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Found 18 results

  1. Hello, I am currently looking for software specifically for the WK-1800 Synth (wavetable, GT-155F) Here is what I need from it: Can Read, Edit, Play, and Save .ct3 files, as well as the other WK-1800 native file formats (the WK-1800 tone file format) Can directly communicate with the WK-1800 Can save song/midi file, as well as read them can accurately emulate the wk-1800 Direct Playback on Hardware. Vertical Sequencer/Tracker Type Interface, available either natively or as a plugin. can see, use, play, and edit factory and user tones. I've got to have the Casio Tones Communicates via midi (if I have to mod my synth I am willing to, but I do not have equipment to do that with) I am wanting to make some music specifically for that synth, but I have not found any sequencers that can truly utilize or communicate with it. Especially with the strange voice limits it has when using dual-oscillator tones. (Especially multiple of those) I prefer working with trackers/vertical sequencers, but the only trackers I know of that can directly do MIDI are Open MPT and Renoise, one of which is paid, and neither of which I got working with my hardware. (I think IT/Schisim Tracker can also do MIDI, but I do not know how it set it up for them)
  2. Hey everyone, my PX - 350m is dead as a keyboard 😕 and since I’m now part of “the broken crackling noise Casio keyboards club” I’m forced to use this as a MIDI controller but I’ve got trouble once I play VSTs inside and outside kontakt, it does not matter if they are standalone or through a DAW, in most cases the velocity response is really quiet compared to when I press each key with my mouse in the VSTs interface so I believe this is a velocity problem, is there any way to control this? Are there any Casio software to control this or what can I do? Thanks for your help beforehand.
  3. I offer you a program to take advantage of the MIDI characteristics of CASIO WK-6600. MIDIOXE can be used in conjunction with this program. English 64bits: setup-CASIO_WK-6600_MIDI_Tools-x64.zip https://mega.nz/file/QtZ2FSga#8wQfNDB3tL02Se2FYSAV90HuuN220H1zdBWbjTLrdgc 32 bits: setup-CASIO_WK-6600_MIDI_Tools-x86.zip https://mega.nz/file/JpZmUKxJ#FEFFP5mXMvYxkO9GZAIK7-uNBc8retAy2EcIUkIb1A8 Spanish 64 bits: setup-CASIO_WK-6600_MIDI_Tools-x64.zip https://mega.nz/file/p9RmQSoT#D2sHwKpbsofJKQKaqrBvh1pZv956y5aE6WiSTX35KQ4 32 bits: setup-CASIO_WK-6600_MIDI_Tools-x86.zip https://mega.nz/file/F0JkVCbA#oxlUjy8KKNNiDJi-Pqh0-qhnS19Xqunlbxnh4Pg6loY Greetings to all.
  4. In the process of researching a challenge on behalf of another end_user I downloaded Data Manager and its instruction pdf. It is advisable that those desiring MIDI implementation and data transfer download the software. On the support website, it's indicated that it is platform_neutral ( Windows/Mac/iOS ). The instructions seem very basic and straightforward. However, it is written primarily with Windows users in mind. I would very much be interested in hearing about the experience of those attempting to use it in a Linux distro. Thank you in advance Will
  5. Hey, I am a beginner. I have heard that Synthesia app better than cordana and I am going to buy my first piano. I am interest in Lk-S250 but if it not support Synthesia I have to go for other keyboard. I just want to make sure if it support Synthesia app and light up... T.I.A
  6. Hi, I've just brought my million years old CASIO CTK-800 keybord from the attic and decided to give it a second life. The problem is i can't use CDs on my laptop, so i can't install the driver from the original CD. Do you know, where can I download a 64-bit Windows 10 driver? love xxx
  7. Hi, I checked through the forum and I cannot find an answer for my issue. What's wrong? My piano - Casio PX-770BK - got a problem with key pressing. I happens only at 3 keys, F G and A on IV octave. After 15-20 second after turning device on, if I click on any of those 3 keys or both at the same time (it happens randomly) I hear the key I clicked which is fine, but I also hear 2 other sounds from higher octave. I don't know what can be the reason and how to fix it. Does anybody know what can be the reason?
  8. Hello buds, is there any hope to make PX360 work with Chordana? It won't be difficult to make an update to make it possible.
  9. Hello buds! As I love my Privia, I have some software problems from time to time, but till now I managed. It has changed unfortunately... I used 'search' option but nothing seemed to fit my problem - my Privia stopped saving settings. It saves MIDI with no problem, Audio is ok too. I discovered the problem while trying to save some of my fav sound settings into the bank - they don't save anymore. The message that is has been saved occures, but it doesnt save. The 'auto resume' option also doesn't work, mainly because Privia won't save the setting as 'ON' and resets to 'OFF'after restarting. So, basically I end up with clear, factory settings each time I turn on my piano. I did 'reset to factory settings', but it didn't help (and I managed to forget about 80 MIDI saved tracks I wanted to keep... hah, stupid me xD) Any ideas? Is there a way to update the software or so?
  10. I have a CTK-3500, and am trying to send MIDI files to it. I called basic support, and they said they would have to get special software for it, but couldn't help me with recommendations for software. Does anyone know of MIDI file transfer software preferably compatible with Ubuntu 18.04, if not Windows 7? Thanks!
  11. Hi Friends I recently bought a PX-560m and I haven't found too many tones for it. Can I use tones from another model? Is there a way to convert sounds from PX5S to PX-560M? Is there any software you in Casio have or other you know to make some new sounds for this great piano? Best Regards Abaid Rosales
  12. I have just bought a Celviano AP460 and understand that I can connect it to my computer and control it from there, but that I need to have MIDI Software installed on my computer? Can anyone recommend a software programme that is compatible with my keyboard? I have looked up MIDI Software on the internet, but there are so many different ones I have no idea which one to use!
  13. I have a CDP-130, and would like to have a software interface to it, so I can set metronome speed and things like that, instead of just using the function keys and never knowing what speed I have it set at. Possible to select other options too. Is this possible? Is it possible through MIDI? Will it accept MIDI, and not just send? If I were to write such software, what resources could I rely upon, i.e. a list of command codes, etc?
  14. When I connect my Piano CDP-120 with usb cable type a-b my computer read it but I can't use my piano with LMMS (The software I have installed)... My first question is: Which is the driver download for CDP-120 for Windows 10? My second question is: Can I use LMMS or I have to install other software?
  15. Hi everybody, As new as I am with the PX-5s I don't find much on the net about the possibilities when connected to an Ipad. I bought aleady the USB to lightning connector , but I am very curious what I can do with my Ipad air. I suppose I can use it as a controller , so then what software do I use and how ? Is it possible to use th Ipad as a editor ? What about the midi sounds available on iTunes , are they compatible and do I need to install anything extra on the Ipad. Any suggestions are very welcome ! Greetings from Belgium. Henri p.s. I support Jim Alfredson's Theo project : http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/theo
  16. I bought a new "used" WK 8000 from a party who purchased it for her son, who used it a few times. I got everything with it, except the CD Rom. Not sure it would make much of a difference having it, because I'm using Windows 8.1 on my laptop, and Windows 7 on my desktop. I have hooked up a USB B from the keyboard to the computer and the data access light doesn't go on. The laptop computer makes a beep sound, but nothing happens. I've installed the driver from the Casio website repeatedly, and uninstalled and it won't detect the keyboard. I've tried a couple of different USB cords. I drug the keyboard to my laptop and was able to install a driver, supposedly. When I plugged in the keyboard, it said it was detecting the keyboard. But when i selected it as an input for MuseScore, it again couldn't locate it. I've spent two days now sleuthing and trying to figure out if there is a way to make this connection between the keyboard and my computer. My goal is composition and since this keyboard had a general Midi connection, I thought it might work. If I'm screwed, then just tell me now... so I can sell this thing and get something else that will work. This has been so frustrating that I'm having a aura migrane... right this second... Broken glass vision... Hoping in the end, the glass will be half-full and I can find a solution. LOL Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated... Thanks in advance! Best, A Musing Grace
  17. I recently got a Casio CTK-2400 keyboard as a gift; this particular model has a USB port on the back of it, presumably for porting your tunes out onto a computer. I'm wondering if there's a particular software that I should be using that is compatible with Casio keyboards. I'd like to be able to play something on the keyboard and maybe be able to arrange it/loop it/etc. Does anyone have any experience with this?
  18. So i just bought my Casio PX-5s and I am having some trouble loading patches that i downloaded from this website. I have them all in the left list (PC user data files) but when i drag them over into the instrument list it asks if I want to replace stage setting already on the piano. I'm worried that means I will be overwriting stock sounds/settings which I definitely don't want to do. I was hoping there would be a seperate section for me to drag these custom patches or stage settings. Yes i have read the editor manual btw. Page 16 onwards was helpful but still didn't enlighten me on this matter. I guess I don't understand the interface too well yet. Any help would be appreciated Michael
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