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Everything posted by m10538

  1. Thanks, Tsquare! I like to end videos with a laugh whenever possible!
  2. I love sayin' that! If you've never seen that movie there is a playlist of it on my channel. I'm doing my version of minimalist Philip Glass type stuff here. This was recorded in '95, and it was just ghastly to record. One wrong hit note and it's back to the beginning! I was so tense!!!! Just try to ignore the stupid clicking and popping sounds, I don't know why that tape is like that.
  3. That sounds really cool, Bichaldi, 👍! If I understand correctly this was recorded with a microphone. The sound is a little tinny and mono. Can't the ctx 5000 record the sound? That would be way better. And the audio and video editing apps I use are MixPad, VideoPad, and PowerDirector.
  4. Yeah, can't go wrong with some Motown! That was a great musical renaissance back in the 60's! I grew up 5 miles away from Hitsville, U.S.A. in Deeetroit, Mich! There's always a great positive vibe from those songs. This is nice, Tsquare! But I can't help but wanna hear the Funk Brothers slammin' down the rhythm! Casio should produce a rhythm called Funk Brothers, eh?
  5. Sssmokin'!!!! No...wait...that was a different movie. Cool, 👍! I love that ending!
  6. Wow, that's nice! And pretty realistic. It would probably sound more realistic if there were different phrases here and there. They seem to only sing "Bah".
  7. Good music to slow dance to inside the warm house with a crackling fireplace as snow falls at night out the window! Oooo!
  8. Thanks, PS! Hopefully you chuckle at the first one and get relaxed with the second.
  9. I think this nutty piano noodling is pretty funny. But that's just me. You get a glimpse into my "creative process" in this vid. I would fool around with things like this descending notes riff, recording on a "practice tape", then later make a finished track. You can see where I use numbers instead of letters for notes...what a musical mook! You can try to decipher that little tune on that note in the vid if you want to, I can't tell what it is. You get to see what I look like too, yup that's really me. Not surprised are ya? The second vid is the calmer tune that riff turned into. Listen with headphones and you can hear that nice deep sound of the CT-390 piano and chorus, ummmm!
  10. That's some nice, dark Casio-core! Do you know a guy who calls himself PSS-270 Casio-Core? He used to be on this forum but now is mostly on Twitter. He'd love this.
  11. Cool little tune, 👍! As ambassador pro tem for the CMF allow me to welcome you two to the greatest music forum in cyberspace!
  12. Hey there, cavemate! Me neither! Nicely played, with lots of emotion, 👍! Just about got me crying in the middle part, I'm so emo! Good thing I'm not invited to the wedding, I'd make a spectacle of myself! Good luck to the newlyweds, 💑!
  13. Very enjoyable, 👍! I enjoyed listening even though I was distracted by the pooch. What is he attacking, I wondered? Turns out just a tennis ball. I guess he was trying to play catch by himself with his human occupied!
  14. Another one of my all time faves! Except for the Andrew Lloyd Webber, we have similar music taste! That sounds good. Maybe a little too lite for me though. I wanted to hear those big crunchy power chords. That "overdrive guitar" needs an injection of 'roids, man!
  15. Every lawyer on the Simpsons is a slimeball! One said once "when will you humans ever learn..." as if he's not even human! I don't routinely knock entire groups of people, but seeing my vid disappear was disturbing. I'm sure there are respectable lawyers out there that have no snake DNA in them. I hope so, I might need one soon.
  16. I'm all for artists getting paid but they had the ability to monetize the video for themselves (any left for the surviving members of Monty Python...probably not). But they chose to destroy it, yanked it ALL off YouTube, comments and all. Geez. Imagine a world without lawyers...as Lionel Hutz said...how horrible!
  17. Thanks, Jokey! I've never seen a Teletubbie show so I don't know about that. This is one of the 16 beat rhythms on the 390. I liked it fast I guess. Oddly enough it's 42 and rising here in Michigan now, with roads of solid ice. Glad you liked the vid, hope you got some yuks from it, (Ha ha type!).
  18. Both the ha-ha type and the ewww, gross type. You can blame this vid on winter madness. I wanted to make a sunny fun vid as I look out the window and see only various shades of white and grey. Minus 12 outside! So I used this goofy tune. It's not much. Even Beethoven's "trifles" tower above this simple stuff. But, it's all I got man, c'mon, gimme a break! Recorded in '91. My repeat of the "theme" at the end makes even me cringe, check out the expressions of people in the vid having it shoved into their ear holes, yuk yuk.
  19. Improvisation in A minor ROCKS!!! Fantastic speed playing there, Maestro...or Bradge...whatever you call yourself now. $200?! Even I could afford that. Hmmmmm...maybe.....
  20. Ooo, that's nice! Reminds me of the music on the old radio show Music From the Hearts Of Space. Check out their website, I bet you'll like it!
  21. Wowsers! From playing Beethoven to this! Now that's a versatile player! Sslyutov does it all, and does it all well, 👏! That music is simultaneously futuristic and primitive, with robotic sounds and ancient rhythms, groovy!
  22. Very nice, Tsquare, 👏! I'm sure you'll agree with me that that tune is one of the greatest things created by man! It's hard to imagine there was a time when this tune didn't exist. Like Beethoven's 9th Symphony, I feel certain tunes were always embedded into the very DNA of the universe just waiting to pop out!
  23. Beautiful! I like the big drama swell at 1:30, 👍!
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