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Studio ONE Focusrite 18i8 and my 560M are not talking


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Good evening everyone!


I have my 560m midi hooked up to the 18i8 When I open it in Studio ONE I can't get it to record directly. 

I have my Audio Technica Mic run into it and I record everything fine. But for some reason its not recording Midi in.


I guess before I get into all the particulars ( wires etc ) are these three things compatible?


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I am not clear as to what you re trying to do. When you say midi in-are you referring to the Focusrite interface midi in, or the PX560 midi in? Are you trying to record the PX560 midi out into the focusrite interface midi in? I don't have the Focusrite so not too familiar with it. I've used the Tascam usb audio/midi interfaces which needed that product's specific drivers to work properly, it would not work with the standard Windows USB driver. I learned the hard way-you cannot use the PX560 midi recorder to record from external midi equipment or software through its midi in-it will play but has no midi recording facility internally but I don't think this is what you are trying to do.

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I ll try USB. I used do this sort of thing 19yrs ago so I am catching up to the technology of recording on the computer part ;)


Thank you for all your help guys.


USB vs MIDI .. which is better/cleaner? and which has the least amount of lag time from keyboard to computer?

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Theoretically USB/midi is supposed to be about the same transfer rate as hardware midi din, or maybe even faster. In practice-I have found dedicated midi DIN-to-midi DIN to be less problematic, just me. If you are going to play virtual synths or pianos designed to play using software soundfonts or computer rendering of sounds I have never been able to overcome the lagtime from hitting a key and rendering the sound this way, although some claim the Linux-designed ALSA  midi drivers help, but that hasn't been my experience. And I don't have experience with Apple midi communications so can't speak to that. Also still unable to get fast response into Android tablets or smartphones if playing live and using sounds rendered with the software, but maybe that's me. any serial protocol is not going to be terribly fast, not a problem with smaller batches of midi data, but if you start transferring large files, there can be problems. the midi din interfaces installed in musical instruments have specific ICs designed for midi data transfer, computer interfaces and software are sharing resources with whatever else is running on your computer, phone or tablet which may or may not cause problems. 


Although USB/midi adapter cables are shielded from external RFI or other radio interference-this is computer data and can be corrupted during transfers, so are the traditional midi DIN cables and have specific pins used to ground/shield the data connection wires which will help prevent rfi, and I don't think computer usb midi does this, I could be wrong. If you connect 2 midi din music devices together, this keeps out most external interference-and a computer can pick up or create it's own rfi and get into the usb midi data stream causing corruption or slowdown. I also prefer hardware midi DIN because the cables are more physically robust and secure IMO.


One more thing-do not buy the cheap Chinese USB to midi adapter cables to connect anything to the computer-these are notoriously poorly designed and will cause many problems-I speak from experience. I use a Midisport 2 x 2 now and it seems very reliable. 

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