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  1. Recently I posted to Reddit's "tipofmytongue" subreddit about a deleted Youtube video which compiled several (possibly Casio) keyboard demo songs, with each song pertaining to a specific model of keyboard. I mention 'possibly Casio' because although all recollections point towards Casio, I can't definitively confirm. Yesterday, I spent the night combing through the deleted and private videos of around 1000 liked videos in my Youtube history. Long story short, I couldn't find the video in an archived state. [here's the link to post: https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/1e3pela/tomtvideosong_casio_or_yamaha_demo_songs/] The reason why I started looking for this video is because I remembered a specific song used in the video. As mentioned in the post, the song had a very electronic / kind of acid jazz feel, almost like the Ridge Racer Type 4 OST. The song also felt very original as it was unlike any demo song which was based off an already popular piece of music. It starts off with some mild bass synths which rapidly go back and forth a set of notes. I also remember the length of the song not being too long, definitely less than 2 minutes. It builds up to the main melody I remember which plays the aforementioned B4 - A4 - F#4 - E4 notes. Specifically in this order: [Recreation made using virtual piano: https://recursivearts.com/virtual-piano/?rec=539015_9] I can't remember what model of keyboard this song was in. I feel confident when I say the keyboard was not black and most likely had a either grey or white frame, but when it comes to the model name specifically I can kind of remember there being a W in the name, however it's very likely I'm wrong in this assumption. If there's any online repository which has original Casio demo songs (those composed by Casio and not based off other music) please let me know. Also feel free to ask questions about the video/ keyboard as I will try to answer them with as much honesty when it comes to the accuracy of my recollection. Regardless, thank you for reading. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE - SONG FOUND ! I found the song combing through all CASIO keyboards and synthesizers with a "W" in the title on a keyboard demo song database. This led me to finding the CASIO XW-P1 ! The database I used was this : https://demodb.org/index and the song can be heard here : https://demodb.org/casio/xw/xw-p1?pos=1 it is "Demo 2"
  2. 2022: I decided to remix/upgrade my original 2019 performance using Reaper with Omnipshere VSTs. I made this mix "Moby-ish" with cool strings! Son of Flynn_VST.mp3 2019: Here's my attempt at a very "Bach-ish" Daft Punk piece from the movie Tron Legacy. I did not use the arpeggiator. Just me playing the keyboard albeit sped up about 10% using the tempo up button. It's not as smooth as I would like, but this is the best I can do without "losing it" after much practice, Ha. I included the free sheet music PDF if anyone is interested. (5) midi tracks consisting of: Grand Piano Electric Piano 1 Deckards Lead (hex) VA Syn Seq Bs1 Stereo strings Son of Flynn.mp3 The Son of Flynn Tron .pdf
  3. Version 1.02


    Groovy Loops Part 2. Based on Performance patches and Step sequence. Package for this going to be called Run_The_Looper Some of these loops where build with one Performance patch, Others with stacking another on top. Some drum patterns have been realized by creating two patterns and stacking them on top of each other which was one way to do it but I've also could program a full step sequence using Bass , sol 1 2 for drums Have fun if you have any idea's shoot me a few. *added 8 more loops which are some of my experimental kind of stuff. Package available soon.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    A collection of solo synth sounds basically for electronic music.
  5. 4 On The Floor solo-synths View File A collection of solo synth sounds basically for electronic music. Submitter XW-Addict Submitted 09/01/2018 Category XW-G1
  6. Hi folks, I had a bit of free time tonight so I noodled out this little ditty for your enjoyment. https://soundcloud.com/happyrat1/dead-eye-dirk?in=happyrat1/sets/gary-g-s-singles Instruments used were Casio XW-P1, Kurzweil PC3K8, M-Audio Venom, Waldorf Blofeld, Korg X-50, Alesis SR-18. Please feel free to add your comments and likes to the website. Regards, Gary
  7. A new piece for your enjoyment, a Rat with a Mission!!! Double Oh Rat!!! https://soundcloud.com/happyrat1/double-oh-rat?in=happyrat1/sets/gary-g-s-singles Gary
  8. File Name: Groovy Sample Loops Part 2 File Submitter: XW-Addict File Submitted: 11 Sep 2015 File Category: XW-G1 Groovy Loops Part 2. Based on Performance patches and Step sequence. Package for this going to be called Run_The_Looper Some of these loops where build with one Performance patch, Others with stacking another on top. Some drum patterns have been realized by creating two patterns and stacking them on top of each other which was one way to do it but I've also could program a full step sequence using Bass , sol 1 2 for drums Have fun if you have any idea's shoot me a few. *added 8 more loops which are some of my experimental kind of stuff. Package available soon. Click here to download this file
  9. FORMLESS VOYAGER http://www.soundcloud.com/formlessvoyager Computerized synthetic masturbations inspired by trance/dance, '80s synth, video game tunes, technology, intoxication, dreams and astral planes etc.
  10. In life, fear is the only thing keeping us moving. Something a little darker this time presented for your enjoyment. https://soundcloud.com/happyrat1/run-rats-run?in=happyrat1/sets/gary-g-s-singles Gary
  11. Still bussy with synth stuff though I let one of the jamstuff I'm working on for some listening. I want to include it all to an all file like its done on the PX5S will take some time some sequence takes weeks to build nothing copied all fresh from the noggin. Trillian XW a demo of Trillian Performance and Step Sequence. https://soundcloud.com/clay-louis-petty/trillian-xw-interstellar-package-1 Trillian XW - Interstellar Travel Package#1.MP3
  12. A new tune fresh out of the lab on Xmas Morning. https://soundcloud.com/happyrat1/axe-of-the-elvish-king A reminder that we should not tempt the spirits of the Winter Solstice Gary
  13. Berk5

    XW SoloSyn+

    Version V1.00


    Enjoy it
  14. File Name: XW SoloSyn+ File Submitter: Berk5 File Submitted: 18 Dec 2014 File Category: XW-P1 Enjoy it Click here to download this file
  15. New track guys! Let me know what you think! https://soundcloud.com/giezdj/the-machine-original-mix-giez
  16. New track! Let me know what you think! https://soundcloud.com/giezdj/1-38-drunk-disorderly-giez It's available for voting on Spinnin Talent Pool. http://bit.ly/1dtIeiS
  17. Hey guys, I got a new track! Hope you like it! https://soundcloud.com/giezdj/the-bridge-giez
  18. Hey guys, I just finished this song, and I wanted to share it with you. https://soundcloud.com/giezdj/alert-giez Let me know what you think!
  19. Hey guys, this is my new song. The first is the original, and the second is an edit or different version. Hope you like it! https://soundcloud.com/giezdj/speed-giez https://soundcloud.com/giezdj/speed-edit-giez
  20. Hey guys, I wanna show you this song. Hope you like it! https://soundcloud.com/giezdj/escape-suit-giez
  21. Day motion version 2 performance mode patch in the work. By accident I learned solo synth can be played by the step sequencer also one draw back is if the tone changes it also changes how the step sequence sounds but the step sequence standard stores the solosynth selected. I was happy very happy cause the step seqeunce controls did something awesome to it got a bit messy when I tried to much so I saved two version on the G1 to rethink stuff here are two demo's of the performance patch a work in progres from here on I'll just list the patches here and demo's on soundcloud. Left hand soft string + sweep synth middle C - Seashore which been used with arp to slap in sync with drum. Right hand Hirezmotion vox solosynth. electronic Daymotion v2.1.MP3 Electronic Daymotion v2.MP3
  22. Version ONE


    A work in progress plus don't forget to set the step sequence pattern correctly in performance patch. Daymotion is an music project to gather lots of all what in the G1 and create a sonic musical event. Ive used the arpeggio on the left hand and recorded a phrase on the right but there are lots of possibility's Enjoy.
  23. File Name: DAYMOTION SET File Submitter: XW-Addict File Submitted: 23 Dec 2013 File Category: XW-G1 A work in progress plus don't forget to set the step sequence pattern correctly in performance patch. Daymotion is an music project to gather lots of all what in the G1 and create a sonic musical event. Ive used the arpeggio on the left hand and recorded a phrase on the right but there are lots of possibility's Enjoy. Click here to download this file
  24. This is the last song that I made so far. Hope you like it! https://soundcloud.com/giezdj/overcome-giez Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/GiezDJ Youtube: www.youtube.com/GiezDJ Twitter: www.twitter.com/GiezDJ Mixcloud: www.mixcloud.com/GiezDJ Facebook: www.facebook.com/giez.remix.1
  25. 177 downloads

    Loosely inspired by the "Son of Flynn" track from the "Tron: Legacy" soundtrack. Pulsing syn bass with arpeggio syn strings. AUDIO DEMO: https://soundcloud.com/casio-px-5s/encom
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