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  1. Hi An original work by me made with Casio CT-S1 (tones). Enjoy! 😊 Jay 🎹
  2. Hello I combined the VL-Tone preset in my CT-S1 with the downloadable stage setting: "VL-TONE Rock Rhythm with VL-TONE Piano" for the PX-S5 in this short video. Jay 🎹
  3. I’ve spent the evening experimenting with the CT-S1, the WU-BT10 adapter, and some mobile devices. One thing has me stumped right now. As I moved to testing MIDI In from an external device (iPhone, running Zenbeats, sending notes out from its timeline to CT-S1), it seems the CT-S1 only plays the default Stage Piano tone. Even if I change the Tone on the CT, the notes are still the piano (but live play on keys is the selected Tone). I’ve checked through the User Manual and MIDI spec, but it doesn’t say much about MIDI In, just Out. Before I spend hours on this: does anyone know if this is behavior as designed? Would I somehow need to execute a Program Change to get the notes to play a different Tone? Is there a comparable limit or method on other current Casio keyboards? I know not many of us yet have the CT-S1, but any advice is appreciated. TIA!
  4. Hi There is a loose connection in the ‘USB To Host’ connector on my otherwise lovely CT-S1 keyboard, so the computer will not recognize my keyboard or not detect that I have connected it to the computer. This is a problem in my DAW as I can't send MIDI data to and from the keyboard. I've tried squeezing the contacts in the connector and that also helped a bit / for a short time. But the problem continues to occur. Can I replace the connector myself - is that advisable? or should it be done by an authorized workshop - is there such a service in Europe? Thank You Jay 🎹
  5. I plug in my keyboard to my computer correctly and under the input devices in the midi settings there are no devices found. can someone help me out 😭 i tired turning off my piano then plug in and then turning it on, it doesnt work !
  6. Hi I found this Demo on soundcloud. Hope you like it Jay 🎹
  7. I like this keyboard so much that I've started to use it in my small setting worship band. I'd like to be able to hear the Casio CT-S1 speakers when simultaneously using the headphone output to a sound system. Is there any way to enable the speakers when the output jack is used? The speakers are really excellent and would be great monitors. If this is not available now, would it be possible to add this feature in an update?
  8. Here's a little thing I did on the CT-S1 with it as the primary sound source for my project. Everything was composed, recorded and produced on my iPad. All instruments play my own musical ideas except drums that I found somewhere and edited. The Tones I use are Stage E.piano, VZ Bass, Vocoder and the built-in drumset. I added reverb to the recordings. Jay 🎹
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  9. Hi I just got a red guitar strap for my CT-S1 for the purpose of trying out, what it is like to play the instrument in a more freely way. It takes some practice getting use to play a keyboard in this vertical position, instead for the normal horizontal one. But, it is quite fun to just play your favorite songs this way. The video below is just a demontration, and a such, it isn't perfect. - So, please bear with the shortcommings. Thanks. Jay 🎹 Please note, that the first part of the video is silent. Sound is introduced subsequently.
  10. It is my understanding all the tones on the CT-S1 are included on the CT-S1000V. I love the default standard piano tone on the CT-S1 and am considering getting the CT-S1000V but want to be sure the same standard piano tone is on the CT-S1000V. However, I read some comments on this YouTube video that claimed the default piano tone on the CT-S1 was different or not present(?) in the CT-S1000V. I am not sure if this is true or an error by the people who posted. Can anyone confirm? Thank you.
  11. A short video featuring four Casio keyboards in concert - if you will. I made it with inspiration from some other videos that have been posted on this forum - as a "proof of concept" or just as an experimental video, really. Jay 🎹
  12. Using commercially available Ni-MH batteries (2500 mAh or more) in my CT-S1, I haven't been able to get anywhere close to 3 hours' use out of them as per Casio's specs...I've tried different brands, all fully charged, and they all seem to last about an hour before the LEDs start blinking, indicating low battery voltage...the other night when this happened, I checked to make sure the battery type was set to "Ni-MH", and it was, so I changed the setting to "Alkaline" and the LED flashing stopped - then I was able to use the CT-S1 for another hour-and-a-half before the LEDs started to flash again...during this time, I tried resetting the battery type to "Ni-MH" again a couple of times, and when I did the LEDs would start flashing... Could the Quick Start guide and User's Guide have the battery type settings reversed, so that "1 tone" actually indicates the setting for "Ni-MH", and 2 tones for "Alkaline"?...looking at typical discharge curves for the two types, I see that while alkaline batteries have a higher initial voltage, their discharge curve is steeper than Ni-MH's...so presumably if set for "Alkaline" and Ni-MH batteries are used, the CT-S1 (after an hour or so) would interpret the lower Ni-MH voltage as nearly discharged...??? df
  13. Here's a piece I dug up from my memories. Memories about a song I made on my Amiga 500 computer when I was a teen. What you hear is freely derived from this song. For this recording I have used my 3 Casio keyboards: PX-5S playing "Deckards Lead", XW-G1 playing "StringsVoice" and finally the CT-S1 delivers "Stage Piano". Add to that some effects Tip: Try listening with your eyes closed. Jay 🎹
  14. I spent the past few weeks having a blast with the CT-S400 and decided to do a video, especially in the context of it as a Casiotone and how it ranks with the rest of my collection (including the CT-S1). I’ve been really impressed by its capabilities and interface, especially in comparison to much pricier synth gear in my studio. Includes a demo of setting up a performance from scratch. Verdict: the CT-S400 is a winner, incredible value for the money. Almost any “could be better” items I cite fall under advanced topics that are arguably beyond the scope of a Casiotone. The CT-S1 may be Casio’s triumph in design, but the S400 is a surprising powerhouse in its capabilities and out of box experience. I just wish I’d managed to do this video in November; the S400 should have been under many, many Christmas trees. Can’t wait to see what’s next!
  15. Here's a little thing I recorded some time back ago on the iPad, with sound solely from the Casio CT-S1. I polished it a bit, and here's the result. It is very much inspired by the style and music of Greek-American composer Yanni. Hence, the name on the track Jay 🎹
  16. I was trying out the My Setup-function on my CT-S1, and the resulting sound reminded me of this gospel song. One I used to sing several years ago in a gospel choir. 😊 Jay 🎹
  17. Hi I made this video just for the fun of it It shows, that, with little added extra gear, you can make music anywhere, with your CT-S1. Jay🎹
  18. Here's something new I am working on. Perhaps inspired by the "Regeneration" video Mike Martin made ? Anyhow, I just had fun fooling around with my three Casio keyboards - to see if I could combine them, I guess. Making no promises, I might make it into a finished song Jay🎹
  19. In case anyone is interested, I uploaded a Reaper DAW patch script in the Downloads page (Downloads-->Other Casio Products-->Casio CT-S1 Patch Script for Reaper DAW). I couldn't find a CT-S1 section in the Download page, so I thought I'd post it here too since it is somewhat hidden.
  20. Version 1.0.0


    I created a Reaper DAW patch script for the Casio CT-S1. You can upload the patch script in Reaper and then select GM sounds, CT-S1 sounds, and even a standard drum kit to use! If you use a different DAW, I think you should be able to tweak the file to a format that your DAW can read. Enjoy.
  21. Another review of the Casio CT-S1. I got one and love it. It is so portable, and the sounds are excellent. The speakers may be small but very clear and full. No distortion even at max volume. Outstanding value and so fun to carry around and use.
  22. Hello everybody, Since all topics pertaining to the new CT-S1 and CT-S400 seem to be landing in this part of the forum, isn’t it time to adapt the sub-forum title to accommodate those keyboards? Also, since much of what applies to the CT-X700/800 also applies to the CT-S400, it might be interesting to pin a topic in the CT-X700/800 forum pointing people who’re looking for information about the CT-S400 to the present forum section. Just my 2 cents, Vinciane
  23. Hello everybody, I find the Tape Flute tone of the CT-S1 super cool and very nice to play tunes such as “Lucy in the Sky”, for instance. Has someone some ideas on how to design a suitable patch to emulate this Tape Flute on the CT-X700 or CT-X800? This probably would involve some layering of a regular flute and a synth pad, maybe the use of some chorus or flanger. Any suggestions? Vinciane
  24. Hi I made this video to demonstrate that it is possible to have the CT-S1 sound other tones than the default Stage Piano tone using midi. This is accomplished by sending midi program change-messages and bank select-messages. Through sheer experimentation, and because I wanted to get the full potential of this instrument and thus became very stubborn, I learned that if I send a program change-message only and omit the bank select-message I get the GM 1 sound set. To active the the drum sets in the GM 1 sound set it is necessary to send the midi data to channel 10 on the CT-S1 In order to active the built-in 61 tone-bank on the CT-S1, you must send a bank select message (MSB: 2, LSB: 0 or 64 - according to the manual) first, and then the program change-message. The perspective of this is that you can record audio from the CT-S1 and have it sound some of its more advanced tones such as the CZ- and VZ-tones, just by sending the appropriate midi cc messages. I hope this video will inspire others to get the most from their CT-S1 Jay🎹
  25. Version 0.0.1


    As described in this comment: Here is a stage setting for the PX-5S that will send one program change message to the CT-S1 - provided they connected via midi - for it to sound the 1st tone in the Synth category of its tone bank. That tone is called Synth-Brass, hence the name of the stage setting. Moreover, you will have control over: filter cut-off [Slider 1] filter resonance [Slider 2] attack time [Slider 3] chorus [Slider 4] delay [Slider 5] reverb [Slider 6] of the CT-S1 and use pitch bender use modulation wheel all triggered by the PX-5S. For the stage setting to send the program change message you may have to press [Bank] and the stage setting-number you saved it under. For instance, if you saved it under Bank 0-0, you would press [Bank] and [0] [0]. By design, sound generation on the PX-5S is turned off in this stage setting. Likewise, the target (1 & 2) of Knobs 1-4 is not assigned. Here is an example of the stage setting in use. All music is played on the PX-5S, even though it is the CT-S1 you hear. I used some of the sliders on the PX-5S to slightly alter the sound from the CT-S1: Jay🎹
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