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Everything posted by Stepper

  1. Thanks for taking the time to reply, Rod. That's all good stuff to know.
  2. Great review. The CDP S100 was on sale in the US recently for about $350. So tempting. I enjoyed this review by Angelo Tsocos: https://youtu.be/y7jWW2Cch20
  3. Jokeyman, thanks so much! Wonderful information, much appreciated. Yes, I've been watching lots of videos of pianists, observing their sitting position, elbow height in relation to keyboard, hand & wrist motions. So playing piano is not like typing, where the fingers act like little pistons pressing on keys. I can hardly wait to work in person with a teacher to smooth out the physical mistakes. Lest anyone think I'm a frail granny, I'm a long time cyclist, work out regularly with a kettlebell trainer, take spin classes, & can still do push ups. I knew there were a few aches in the hands lately, but was shocked how diving into learning piano set fingers, hands, wrists, elbows aflame. Mashing down on the keys several hours a day, no matter how much fun, taught me a lesson. Thank you again, Jokeyman, for your insights.
  4. Hi Joe. No, I don't have an acoustic piano to try. Nor will I ever own an acoustic -- too impractical at this stage of my life. So it's not so much a desire to replicate the feel of a true piano, my concern is more about stresses on the hands, wrists, etc. Yes, I'm paying attention to technique! But with my 61 key board, I still have to quit early so as not to have soreness. My problem is improving as I strengthen. I think a keyboard with better action or response would help, hence my interest in the cdp S350. (Plus it has a good range of cool effects & features.)
  5. Looks like there's enough room for a computer monitor too, for those of us using apps for music & wishing for something larger than a tablet.
  6. What a great idea! Looks much neater too.
  7. I'm a complete beginner. I have a Yamaha 61 key keyboard, but have already run into the difficulty of harder key presses near the fallboard & the problem of playing chords with black & white keys simultaneously because of differing weights (Can't play Bflat Major chord keys without unintended "grace notes.") I'm female, mid-60s, so maybe those of us with weaker, older hands have difficulty with these things. Anyway, I was thinking the CDP s350 would still be an improvement over my Yamaha, NP12, even though the CDP S line supposedly has the same issues. Given my age & level, I have no illusions that I will ever play like James Pavel Shawcross, so of course I don't have the same keyboard needs. But hand fatigue & arthritis irritation are real concerns. Is the CDP s350 key action a big step up from a typical 61 key keyboard? Or only a little better? ETA: getting to a store to testdrive these keyboards is difficult in my rural area.
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