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assigning MIDI channels in the S-3000


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I'm new to sequencing MIDI using my Privia S-3000 as a sound source. I have a Pro Tools file open on my Mac and have assigned an electric piano patch but keep hearing the grand piano patch when I play my sequence in PT. Before, for some reason, I was getting the e. piano patch, but not now. I can't figure out how to assign a particular MIDI channel to that patch.

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MIDI input has it's own sound generator (part group) on the PX-S3000.  This means the "live" keyboard sounds you hear when you play the keys is not the sounds MIDI is controlling. 


One simple trick you can do is, start recording a MIDI track in your DAW before selecting your tone on the S3000.  You could reserve measure 1 for this.  The S3000 will send tone patch data to be recorded within your track.  On playback, the recording will recall the correct tone.  


Another option is using a patch script for Pro Tools.  I'm not familiar with Pro Tools, so I can't speak on how this should be installed, but the file for it is available on Casio support website here

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That trick worked! Thanks much! 

2 follow-up questions: is the S-3000 multitimbral, and if so, how would I assign different patches to different MIDI channels?

Also, when I tried to play a PT MIDI track through the synth and bounce the track with the assigned patch to an audio file in PT, there was a fair amount of noise in the signal. I came out of the 1/4" L and R outs in the back of the synth. Is there a better alternative, like through the stereo headphone out? I assume that would be far worse.

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46 minutes ago, Lopato said:

is the S-3000 multitimbral, and if so, how would I assign different patches to different MIDI channels?


The MIDI input is 16 part multi-timbral.  Each track you want a new tone for will need to transmit on a new channel, up to 16 channels.  Just repeat the process of recording your tone selection on the next new track, with a new MIDI channel.   


46 minutes ago, Lopato said:

Is there a better alternative, like through the stereo headphone out?


Both outputs are of equal sound quality.  It sounds like something in your setup is adding noise.  It should be a clean signal.  


The PX-S3000 can record digital audio directly to a USB flash drive connected to the USB port on the piano.  That would deliver your absolute best quality.  


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This may seem really stupid, and pardon me if it is, but re: "record digital audio directly to a USB flash drive connected to the USB port", does it matter which of the two USB ports? And how am I recording it onto the drive? Does the S-3000 export the data as some kind of audio file or am I using some software I install onto the flash drive to record the outputted data?

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