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Bluetooth Audio & MIDI for Casio GP-510


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The GP-510 is a great piano with a superb keyboard action. However, I definitely miss bluetooth Audio + MIDI, which is standard on other brands. I really hope that a solution will be available soon, comparable to the Casio WU-BT10 Wireless Bluetooth MIDI and Audio Adapter.

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I agree it is a great DP with a superbly playable action. As you say you miss it, I take it you've used Bluetooth Audio + MIDI on a keyboard before? If so, how was the latency or delays?


I would have appreciated USB audio support on the GP-510 (which I presume would enable WU-BT10 support as well). USB Audio would have greatly simplified my iPad interface project for PianoMarvel and Garage Band use. Instead, I have a collection of cables, adapters, a USB isolator, and a USB-C Hub for the iPad Pro. One more USB-C cable to clean that up is on order, and then I'll design and 3D print something contain that craziness out of sight behind the piano.


Every digital piano has its quirks, though. What would be neat is, if in the interest of sustainability and product longevity, that if CASIO upgrades the electronics in the GP-510, say by offering USB Audio, Bluetooth, or even new samples, that we could upgrade just the logic board. I know, I'm dreaming... but hey.

Edited by GGGeoff
Fix a typo and expand
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Hi Geoff, thanks for your thoughts. In fact, I would also like to connect my iPad wirelessly to the GP-510.

I am currently interested in two use cases:

1. play audio sources from the iPad, e.g. AUM via the amplifier and speaker system of the GP-510 and play the piano at the same time - the latency of the BLE transmission is irrelevant here. The result could again be recorded in AUM on the iPad.

2. Direct MIDI recording of the GP-510 on the iPad.

Best regards, Marc

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