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Just Alex

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  1. Well, MZ-X500 has better HexLayer editing capabilities - you can define own envelope for filter, amplitude and pitch for each layer. But number of bugs in firmware is simply unbearable, and there are no updates available, except they shipped special edition for Latin America with 1.61 firmware, which is not downloadable anyways.. Overall, I have feeling that Casio decided to quit music instrument direction completely.
  2. I either recreated or ported most of iconic sounds from 80s 90s synthesizers - Korg M1, DX7, D50, OB-X, Juno-106 and so on.
  3. I'm still making some MZ-X500 stuff, like new sounds or styles, but since I got zero feedback, I stopped posting them. Example here: https://whyp.it/tracks/192472/tmms-cover-backing-track-alpha-demo?token=cWrFL
  4. You can use separate samples for bass and normal tones and set ranges for them, so when you play that sound, different parts of keyboard will play different sound. Example here: https://whyp.it/tracks/193642/take53?token=5nFKY
  5. Very nice! Pity it does not work with MZ-X...
  6. Style for Lian Ross was already posted by me on previous pages, please check.
  7. yes, it can import yamaha styles and plain midi files. and it even reads and understands properly CASM data in yamaha style files. For the midi, you can import like that say, midi channel 1, measure 1 to 4, go to bass, then you set type of chord, trigger point and so on. repeat that for all other tracks.
  8. Here's one example: https://forum.bome.com/t/expression-pedal-cc-to-pitchbend/2647
  9. Technically this is solvable. But there's need to have computer running. There are some midi softwares, which can convert one type of midi cc to another. Something like MidiPipe or whatever. It takes one type of MIDI message and converts to another. So you set your pedal to transmit some less used MIDI CC, and the software converts it to pitch bend. Or another way is to upgrade to Yamaha - while I don't remember which model exactly, but there was product video on youtube, where guy used pedal for pitch bending, to play realistic guitar sounds on Yamaha keyboard. It was something from Tyros or Genos series, if not mistaken.
  10. Technically it is possible, since CT-X and MZ-X share 99% of basic sample sets, from which all the sounds are made (MZ-X500 just has better pianos, strings and couple other instruments, about 10, all others are exactly the same). Just this is tedious work and requires access to the both keyboards at the same time.
  11. I guess it depends on the pedal type - these are pedals with on/off switch (most common) and ones with adjustable resistor inside. The 2nd should do the trick...
  12. Yes, "blinding lights" is a homage to "take on me". But it is a bit different. If not mistaken, I already posted style for "take on me".
  13. Style for "blinding lights" is almost ready. Anyone needs it? https://whyp.it/tracks/170521/blinding-lights?token=YyyDz
  14. Version 1.0.0


    I tried to recreate it using hex layer and built-in sounds, and it sounds quite faithfully, when played as in that song. Add reverb/chorus/delay according to taste. Another synth used in that song is Jupiter-106 with it's warm pad preset, I'm working on that sound for casio too.
  15. And how DSP limitations connect with one part muting another when I press volume button in style editor?
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