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Everything posted by mordonez

  1. Man, you said it. Although, after a week, I will definitely say that I REALLY like the physical keybed in this thing. It's the first one firm enough to make me say a keyboard doesn't NEED to be fully weighted for me to feel comfortable playing piano and EP sounds. Still, I'm annoyed that I'm going to have to RTFM in order to get it set up to have what I need at the touch of a few buttons.
  2. I'm moderately excited that I got a new in box S1000v for $300, but reading the forums, some of the limitations I'm seeing are just wild. Like... STILL having registrations you can't name is bewildering. What are they even for? I see with the 2 year old firmware update that you can kinda get around it in set list maker, but honestly, if this board even makes my live setup (currently a px-5s and a controller with Mainstage), I'm not interested in having to pair it with an iPad just to know what the hell registration 2-7 does. The oversight on fast/slow Leslie controls not being built into the organs is another weird one, as is the lack of an external editor for a board with a tiny screen. I mean, I've just spent a day or two, with it, and I'm sure I'll enjoy having a nice compact board with decent speakers and, honestly, a much better physical keybed than my MZ-X500, but... By the way, while i like the MZ to some extent, it's another one I wonder if I should have bought, given how much of it is aimed it's at the non-US one man band market, aka not me. You can pry my PX-5s from my cold dead fingers though.
  3. I'm guessing the 38" given that the keyboard is 36" and change, but I would love to know as well. I might go for the rifle case and save $30 over the Gator. Just bought this keyboard about 10 minutes ago for about $315
  4. You know, I hadn't even realized that--it's my default avatar for Wordpress stuff--I was surprised but delighted to see it show up here.
  5. nevermind, got it--weirdly it was setting the min value to 63 that seemed to get it. Garth Hudson here I come!
  6. So oddly with those settings, set to the widest range, I get a toggle between 1/2 step below the "real" tuning of the keyboard and 1/2 step above--it doesn't allow me to play in the original key. If I set it to a half step bend (uh, what's half of 127...) that should fix itself? Sorry, somewhat of a beginner.
  7. Normally you wouldn't expect to have sustain/damper on an organ patch, but I happen to need one. On the Gospel Organ 2 Stage Setup, I tried to assign Pedal 1 to "Hold" in the "Common Edit"/Pedal 1 Edit/Target area, but that got me a sustain that held on even after I released the pedal--I had to hit the pedal again to release the notes. That doesn't seem right? Any tips? Secondly, I have a weird need for this particular stage setup to assign Pedal 2 (or Pedal 1, whatever) to pitch bend if possible--is it possible? I have no idea what parameter to choose for Pedal 2 Target--the Midi Implementation Chart did not help much on my first fun through. Thanks!
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