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  1. Just picked up an old casiotone ct 405 with hopes to repair and sell it. Initially it was pretty busted, had some weird issues with selecting and modifying the sounds and had a very distorted output. After a very thorough clean inside and out, the issues with tone modifiers has been solved due to those flimsy ribbon cables, but cant seem to find the reason why the output sounds distorted. The distortion seems to respond to the volume of the signal (like and actual distortion effect) i.e. the higher polyphony a play the more distorted it become until after about 4 or 5 voices (depending on harmonics) it is just noise. Would love to hear if anyone has had similar issues and/or would know how to fix it. Cheers
  2. Hi all, since I'm starting a little collection of vintage toy/cheapo keyboards, I recently bought an old SA-21 (from the 1990s) as 'new-in-box' item on *bay. Of course, it is anything but new. Though it is unscratched, as far as I could see, it is clearly used (used batteries from a different retail store chain inside). The (private) seller won't take it back, and I'm not sure it would be worth the return postage anyway. Two things are really annoying: 1) The batteries are rattling when I move the keyboard. 2) All the keys are heavily (and evenly) yellowed. Two related questions before I get to the subject matter: Is the batteries rattling phenomenon a known issue? They don't rattle sideways, but the battery compartment seems to be too wide in diameter. I would have expected there to be at least some kind of padding that prevents them from rattling. In the same vein, is key yellowing a known issue? I would expect a keyboard sitting in its box not do develop that problem, disregarding the duration of storage. Now, having come across the idea of 'retrobrighting' old plastic housings, I was thinking of trying to apply that to the yellowed keys. For those who might not know, 'retrobrighting' is basically bathing (or otherwise covering) plastics in Hydrogen Peroxide (plus some additives) and leaving it in the sunlight or under UV light for a day or so. This should be able to reverse the yellowing. There are numerous YT videos about it and there used to be a wiki on http://retr0bright.wikispaces.com, no idea where it went, but pages (up to ca. 2012-14, oder ones work better) still accessible on archive.org. I have seen several examples of successful retrobrighting of computer gear, but I have never seen it applied to keyboard keys. However, I'm not sure this process is suitable for the kind of plastics the keys are made of, and whether the phenomenon in the keys is caused by the same flame retardants and Bromine in the first place. Anyone ever tried 'retrobrighting' vintage keyboard keys? Any successes or failures? Any other thoughts? TIA
  3. Ok, I have a really random request: Can anyone help me name an obscure demo song with almost no info to give you?.... When I was a kid in the late 90's, I had a Casio keyboard. Don't remember the model number (that would be too easy, wouldn't it?). I remember it had round speakers and big buttons in the middle and a midi interface and less than 88 keys. It was silver. It had a ton of sounds and demo songs. Some songs were Londonderry Air, American Patrol and Bluebells of Scotland. Then there's this one song I can't get out of my head but can't for the life of me remember the name of. Can't find it when I search for demo song lists. So I will take a shot in the dark and describe it here in case someone happens to be familiar with that keyboard and song. (Not enough info probably but I thought i would try). The song is mostly in a minor key. It modulates a little to the major in the bridge. The strings carry the melody at least in the bridge. I don't remember if the rest of the melody is strings or oboe or something. The melody starts by going up a minor scale. It sounds very sad. Like a Russian ballad. It kind of reminds me of Song Without Words by Holst but it is not that song. I attached a recording of me singing the main melody minus the bridge so you didn't have to submit to the torture too long. Lol! It sounds Classical Russian to me but could be a theme from a movie or soap opera for all I know! Maybe if you don't have the keyboard but know a bit about music you will recognize it? This has been driving me mad for many years. Thank you for your time. Voice_171011_2.3gp
  4. Just saw a post from Mike Martin about David Weiser's vintage keyboard presets to be released for the PX-560 after NAMM. PianoManChuck also mentions it in one of his videos. http://forum.pianoworld.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/2799520/4.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R10QJNQT7Bk Thanks Mike and PianoManChuck. Fantastic news!!
  5. Version 0.1


    Ok, a few Hex Layer presets, two Stage Settings and two mp3 for Hex Layer demo sounds... I was inspired by vintage analog synth sounds and mood... I used 3 oscillators for each Hex Layer... I made 2 Stage Settings splitting 2 Hex Layer each one; Sliders 1 & 2 are the volume zones ...(you can hear mp3 demo)... Feel free to use them if you like...
  6. My power cord for my old--but-loved Casiotone 403 has gone astray, and so far I've not been able to track down a replacement. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
  7. Audio recorded in 1986 (yes I really am that ancient). I wanted to make a video similar to the Beatles Flying in the Magical Mystery Tour movie. In this the MT-100 leaves this planet and travels to the edge of the universe only to find...itself!
  8. The CZ-101 is a simple synthesizer, but unique. You can share things about this great little synth: videos, images and / or text.
  9. Whatever sound your trying to make Vintage or EDM Solo-synth or Performance if you want the sound to break through, the mix when using the sample looper or Daw don't make any use of the EQ unless there are certain frequency needed balancing it in the mix. Just my two cents of tips.
  10. File Name: Vintage Keys Set File Submitter: Dave Weiser File Submitted: 08 Oct 2013 File Category: PX-5S Stage Settings A set of 15 sounds programmed by Dave Weiser. The zip file contains both Stage Settings and HexLayer tones so you can utilize these sounds within existing Stage Settings. Descriptions of each and audio demos are below. 3Dog Pianet - From Joy to the World, also works for Misty Mountain Hop https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/px-5s-dogpianet 80s PopEGrand - From Buggles' Video Killed the Radio Star https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/spopegrand BeaterReed - Generic gigging Wurly sound, with the excessive highs and lows cut out https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/beaterreed DWBeater - Rhodes with the highs/lows rolled off, like Ray Charles in the Blues Bros https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/dwbeater DynoRhds - Inspired by Donny Fagen's Nightfly album https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/px-5s-dynorhds Gabriel CP - From Peter Gabriel's Wallflower https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/px-5s-gabrielcp HeavyFuzzClav - From ELO's Evil Woman, works great for all dist Clav applications https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/px-5s-heavyfuzclav Mix EQ EP - A Rhodes that takes up a very thin slice of the EQ spectrum, will work easily in a dense mix. https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/px-5s-mixeqrhds PhasAmpClav - From Bernie Worrell's clav parts on the Talking Heads' Stop Making Sense album/movie [Phaser done with synthesis] https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/px-5s-phasampclav PhasCHDist EP - Rhodes with phaser, chorus and distortion ala George Duke late 70s [Phaser done with synthesis] https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/px-5s-phaschordistep PhasDistRhds - Rhodes with phaser, chorus and distortion ala 70s Grateful Dead, EQ'd to work well in a dense mix [Phaser done with synthesis] https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/phasdistrhds-wav Ray Wurly - Emulation of the earlier model 112 Wurly from Ray Charles' What'd I Say https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/px-5s-raywurly Steely Clav - From Steely Dan's Black Cow https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/steelyclav SupastiClav - From Stevie Wonder's Supersticious https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/px-5s-supasticlav Zep Clav - From Zeppelin's Trampled Under Foot https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/px-5s-trampled Click here to download this file
  11. Hey all! Here to show you something big for the PX-5S. Dave Weiser, who has designed sounds for Roger Waters, David Bowie, The Who, and about every theatre show that's been on Broadway, has released a new pair of sounds for the PX-5S. Of course, we all know him for the Vintage Keys Set he made for the PX in late 2013 (and can still be downloaded on Casio Music Forums here), but he has now come out with two brand new piano presets! Basically, these pianos are designed for a number of different applications and genres with the purpose of being "gig-ready". Yes, meaning they sit well in your mix, without getting in the bassist's frequencies, or requiring any extra EQ from the sound guys. Where can you find them? You'll find them, and all the info you need to know on Dave's website, WeiserSound.com HERE. Also, there are some great new demos that were just put on Dave Weiser's SoundCloud, so be sure to check those out! Looking forward to trying these out live!
  12. PPG Wave 2: Is this synth the father of the XW series? http://greatsynthesizers.com/en/general-en/2013/09/ppg-wave-2-2-a-fascinating-hybrid-synthesizer/ http://www.vintagesynth.com/misc/wave.php
  13. 630 downloads

    First attempt at some Mellotron Strings for the XW-P1
  14. File Name: Mellotron Strings XW-P1 File Submitter: Mike Martin File Submitted: 12 May 2015 File Category: XW-P1 First attempt at some Mellotron Strings for the XW-P1 Click here to download this file
  15. found this: its a 403 in a wood case, for $30, at https://cincinnati.craigslist.org/msg/4719903731.html quoted: This thing has been sitting here for a bit. Very unique part of the Casiotone series, all wood case, and really nice feeling keys. Needs a nice cleaning to get everything up and working how it should-some of the key contacts are dirty underneath-that's why I'm letting it go for 30 OBO instead of the 150 they go for on eBay. Perfect candidate for circuit bending or pounding out triads in your St. Vincent-esque band.
  16. 679 downloads

    XW-Series Solo Synth TB-303 emulation OSC1 - Sawtooth OSC2 - Pulse Modulation wheel set to portamento time. Insert Effect - Distortion. Enjoy.
  17. Hello, I am collector of music keyboards and electronic sound toys and partly modify them into synthesizers. This is my keyboard site: http://weltenschule.de/TableHooters/index.html I bought an eprommer ("Willem PRO4 isp",had unfortunately defective transistors and other flaws I had to fix) and have started to dump EPROMs and ROMs of my keyboard collection. - Has anybody tried yet to make an emulator (similar like MAME) for old Casio keyboards? E.g. Casiotone 401 and MT-40 are controlled by an Intel MCS-48 microcontroller which ROM I successfully dumped. So at least the accompaniment section would be possible to emulate yet. Robin Whittle (firstpr.com) found out much about the Consonant-Vowel synthesis main voice sound ICs in early Casios, which would be useful to emulate them. Also the various Casio calculator emulators on the internet might be useful to understand what kinds of special CPUs Casio has used. Google patent search helped much to get an idea what is going on inside of them. Unfortunately most early main ICs seem to be rather based on general digital logics (networks of gates, counters and flipflops - like a Pong game) than a CPU (software controlled by one central code ROM) in its stricter sense. I am still working on documenting the pinouts and functions (e.g. key matrix eastereggs) of all 1980th Casio home keyboard special ICs. For this I already have examined all service manuals I could find on free websites. Unfortunately there aren't many about first generation Casios. (If you need info, e-mail me.) I also own a dead SK-200 (from eBay,someone elses circuit-bending-corpse); after disabling the auto-power-off (to make it turn on),only all lights flicker wildly and there is some bus activity (seen on CRT oscilloscope), but it makes no sound at all. Does anybody know the symptom? Is the sound CPU dead?
  18. djerazore



    some sounds of my favorites That I've created
  19. File Name: djerazore File Submitter: djerazore File Submitted: 27 Feb 2014 File Category: XW-G1 some sounds of my favorites That I've created Click here to download this file
  20. File Name: XW-303 (XW Solo) File Submitter: Mike Martin File Submitted: 24 Jul 2013 File Category: XW-Synths XW-Series Solo Synth TB-303 emulation OSC1 - Sawtooth OSC2 - Pulse Modulation wheel set to portamento time. Insert Effect - Distortion. Enjoy. Click here to download this file
  21. Hello: Shawn Lee is an artist who uses old CASIO keyboards in his works. I share with you these very interesting and entertaining videos. Enjoy and may the Force be with you.
  22. 2,771 downloads

    A set of 15 sounds programmed by Dave Weiser. The zip file contains both Stage Settings and HexLayer tones so you can utilize these sounds within existing Stage Settings. Descriptions of each and audio demos are below. 3Dog Pianet - From Joy to the World, also works for Misty Mountain Hop https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/px-5s-dogpianet 80s PopEGrand - From Buggles' Video Killed the Radio Star https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/spopegrand BeaterReed - Generic gigging Wurly sound, with the excessive highs and lows cut out https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/beaterreed DWBeater - Rhodes with the highs/lows rolled off, like Ray Charles in the Blues Bros https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/dwbeater DynoRhds - Inspired by Donny Fagen's Nightfly album https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/px-5s-dynorhds Gabriel CP - From Peter Gabriel's Wallflower https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/px-5s-gabrielcp HeavyFuzzClav - From ELO's Evil Woman, works great for all dist Clav applications https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/px-5s-heavyfuzclav Mix EQ EP - A Rhodes that takes up a very thin slice of the EQ spectrum, will work easily in a dense mix. https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/px-5s-mixeqrhds PhasAmpClav - From Bernie Worrell's clav parts on the Talking Heads' Stop Making Sense album/movie [Phaser done with synthesis] https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/px-5s-phasampclav PhasCHDist EP - Rhodes with phaser, chorus and distortion ala George Duke late 70s [Phaser done with synthesis] https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/px-5s-phaschordistep PhasDistRhds - Rhodes with phaser, chorus and distortion ala 70s Grateful Dead, EQ'd to work well in a dense mix [Phaser done with synthesis] https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/phasdistrhds-wav Ray Wurly - Emulation of the earlier model 112 Wurly from Ray Charles' What'd I Say https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/px-5s-raywurly Steely Clav - From Steely Dan's Black Cow https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/steelyclav SupastiClav - From Stevie Wonder's Supersticious https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/px-5s-supasticlav Zep Clav - From Zeppelin's Trampled Under Foot https://soundcloud.com/casiomusicgear/px-5s-trampled
  23. DOUBLE TOP SECRET! FOR YOUR EARS ONLY! I present the first full track from the Roswell 7.7.47 project.. This track features the XW-G1 Theremin patch doing the UFO and various sound effects throughout the piece. Also includes the Roswell Theme melody I posted the other day using one of the G1 solo synth patches. Because the Roswell Incident happened in 1947 I am using a lot of vintage monophonic sounds like the Theremin. I am also working on recreating the sound of a little-known vintage synthesizer called the Electronic Sackbut - more on that one later. Now put on your headphones and hazmat suit and step into the time machine for a trip to Roswell: It Came from the Sky! <- (clickity) https://soundcloud.com/keyz2401/it-came-from-the-sky
  24. 196 downloads

    Some Vintage drum samples from a classic CR-8000.
  25. File Name: CR AteThousand (XW-G1) File Submitter: Mike Martin File Submitted: 24 Jul 2013 File Category: XW-G1 Some Vintage drum samples from a classic CR-8000. Click here to download this file
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