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  1. Version 1.0.0


    I modified an existing rhodes stage setting by emphasizing the high frequencies and adding a phaser. I hope you like it TAKE04.WAV
  2. Version 1.0.1


    The idea was to create a stage setting to play "To the end of the world" by Pat Metheny Group with a background of string pads, a double bass and a piano. I hope my Master Lyle (Mays) will be kind to me... TAKE43_1.wav TAKE55_1.wav
  3. Ok. So I have this phrase recorded on the PX-5S that was made for a particular hex layer tone I made. I want to playback the phrase as a part of a song sequence where: track1 is the phrase for the hex layer tone and track2 plays another phrase consisting of a drum pattern. Now, in the song mixer I can tell the PX-5s which instrument or tone I want to use for a particular track. I succeeded in picking a drum set for the drum phrase. However, I can't select the said hex layer tone as my tone for the phrase in track1. I consulted the tutorial manual for the PX-5S and according to it, in its tone list, (page E-45), the program change number for user hex layer tones 050-127 is 50-127, while the Bank Select MSB Value is 97 For hex layer tones 128-199 the program change number is 0-71 and the Bank select MSB value is 98. I tried to dial in the corresponding program change number with Bank Select MSB set to 97 and 98 - but I don't see my hexlayer tone as a selected tone. Any suggestions? Help is greatly appreciated, Thanks. Jay 🎹
  4. A short video featuring four Casio keyboards in concert - if you will. I made it with inspiration from some other videos that have been posted on this forum - as a "proof of concept" or just as an experimental video, really. Jay 🎹
  5. Here's a piece I dug up from my memories. Memories about a song I made on my Amiga 500 computer when I was a teen. What you hear is freely derived from this song. For this recording I have used my 3 Casio keyboards: PX-5S playing "Deckards Lead", XW-G1 playing "StringsVoice" and finally the CT-S1 delivers "Stage Piano". Add to that some effects Tip: Try listening with your eyes closed. Jay 🎹
  6. Hi there everyone, I just joined this forum community a few weeks ago after purchasing my PX-5S. It is awesome being here - lots of questions I've had have been answered! That said, I was hoping someone could help me out about this issue: I've been trying to post a new horn patch I designed to the PX-5S Downloads sub-forum, but I keep getting the error "Error code: 3D286/1" when trying to post any subcategory of file (from +create =>File Download=>any category). I'd love to post this setting and a really nice piano patch I've modified. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Any help is appreciated. Thank you!!
  7. Here's something new I am working on. Perhaps inspired by the "Regeneration" video Mike Martin made ? Anyhow, I just had fun fooling around with my three Casio keyboards - to see if I could combine them, I guess. Making no promises, I might make it into a finished song Jay🎹
  8. Version 0.0.1


    As described in this comment: Here is a stage setting for the PX-5S that will send one program change message to the CT-S1 - provided they connected via midi - for it to sound the 1st tone in the Synth category of its tone bank. That tone is called Synth-Brass, hence the name of the stage setting. Moreover, you will have control over: filter cut-off [Slider 1] filter resonance [Slider 2] attack time [Slider 3] chorus [Slider 4] delay [Slider 5] reverb [Slider 6] of the CT-S1 and use pitch bender use modulation wheel all triggered by the PX-5S. For the stage setting to send the program change message you may have to press [Bank] and the stage setting-number you saved it under. For instance, if you saved it under Bank 0-0, you would press [Bank] and [0] [0]. By design, sound generation on the PX-5S is turned off in this stage setting. Likewise, the target (1 & 2) of Knobs 1-4 is not assigned. Here is an example of the stage setting in use. All music is played on the PX-5S, even though it is the CT-S1 you hear. I used some of the sliders on the PX-5S to slightly alter the sound from the CT-S1: Jay🎹
  9. CT-S1 SynBrs (Stage Setting for PX-5S) View File As described in this comment: Here is a stage setting for the PX-5S that will send one program change message to the CT-S1 - provided they connected via midi - for it to sound the 1st tone in the Synth category of its tone bank. That tone is called Synth-Brass, hence the name of the stage setting. Moreover, you will have control over: filter cut-off [Slider 1] filter resonance [Slider 2] attack time [Slider 3] chorus [Slider 4] delay [Slider 5] reverb [Slider 6] of the CT-S1 and use pitch bender use modulation wheel all triggered by the PX-5S. For the stage setting to send the program change message you may have to press [Bank] and the stage setting-number you saved it under. For instance, if you saved it under Bank 0-0, you would press [Bank] and [0] [0]. By design, sound generation on the PX-5S is turned off in this stage setting. Likewise, the target (1 & 2) of Knobs 1-4 is not assigned. Jay🎹 Submitter Jay C Submitted 08/01/2021 Category PX-5S Other  
  10. I recorded a little improvisation exploring the posibilities with the stage setting Noire Grand by Mike Martin. The audio file has been normalized so don't crank your volume up to high https://soundcloud.com/jdkc/illumination
  11. Version 2.0.0


    Hi Mike Martin did a live seminar on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fby6I6lHfYM&feature=youtu.be On "PX-5S Programming: Analog Style Explorations". The resulting sound was incredible, and I've been looking for it as a download on this forum. It seems it is nowhere here So I meticulously tried to mimic the settings that Mike made to the sound in the Hex Layer Engine on his PX-5S until the point (at 49:32) in the above mentioned video where he saves it to memory. I would like to emphasize that this file is only an imitation - not the original. About the sound: You can manipulate the LFO using the modulation wheel. I have named the it "Analog" (as in the video). Finally, I uploaded a short audio demo of the sound. 🎹 Jay
  12. Here's a short piece I've recorded using the phrase sequencer on my PX-5S and then just made and Audio copy of it to my thumb drive. Hope you like it
  13. Hi everyone I am new to this forum and the PX-5S. On Soundcloud.com I've come across the following PX-5S demo: Casio Music Gear@soundcloud: orbiting The accompanying text says "A new sound that is available for download at www.casiomusicforums.com for the Privia PX-5S." But where on this forum do I find it? - I've been looking high and low for this, but to no avail. Help is much appreciated! Thanks, Jay 🎵
  14. Piano playing Casio Privia Px-5S Gorgeous Piano Sample, Lots of Reverb Sounding like a Big Cathedral But, you will need to use good speakers or headphones ... I recorded the sound directly to the USB memory stick, and the volume is pretty low.
  15. Could someone help me out with how to best connect the Privia PX-5S to a Focusrite 4i4 to a mac? As far as I can see, looks like the lead that came with the Focusrite is the one that connects to a computer. So now I just need to connect the piano to the Focusrite. Am I right in thinking I can choose to do this either by midi cables or a usb cable? I REALLY wanted to set this up today but I only ordered one midi cable and from what I've read I would need 2, one from piano midi in to focusright midi out and one from focusrite midi in to piano midi out? But as I'm gonna have to order a new cable either way, I'm now wondering whether it might be better to order a usb cable instead? Looks like the Focusrite came with a USB C to USB A? Did it? I'm really not sure. Am I right in thinking I would need a USB A to USB B to put the A end in the computer and the B end in the piano? And then also connect the Focusrite to the computer with the cable it came with? So I just need a USB A to USB B cable? Is that right? That's the normal rectangular USB in the computer to the square one in the back of the piano? I also read that connecting a midi controller keyboard via USB means you can power it through that connection, thus removing the need for the keyboard's power cable? Is that true when you are using a Privia PX-5S as your midi keyboard or does that only work with small midi controller keyboards? Should I keep the power cable plugged in? ✨Thank you for any help!✨ Please assume no technological knowledge on my part with your reply! I have literally only ever used my piano as a piano and know pretty much nothing yet about audio interfaces, music production or cables. I will be so excited when I can actually set this up though! And Happy Easter!✨🥚🌼🐣🌸🐇🦋✨ 🌈
  16. Hey, I was wondering if you can programm different chords to any key on the Privia-PX5s. e.g while playing a complex melody with the right hand and complex chords with the left, which are too „big“ for one hand. So it would be very helpful to just push one note and get the full chord. Thank you for your help
  17. Here is a screen recording from my iOS app, Verti-Chord Pro v7.7.7 (beta), which transforms a Casio PX-5S to emulate the FULL functionality of a pedal steel guitar (i.e., full portamento). Guitarists, notice that the left hand is not playing piano chords. It is ‘fretting’ guitar barre chords. Also notice that the right hand is not playing piano notes. It is ‘plucking’ fretted guitar strings. Enjoy. Feedback welcome. GARY
  18. Version 1.0.0


    This is a hex layer attempt at the landing jet at the beginning and end of "Back in the USSR", by the Beatles. The zip file contains an MP3 of the sample so you can listen to it before you go through all the effort of loading it into the PX-5S.
  19. Hi everybody. Probably a silly question. As I navigate the possible targets that can be assigned to the pedals I'm having difficulties understanding what do they actually mean. I see a lot of names like "CC02:" that have no description and seem to have zero effect over the sound when the pedal is pressed. Or fpr example, on stage settings such as 1-4 I find that the target for Pedal 1 is "Wah Manual" but I can't find the way to set that target for a custome stage setting. Is it maybe something related to the Tone settings? Is there some place in the manual where I can find a list of the meanings of all posible targets? I don't think so. Any tip is welcome, and you are allowed to give brutal feedback to this newbie XD
  20. Nice to meet all of you. This is my first post. I´ve been Casio keyboards user for years. Now, I just bought a PX-5S for using it mainly as MIDI controller. I work with FL Studio and I am moving now to Presonus Studio One. But I have two doubts. As controllers, I use a Privia PX5S and a Korg nanoKontrol. From the Korg, I only recognize one knob (and no fader). I am asking asking in nanoKontrol´s forum. From PX-5S recognizes the Pitchbend wheel, the Modwheel and the faders, but no knob. Is this normal? How can I solve that? I found these patch scripts: https://support.casio.com/en/support/download.php?cid=008&pid=2260 No one for my DAWs Could I use any of them? Thanks for your help. Kind regards.
  21. Version 1.0.0


    Stage Setting and Phrases for Baba O'riley by The Who. To work properly, you will need to download the phrase files and place them on your PX-5S in the phrase library. The BABARP1 consists of the continuous arpeggio with the notes C, F and octave C, allocated in zone 1. The BABAARP2 consists of 2 bars of a half step ornament, allocated in zone 4. And the BABAARP3 consists of a hole step ornament, allocated in zone 3. The stage setting BABAORIL has 4 zones. Zone 1: GrPnoConcert, with Sustain Pedal; Zone 2, 3, 4: Pulse Lead 1, without Sustain Pedal. I made some modifications of EQ and FX individually in the stage setting itself. I hope to help the forum friends as others have already helped me with great contributions. BABAARP1.ZPH BABAARP2.ZPH BABAARP3.ZPH BABAORIL.ZPF
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