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Everything posted by lighthunt

  1. For a long time (knock on the wood) didn't experience this problem, if not touching the pedal during startup.... So I was just guessing based on observations, that during startup, the pedal calibrates (and so if I don't touch it, usually there's no problem). Turning it off/on again usually fixed the problem. Usually nondeterministic issues are harder prove to claim warranty, but if your problem is so consistent, I'd personally claim the warranty if you can. This behavior can hardly be considered normal. I don't know the implementation, but the connection may already be sort of broken
  2. Thanks Mike, I'll wait to see if something can be done. Just to add to my original post, Interestingly, MODULATION (second of the knob pair) value is stored.
  3. =the left most touch button (first button on the right from the volume pot), the button that shines SONG (or RHYTHM or ACCOMP), in manual referred as " [3] mode selector button" ... I touch this (one) button until it says SONG. Then long press ....
  4. Yes it does. Moving from rhythm / accomp to song mode retain selected registration, the tone remains the same as selected (including DSP). The point is that in rhythm/accomp mode (on the left side), the function button (on the right) cycles between TONE, RHYTHM, CTRL (DSPS, knob, ... ) and BANK (recall registrations) in song mode, the function button (on the right) skips RHYTHM (sure, this is defined by the song) and BANK (registrations, WHY????) I cannot choose new registration anymore when in song (I can only play the one I set before), but I can change tones, DSPs ... So you CAN recall registrations when playing live recording a song (because you can move out to rhythm/accomp), but you CANNOT play the recording and play live with it and recall your registrations at the same time. This limitation doesn't make much sense to honest. It's either artificial (marketing limitation for whatever strange reason) or looks like a bug. I don't know PX-560, you can't recall registrations in song mode? (+ on PX-S3000, I was hoping it would additionally saves me from turning accomp on, because of too sensitive buttons) --- @Jokeyman123 Pianomanchuck made excellent videos about PX-S3000 (and other Casios, look it up in case you didn't see it), and this one compares the 2 instruments, mention it's limitations / improvements etc.
  5. PX-S3000, When in song mode (left most button RHYTHM > ACCOMP > SONG) long press this SONG button, and display says: COMPLETE. I have no idea what did I just do 😉 I have searched manual but didn't find any info. So what did I break this time? 😉 Thanks
  6. Hi there, After switching to song mode (rhytm > accomp > song), I am no longer able to access registrations. Why is that? Motivation (of mine): Someone on this forum suggested to go to song mode in order to prevent accidental auto-accompaniment to turn on when playing (happens to me often 😞 ). I am not sure if the capatitive buttons are the cause (I have decreased sensitivity already), but they could be and this is reasonable workaround the issue. But if registrations are not available, then it defeats the purpose of life playing really. I can change DSP on tones and other stuff while playing the recording (and playing keyboard), but I cannot recall registrations? I can recall registration before choosing song anyway. So why registration are not available in song mode? True mystery to me. Any chance to enable them @Mike Martin?
  7. @kybdsammer, I think you are at correct menu, but what you see there depends on preset - try other factory tone, for example e.piano 003: Lucent EP. I can see there is M1:Flanger and M2:compress on it and it's on. I could disable the flanger, etc. (can you see it now?) The DSP on each factory preset is preset specific, so you should see what's on your tone. If nothing is there or it's off, all effects that you hear are in the tone baked into the tone itself from factory (into samples). Your preset (which one is it?), I am guessing DSP is set to off by default isn't it? If so, no idea what it's preselected and off, probably someon in casio thought may be usefull or it's a leftover from development, testing ... (Note, I am not CASIO insider, so I am making conclusions based on my own experimenting and what sounds most logical ....)
  8. On the tone of your interest, click the DSP function, it will show 000: Tone. Now hold the DSP button and investigate from there. It shows what modules and settings are used on the factory tone. It can be tweaked and stored as registration.
  9. Another way how to turn on your metronome on px-s3000 is in (MIDI) recording mode (not sure if it's documented somewhere, came to that by lucky accident). Just hit Rec button shortly, then long press one more time. You are now in the rec menu, metronome settings are part of if, you should be able to figure out from here. I know my answer comes late, but perhaps it may help to someone, cheers
  10. Hi there, A little bit of nit picking, I admit, but ... well there is this (would be a nice feature if ...) function that supposed the dim the lights on the panel (SYSTEM > Panel light > set dim delay) so that it would not not disturb the player. Well the LEDs go off, LCD info goes off, but the backlit of the LCD is still on and shines. Is it just me? but I find this really odd from aesthetic point of view, kind of losing the point and idea of being not disturbing. On an average instrument - so be it, but on an instrument that puts so much effort and emphasis on design? How come CASIO missed this detail? What's the point of an empty LCD screen shining with no info, when the lights should be off? I find this really silly, maybe I missed some settings somewhere? (I would be glad to use this feature at night time, but with the LCD on, looks really ugly so I won't). Any ideas? Thank you
  11. @Jokeyman123it's 3.0 slave (is this word still allowed?) connector, so for example it's used to connect external 3.5" HDD USB enclosures (I own several of them) . Your laptop is host/master, hence the flat A type of connector. USB-C type unifies this mess a bit ...
  12. Just to be a little more specific, for me, it only happens sometimes after turning the piano on (not during the play), which seems to be aligned with original post. When this happens, I wouldn't say it's not working completely, but more like "partial sustain". Clearly not working properly and full sustaining, but there is some short sustain effect going on. (looks like pedal is not calibrated at that time and needs sort of reset. Can you confirm it's similar to you or not sustaining at all?
  13. Hi @smokinjo I can confirm, I came across the same issue occasionally as well. 1) I also worry about the proprietary connector to wear out over time, it's not sturdy as jacks. Well, I don't have permanent solution, but good old IT "fix" - just "turn the piano off and on again" - does the trick here as well and reset the pedal the same way like unplug/plug. More annoyance (booting takes more time), but saves the connector, On/off switch should last longer. 2) I suspect, that the issue happens more often if I am not patient enough and touch the piano and/or (?) the pedal before PX-S3000 finish to fully boot. Can you wait a bit, check if it helps for you (and report here please, I am also curious). hope it helps.
  14. Hello folks, I've been making some new sounds, changing several parameters from the knob set list using K1/K2 knobs, but some of the parameters that I tweak for the tone are not stored in registration. According to Casio tone editing video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4o6IZ8xQ5Y), at around 11:00 @Mike Martin mentioned: all parameters that can be changed by knobs can be stored in registration (like a "screenshot" of current tone) (13:15 - last knob assignment selected when stored, becomes the one to control when recalled) elsewhere in this forum: "Registrations are performance setups, or snapshots of the current state of your PX" @Brad Saucier but I am unable to store all tone parameters. To be more specific, here is how to reproduce the issue: set [TONE] PAD, 004: SuperSaw PAD (not sure if this is important, but ...) set [CTRL] KNOB 04: Amp Envelope, twist K1 a bit to set some (longer) attack time set [CTRL] KNOB 07: Porta./Mod. twist K1 a bit to set some porta time set [CTRL] KNOB 01: Filter (twist K1 a bit / or don't touch it) store registration Until now I can hear my original sound, including slow porta effect, slow attack time, I am able to change the cutoff freq via K1. But once I leave to other tone and get back and recall this stored registration, there is no porta effect anymore (but slow attack time is there and K1 modifies cuttoff as expected). I haven't found anything special about porta in the user manual. What am I doing wrong? This looks like a software bug to me, a part of the sound is stored correctly and part of it is not. Clearly the instrument is able to produce the desired tone, but I cannot recall it again from the registration (I tried knob freeze on or off, there is no impact on this). I wonder if someone else experienced similar issue. And since I am quoting @Mike Martin and @Brad Saucier, and my PX-S3000 behaves differently, I wonder if you you gentlemen may shed some light here? Thank you, Robert
  15. DSP 010: Enhancer (adjust higher frequencies) also brightens the sound and sounds great.
  16. Hi, I sometimes found the 001 sound dull and close to 003 (mellow), but this is subjective. I agree with @Mike Martin the sound depends on so many variables (headphones, velocity! ... ), it could be a leftover from previous editing/experiments or playing 002 previously (everything sounds dull after this preset LOL). When you hit the keys hard, there is a very noticeable difference between 001 and 003 (and almost none at low velocity). Make sure you boot PX-S fresh (turn of the autoresume function), and (or?) reset the knob settings (hold the knob button, confirm). Someone suggested layering two pianos (grand and bright), seems to be interesting idea, but I didn't find it useful, unless you like the strange "chorus like" effect. But instead, throw in and EQ DSP (instead of tone DSP - if turned off doesn't change the sound) and you can make it sound as bright as you like... Avoid mono EQ (totally destroys the sound) and use some stereo EQ. I often like to be in the middle for some slow solo playing ... (001 sounds a bit dull, 002 way too bright), and the fix is so simple. On S3000 (sorry I don't have S1000, probably won't work), example (depends on your speakers/phones/taste/velocity played/style/....), to get somewhere in the middle: Tone: 001 GrPnoConcert, DSP: 004 Stereo1BndEQ, EQ Freq: 4kHz (or little higher), EQ Gain: +03 (don't go too high). Or you can use more bands stereo EQ, but "less is often more ..." (set the knob to control 14: DSP and you can fine tune it live) ... Hope it helps
  17. I have decreased the sensitivity of the capacitive touch buttons to a minimum and no luck. It has happened again. (I think the accompaniment has turned on )
  18. Thanks, for confirmation. It's not PX-560, so can't expect too much (user assignable), but since there is already DSP parameter list in the reference chapter of the manual, it's a pity CASIO didn't bother to mark the parameters with that info (K1/L2 tags ). Cheers,
  19. Thanks Brad, if you mean, [Patch Script] Patch Script for PX-S3000 -- I have it installed, and it helps to browse for the tones a lot, but again this only allows me to select the built-in patch / tone, not a registration (a tone I make and store). I may be wrong, but I can't see registrations options in the browser ...
  20. This happened to me as well several times. Playing quietly with headphones on and suddenly an accompaniment or song or something started to play so loud, I almost jumped of the chair. I am pretty sure I was far from the the touch buttons, playing "white keys", this is very weird. I will lower down the sensitivity of the touch as someone suggested here, but somehow I doubt it's the root cause. Must be some glitch in internal processing I love my PX-S3000 home, but I would would be very worried to take it on a gig, cause it becomes crazy time to time and can ruin the evening ...
  21. Hi, PXS-3000 has the ability to assign knob 1 and 2 to set to control DSP parameters of effects on tone (14th option). But for a DSP effect how do I assign what parameter I want to control? I may be searching wrong, but I have not find any notice on that in the manual or elsewhere and I've been looking a lot. If this is built-in and not user-assignable (assuming that as I haven't find any info), how do I know what parameters for each DSP effect are actually controlled? Is there any list I can read without having to try each DSP effect? This can be even worse/more confusing if more DSP effects assigned, how will I know what K1 and K2 will control??? Can anyone help? Thank you,
  22. Hi, I am relatively new to MIDI (so forgive if my question is stupid), but Is there a way to choose a registration from a DAW in a similar way like a built-in tone? Example, I have 5 midi tracks in a song, I would like to change the first track (from "some built-in patch") to bank 1, slot 5. If not directly as pach, via some commands in a control track or so? (I am using Cakewalk, just BTW). Thank you
  23. @dusan78 I have learned the same thing independently and thought my keyboard is defective. Tried many things and found out unplugging usb removed the static noise just like in your case (my setup is similar, px-s3000 USB plugged to a laptop + audio interface (behringer uphoria) via USB. Unfortunately I need to record both the MIDI + audio (and monitor the sound). I don't have usb ground loop isolator, but found out that when I plug both devices into (passive, usb-c in my case) USB hub, the noise is gone. Hope it helps. --- And a general note, I can't understand why the heck is the line output level controlled by the volume button??? Why nobody cares? IMHO line output signal level should be fixed just like it's common by any other devices and so that we can set the gain/sensitivity on the audio interface or mixer once and forget it, why do I have to turn the volume knob and set gain on audio interface every f..g time I move from line in to int. speakers or headphones? I can't believe it. Moreover if the the volume button only control volume of internal speakers (and headphones) like it should do, there would not be any need for the stupid hack with dummy headphone jack. I like the keyboard, but CASIO this is so stupid
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