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About Ijomne

  • Birthday 11/18/1997

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    Electronic keyboards, synths, music making, Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Mario platformers, birds

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  1. Version 1.0.0


    Edited from a default style. For a lot of songs this could work.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    DNDNGBT1 is a more dangdut 4/4 style for songs like 'Malereang', 'Lintau Basiang', 'Indang Sirenti', 'Tanti Batanti', 'Padang Magek', songs with rhythms like that. Works around 115-170bpm depending on the song. Good for playing songs by Misramolai. Default tempo is 160bpm. DNDNGBT2 is a 2/4 style for songs like 'Buruang Bondo', 'Mufakaik Karo', 'Kudo Palajang Bukik', 'Dendang Parantauan', 'Bukik Bunian', and others. It also works for KIM and Joget Gamad songs at 120bpm. works around 90-120bpm depending on the song. Default tempo is 100bpm.
  3. Definitely a fully editable synth section (including mono mode) like the MZ-X500 had, and Hex Layers. We need a CT-X with a fully editable synth, pitch and mod wheels, and hex layers. Also drawbar organ too. More out of sounds I miss the old Consonant Vowel synthesis sounds on the newer models as well as the additional ethnic instruments and rhythms on the Chinese, Arabian, Indian, Latin, and if they made them Indonesian/Malaysian models (did Casio ever make an Indonesian/Malaysian/Singaporean CTK/LK model with an altered song and tone/rhythm back in the day?).
  4. I'd say English Depeche Mode Yazoo/Yaz Erasure A Flock Of Seagulls a lot of other 80s synthpop Tina Turner's Private Dancer album Prince from Purple Rain and earlier Madonna's 80s albums Donna Summers Bee Gees Neil Sedaka Paul Anka Benny Goodman Jessica Jay Aqua ABBA Spanish Selena Los Bukis Damas Gratis Yerba Brava cumbia and grupera in general Xavier Cugat Perez Prado I love Afro Cuban music in general Asian dangdut music pre modern like 2000s and earlier Minang music Batak Toba/Simalungun music Mandailing/Angkola music Karo music Indonesian songs from the 80's/90's especially stuff like Madu & Racun and Demi Cinta Nih Ye (Idk what genre these 2 fall under, its sorta pop and sorta dangdut) Music from the Pokemon games Music from the Mario games Music from HAL Laboratory games Japanese city pop Asian folk traditions in general (may not use electronic sounds but still in the playing style) I love the DX7 harmonica preset and ethnic woodwind/bell type sounds.
  5. here are the files compressed @Just Alexin a zip archive. i'd love to hear these in my Casio as I don't have my PSR-e443 anymore which I did add some custom styles to Downloads (2).zip
  6. I'm surprised Casio hasn't made a regional keyboard for Indonesia yet with songs from there. yeah I could see other folk songs too. I do hope they add some more folk instruments like talempong, sarunai, sarune, gondang, and other stuff from Sumatran regional stuff. @Pravito
  7. I hope so too, but I am more looking for newer CT-X models (CT-X710, CT-X810, CT-X3100, CT-X5100) with more tones and rhythms, and maybe a CT-X8100IN and CT-X9100IN to go along. Maybe a WK-X series might be incoming sometime, or WK-S series? I think though with the CT-S500 they are looking more into programmable gear, maybe they will release a WK-X or WK-S series. Casiotone was a big thing back in the 80's (it lasted for quite a few years) but I do have hopes they will release more standard keyboards next year with arranger functions. I also hope for a new LK model but that's another story.
  8. I somehow managed to recreate one of the demo songs from the CTK-495 I used to have with a slightly different accompaniment on the CT-X3000 using my own custom MIDI file I made using FL Studio's piano roll.
  9. all the instruments were made using the CT-X3000, they are karaoke tracks except the first so they are instrumental. edit: I have the 3000, not the 5000 (the last one was made before getting my Scarlett 2i2 recording interface). I'm using custom styles here.
  10. hi again Alex, are you able to convert any more styles? I have some here. but there are a lot since i dont know if all of them are complete. +KARO+ DuT.T320.STY GONDANG_CEPAT.STY GONDANG_DUT.STY (2) RUMBA HABA.S910.sty 02 TOR-TOR BTK.S837.STY GONDANG_LAMBA.STY Tortor.STY @LEX BEAT Talempong.T320.STY JOGET GAMMAD.T320.STY WALTZ 3%4.T320.STY Zapin melayu.T320.STY MLY DELI.STY Kronc Rege.STY POP_MELAYOE.STY POP_MELAYU.STY CHA-DUT (80).s713.STY Dang Melayu.s346.STY Dangdut Pop .s829.STY Melayu 1.sty Melayu 2.sty Melayu 3.sty Melayu..sty MELAYU.STY RmbFlamenca.S687.sty RumbaIsland.S705.sty DiscoChocolate.S317.sty DISC POCO.STY MINANG.sty Minang.S413.STY MINANG_B.STY MINMELAY.STY BTX CHA CHA.s825.STY BTX CHA,dhut' .s287.STY Patam2.STY REGGAE BTX.s825.STY MELAYUKU.S692.STY BEAT DENDANG.s692.STY D KARO JOGET d.STY julius karo.S837.STY KARO CEPATSKLI.S837.STY KARO LAMBAT.S449.STY Karo bijak Gayo.STY Karo Bijak.sty Karo DuT.S450.STY Karo haryy7.STY KARO HOS S.STY KARO HOT.STY KARO MEN.S463.STY Karo patam patam.S194.STY Karo Slow bijak.sty KARO-BEAT.S381.PAD KARONA S LOW.STY KARONA.STY PATAM KARO.STY POP KARO2.STY TOR2 KARO.STY MelayuJOGET.STY hause monang.STY -elek2.T110.STY ElekElek.S401.STY EMBAS2.T109.STY GONDANG_NDK.STY GondangOgung.STY Somba.S464.STY Y.TOR-EMBAS_21.s333.STY Poco_G800.STY C A D U T.STY CACADUT.STY ALEX BEAT+14 MNANG.T320.STY ALEX gondang ARBAB.T320.STY ALEX Pop Minang .T320.STY ALEX Tor2 Dangdut.T320.STY MINANG RIANG.KAMPR.STY MINANG-1.STY MINANG-2.STY DISPONG.STY DUTDISCO.STY
  11. Casio SA-38 and PT-80
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Indonesian music style from West Sumatra.
  13. Are there any new world rhythms and instruments on the new Casio keyboards? Especially interested in Indonesian and other Asian, African, and Latin ones.
  14. I heard we may get more than 1 new product. At least it felt that way from the email. Looking forward in a few hours.
  15. Mine is a tie between A^2, AiX, and HL. First and last for the songs and second for sounds and rhythms.
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