad in bank 0. Thanks Mike! Learning a lot with these.

But, okay, there is a bug. Your description lists the knob functions, but I think 2,3,4 are not functioning as listed. Knob 2 seems to affect the strings/pad filter and not the arpeggiated element (which is the bowed piano, if I understand this). I opened this stage setting with the editor, and it indeed lists the knob 2 function as the same as the slider 4 function, which is CC74:CutOff (and knobs 3 and 4 are CC73:Attack and CC73:Release, respectively). I would try to fix it, but I am only a couple days into my learning of this machine, and I don't understand enough to figure it out. But I watched your video, and it seems that knobs 2,3,4 have a nice affect on the arpeggiated element in your video, but not on my board. Is there a bug with the stage setting in the download?

Danilo Oliveira

   2 of 3 members found this review helpful 2 / 3 members

Magnifico, quando escultei o Noire Piano do Mike me lembrei da música Oceans by Hillsong.

Obrigado por compartilhar!

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   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members

Hi I am sorry but I cannot download it with Mac? It is a ZPF file that I cannot open afterwards:(

What can I do if I have saved the file on my Imac? Do I have to connect it to the casio piano via a USB stick?


   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members

I've just begun to use this and it's truly great. I love the warm, dark sound and the control possibilities.

Thanks for still making instruments and tutorials for the PX-5S.

Thank you very much!!


   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

Muy bueno, gracias.


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This is the most beautiful piano tone I have heard. I cannot stop playing it now.  Very nicely done!!

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