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To all PX560 users !


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Hi, I’m looking into buying the px560 🧐


How are the internal speakers so far ?


I’ve read somewhere they make some distortion / buzzing when playing certain sounds.. (especially E. Pianos, bass and organs...)


Also I’ve read somewhere else that the 3rd sensor is not well implemented and that you actually need the key to go 3/4 up to make a decent sound when playing repetitions / thrills. Can you guys confirm that ?


And I am not not planning on buying external speakers.


Thanks !

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I have had no problems with internal speakers-of course if you want to pump huge bass sounds out of tiny inboard speakers you will have problems-these are not miniature BOSE drivers that could possibly be capable of that. and nothing pushes the limits of a set of speakers as does a good piano simulation in all 7 octaves. I've not experienced any kind of "anomalies" unrelated to the tone response and multitracks I play. I am able to use the internal speakers as monitors for a variety of audio ins-mallet sounds from my Malletkat and woodwind sounds from wind controllers and seems OK, as long as I don't expect professional near-field monitor speaker quality from these. I use near-field monitors for that.


As far as key throw problems-I have been able to play fast trills with no problems, but playing repetitions on the same key is somewhat more difficult-no more so than any other digital I've played and requires a different technique, I'm sure others here may disagree. I understand the newest Privias may be better at this, but I can't speak from playing experience. The PX560 has a long throw, as does my older PX350-this makes repetitions on the same note harder than on a shorter "throw" key but I am able to do it with some practice. I am able to play Chopin mazurkas, waltzes-try the Waltz in Eb intro played rapidly in tempo-maybe the Billy Joel Angry Young Man passage is the extreme test but then he was playing a 100,000 dollar plus grand piano I would guess, regulated and tuned perfectly before he recorded it-passages that require this technique on the PX560 and 350, your results may of course be different.  

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You're welcome, hope I helped and didn't muddy the waters. If I get a chance-I will record a video to show my results regarding playing repeated notes rapidly on my Privias-it does require keeping the key from fully returning, which makes it difficult to retain forte response for very rapid passages. I tend to keep one finger closer to the fulcrum and the other at the extreme end to get this to work at all.  Keeping both fingers on the same key close to each other doesn't work well with the Privias, at least for me. 

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