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Everything posted by Maurix

  1. 197 downloads

    Belly Dirty full ....
  2. 347 downloads

    a PianoStage with an programmed HEX to give a fuller Body but a crips clean Sound
  3. i think it is hard going from a consumer Synth Producer to professional users but i think PX5S was a milestone for Casio bringing to the market some unique Stage Piano with an amazing Piano Sound a given Synthesizer inside for less and some other gimmicks, of course some things are not so good an could be fixed with updates but so often updates are missing after 2 Years and new hardware must be given to the users what really impressed me from the beginning was the Support of casio the firmware update possibility and still till today i feel the best synth or stage piano is the one with an software to be updated time to time, how o wrote before a modular synth with hard and soft updates are the future , now we see the MX-Z very nice very funny but ,.,,,not the non plus ultra Arranger i think all the other brands play in a category with it , for example an italian Brand made the VIVO Stage piano from scratch and it is a killer there is unlimited polyphony 320 Oszillators 15 seconds of true sample withou loops and a mix between AI and Synthesis this Brand will be a Killer Brand in the future believe me and they do invent !" so i think like the new Yamaha Monatge ...going to be a leader today need s to bring innovative products.... like the PX5S was from the IDEA too the price....i don't feel to spend 1000$ for an Arranger ,,,if i own other synths like the old S03 still ginning me amazing sounds as a background GM /XG player ...maybe i will wait for the next real Casio Synth or Rack clearly Innovative like the Hybrid Piano ..... but of course Piano is a nice Brand and still Love what they do ..
  4. the only thing i need actually is a " Yamaha Super Knob " on my PX5S .....because still too much under the hood to find out . !
  5. 114 downloads

    Funky Beast...... i have mixes Clav Tines and Bass with delayed Phaser
  6. well sounds good yesterday at namm ...of course it can be a good 2nd or first Keyboard ,,with a full HEX section inside...but if i take a look to the MONTAGE i must admit things are going fast very fast and the sounds coming from the Yamaha are damn good...i think lot could be realized with the PX5S beeing more userfriendly and having more usable arpeggios built in lot of those new funny sounds can be done with HEX and Arpeggios but who wants to recreate this all the time ....and still i feel the PX5 lacks in Stereo Panorama ...i always feel the need to make it wider when i programm any Sound ...last but not l....it is an amazing Stage Piano with an underlaying Hex Synth so maybe sometime i look at it to as a synth ..engine..
  7. 150 downloads

    Clavi Funky made with HEX
  8. 181 downloads

    i use this one for house sessions....just using a GMPIano bit tweaked and an Air PIano
  9. sometimes my upper G / 6 is not working no sound is comming and the sensor seems to be not working ...after few reboot it starts working again. this has being happen 2 times now i wonder if i should send it to repair or not ,,,if got it from a seller in Italy and for 2 years now i am in Germany ..so how ? ..
  10. Version 1.0


    Clean but with FullBody
  11. 67 downloads

    just played around to get a spacey african Drum ...with extras
  12. 76 downloads

    KInd of Arpeggio Sound
  13. 271 downloads

    clean Grand in the higher Octaves my PIanist patch and Grandpiano in the Lower ...twaeked with EQ to have a very clean Piano with a impressive higher Octaves..
  14. Yes Brad i treid but if i set the PX5 to light action it is impossible playing a layer ...because the PX5 needs a weigthed curve..playing the Kurzweil gives me almost a perfect 1 to 1 Sound but it is a Rack ....maybe having some additional Curves in a future Update could fix this..but i think the PX% is almost out of Firmware Updates--- Kindly Maurix
  15. Hi .. i have added a Synth to my PX5S having now PX5 ...Yamaha S03...Kurzweil K2000R ZOOM RT323 and a ROLAND VS880 Macbook and Sonar X3 / M-Audio MTrack well my PX5 goes out to a MIDIsport 2x2 the MIDIsport goes to the S03 and the midi True from the S03 goes to the K2000,,,,,the DAW is conected via the Midisport using my PX5 as Masterboard....the problem is playing Yamaha Sound on the PX5 does not have the same punch playing the S03 Keyboard ...i tried almost all i can ..Midi Channels , velocity Kurves and so on , if i setup only a patch sendind on e.g channel one and all the other Zones are off or not sendind midi out i come very cloth but of course the Yamaha played by the PX5 is always bit thin........ also i wondeR how to route The Drum machine to this Setup ? using Midi IN / OUT B on the Midisport or using the IN / OUT of the M-Track ? how to get in Sync with the VS880 ? ...... to much MIDI cables here
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