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Accordion Tones Programming Challenge

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I initiate this "Accordion Tones Programming Challenge" for all CT-X users, with the desire to collaborate together in order to obtain tones as close possible to the sound of real acoustic instruments.


I mention the fact that, to have an overall sound as natural and authentic possible, personally I prefer a very clean and dry setup configuration of the EQ and FX section setings, therefore I have only the Standard EQ and just a value of 8 units Cathedral Reverb in the general settings of my CT-X5000.


For beginning, I propose this "Accordion 16′ stop Bassoon Register Tone" programmed by me in the ADSR Amplitude Envelopes and Filter sections :





The particularities of this tone consists in the fact that, in the first 125 milliseconds at the beginning the tone has an "Staccato / Spiccato" dynamic sound effect, followed after by an "Crescendo" gradual increase in volume, until it reaches the maximum value. Thus being him very suitable especially for solo performance (but also for accompaniment as well) in Romanian Folklore and Gypsy music, Balkan music, Jazz, and other specific music genres.


Starting from this tone in the rough state, I challenge all of you to programming it in the DSP section (but in the other sections as well) and trying together to obtain the most natural and authentic "Accordion 16′ stop Bassoon Register Tone" possible.


P.S. To understand better what accordion tone I want to achieve, I attaching these performances by the romanian accordion maestro Marian Mexicanu in Concert with the National Radio BNR Orchestra from Bulgaria :



Here is used an "Accordion 8′ stop Clarinet Register Tone", but in terms of sonority is approximative similar to the "Accordion 16′ stop Bassoon Register Tone", just an octave higher.



Edited by Cușlea_FM
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4 hours ago, Jay C said:

Hi Cușlea_FM


Great idea.


Could this challenge be expanded to include users of PX-5S? :)


Jay 🎹


Hi Jay C ! Yes, of course ! All members of the "Casio Family" are welcome to participate ! 🤗😘

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I have for you all a first question related to possibility to use for this tone the "Velocity to Filter Cutoff" (parameter at offset 085 in ToneTyrant editing software). It is this effect "turned on" in the underlying sample data ? If it is not, is there any way to activate it somehow ? I mention that the original preset tone which I edited to achieve this "Accordion 16′ stop Bassoon Register Tone" is the tone Harmonium1, number 491 from the Ethnic 1 category.

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Well... Ok... no interest to participate and collaborate in accordions sound design programming... but at least try this tone programmed by me until to the present moment and let me know your thoughts about it... it's always good to hear other people's opinions and your opinions will help me to understand if I am on the right way or not...

Edited by Cușlea_FM
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11 hours ago, Shaunaflynn said:

The combination of "Staccato / Spiccato" at the beginning followed by a "Crescendo" creates such a dynamic effect.


Hi Shaunaflynn, and thank you for the feedback. Yes, the tone that I programmed has an overall dynamic far above compared to the dynamic of the CT-X Preset Tones or other User Tones that I have also tried until now. And yes, the combination of "Staccato / Spiccato" at the beginning followed after by "Crescendo" gives to this tone a special expressiveness, without using an expression/volume pedal.

I'm still not 100% satisfied by this tone in its current form, because it is a bit too strident, too harsh, and I'm still trying to fix this in the Filters section, but I'm undecided which configuration is more suitable and better. That's why it would be very helpful for me to be able to use the "Velocity to Filter Cutoff" (parameter at offset 085 in ToneTyrant editing software), but I couldn't do it, and I don't know if this effect is "turned on" in the underlying sample data, and if is there any way to activate it somehow.

In the DSP section can be done a lot of adjustments and improvements, but I try first to get the maximum of this tone, so in its raw state, without any DSP.

Edited by Cușlea_FM
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