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PX-S3000 Motion Pads 1.0.0

   (1 review)

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Privia PX-S3000 Registrations: Motion Pads

This is a collection of four PX-S3000 Registrations that use its built-in arpeggiator and DSP effects to create animated soundscapes.




Create a folder titled “MUSICDAT” on a USB flash drive and copy the MOTION_PADS.RBK file into it. If you’ve previously used this drive with your PX-S3000, this folder may already exist. Place the drive into the PX-S3000’s USB port and wait for the word “MOUNTING” to disappear.


On the PX-S3000:
1. Touch and hold FUNCTION to access the function menu.
2. Use </> to select MEDIA, then touch ENTER.
3. Use </> to select LOAD, then touch ENTER.
4. Use </> to select “Reg Mem Bank”, then touch ENTER.
5. Use </> to select “MOTION_PADS”, then touch ENTER.
6. Use </> to select a destination bank, then touch ENTER,
7. Touch + to confirm, then touch EXIT when “Complete” appears on the display.

Please refer to page 60 in your User Guide for further details.




1: Pad+Sweep Arp
Warm Pad layered with an arpeggiated synth line using LFO wah to create a filter sweep.
Rhythm: Electronic Bld
Knob1: Wah manual
Knob2: Wah speed


2: Pad+Bounce Arp
Xenon pad plus a filter-swept arpeggiated VA synth with auto pan effect timed to match arp speed (adjusting tempo from 105 desynchronizes auto pan).
Rhythm: 16 Beat Bld
Knob1: Attack
Knob2: Release


3: Shimmering Drops Pad
Synth Voice Pad Pad with a "shimmering" effect created with an arpeggiated phaser EP sound with increased attack. Use Knob 1 to adjust the attack time, modulating the EP between "shimmering" and "droplet" gestures.
Rhythm: EP ballad 1
Knob1: Attack
Knob2: Release


4: Whales in VR
Soft Pad with digital whale song generated by a randomly arpeggiated sine lead with phaser, delay, and pitch modulation.
Rhythm: Trance
Knob1: Layer balance
Knob2: U2 fine tune

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Thanks, Rich!

These sounds are absolutely phenomenal, some of the best I've ever heard from a keyboard.

Really appreciate you describing how you did these in the Tone Editing video.

I'll never reach that level of creativity, but I always will appreciate a true craftsman! 

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