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CDP-350 over the CDP-S100. Is the extra $200 worth it for a novice?


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Hi, Folks


I came here because I need insight/advice, etc.  I figure, heck,  if I'm looking to buy a Casio keyboard, this seems like the place to go...


Here's the skinny:


I've watched all the videos and read all the reviews.  Now, I'm looking at either a S350 or a S100 to buy for both my sons and myself.  Both my boys are young and just starting out. One is WAY more inclined to to music than my other boy, but we want to see if it will click with him as well. 


I also want to learn keys. I have a pretty decent understanding of music theory and I've played guitar off and on for years - sometimes in bands, sometimes not.  (I have a love-hate relationship with the guitar).   Now, I'm at the point where I feel like it's time to break away from the instrument that has tormented me since my late adolescence and play something that's more valuable in a band setting.  (Let's face it, guitar players are dime a dozen. Bass players, Keyboardists and Drummers are worth their weight in gold.)


This leads me to my question:  Since we are all kind of starting out here, is the S350 worth all the bells and whistles, or would it make more sense to get the S100 and see where we all land with this?   Or, would another model be better?   


My heart says S350, but head says S100. My wife says Casio Keyboard from Target. (Ummm.... No.)


Your insight is much appreciated!

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Welcome to the forums!  Hopefully we can help.  It's always a tough choice for me as well.  The CDP-S100 has a small set of sounds and few things to distract from piano practice, so you can keep your focus on actually practicing.  The CDP-S350 has a plethora of sounds plus drum patterns and auto-accompaniment.  The drum patterns and extra sounds can help with practice too, so it's a tough call.  I'm thinking since you're buying one for your two sons and yourself, might as well go ahead and get the S350.  The extra sounds plus rhythms will probably be a hit with everyone.  Those extra sounds in the S350 are really really good.  You can also check YouTube for demos of the CT-X700 and hear everything the CDP-S350 has inside.  That might help you decide.  If you have anymore questions, we'll be here to help.

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Follow your heart. You won't regret it. We have the CDP S350 and love it. Guitar Center & Musician's Friend run specials all the time at $100.00 off or $399. The extra (fantastic) sounds, drum patterns and auto accomp., along with the improved sequencer are definitely worth it. To have all this built into a slim 24 pound piano is unbelievable, considering I used to have a rack of electronics and drum machines to do the same thing. Don't forget the screen! (You would get tired of holding down a button and pressing a key to change settings all the time.) I recently bought the USB-B to USB-C cable and tried Chordana for piano. It adds to the already great experience.


Search YouTube and Jeremy See's review of the CDP S350. 

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Thanks for the input guys...  Quick question:  Does the s350 have a vibrato effect?  I know it has reverb and pitch shift.


BTW, the other option I was considering was this:fb45977c28806a7670e94714d99ab93f.jpg


Actually, maybe not... now.  But boy, the holy grail would be to find a voice that could reproduce the sound of the Hammond X66.  If I had *really* followed my heart when I was a youngster getting into music, I would have just started with keys all together.  There was something about hearing John Kiley play "The Impossible Dream" with all the traps pulled out on the X66 that made me melt.  Then hearing David Gilmour play his stratocaster washed it all away...

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Exactly my thinking... Although the real priority is to light a spark in (at least one of) my boys.  And it'll be fun is we learn it together.


BTW, one more question.  What are your thoughts on Chordana?  Is it a good learning tool?  Is there anything else you'd recommend?

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You can download Chordana Play for Piano beforehand and get a sense of what it's all about.  Some features will be locked out until it's connected to the piano, but you should be able to see what it's about.  I haven't personally used it since I learn by ear, but I can see where it's useful to get the ball rolling.  Probably the most popular part of it will be the remote controller section, which will let you choose tones and settings fron your touchscreen device.  Very handy.

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It sounds like you have already decided on the S350, so my post is a little redundant, but I just thought I'd say that I was making exactly the same decision a few months ago and I went with the S350.  I haven't once regretted the choice. The extra voices were a big factor for me, but also the multi-track recording and the ability to plug in an audio source and play along.  I use the latter feature more than I thought that I would and it's lots of fun.  

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I would pick the 350 over the 100 based on the piano sound alone. They do not sound the same, and the 350 is a clear winner for my ears. The other sounds and capabilities make it even more attractive than the 100. Also, I don't know where you live, but everywhere I've seen them for sale in the US, the price difference is only $100. I already have a PX-S3000 which I love and use on gigs, but I'm planning on picking up a CDP-S350 this week as a backup and practice keyboard.

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17 minutes ago, Rod Tompkins said:

Just bought the CDP-S350 today. And a CT-X800. 🙂 Got early Black Friday deals on both.


Where did you get it from? (if you don't mind me asking)


I am most likely going buy it at Guitar Center because I have a $300 gift certificate for them...  And I'll probably get it with the wooden stand.  I was about to finally pull the trigger last Friday, but I have a feeling I should wait for the black Friday deals... 

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9 minutes ago, drksd4848 said:


Where did you get it from? (if you don't mind me asking)


I am most likely going buy it at Guitar Center because I have a $300 gift certificate for them...  And I'll probably get it with the wooden stand.  I was about to finally pull the trigger last Friday, but I have a feeling I should wait for the black Friday deals... 

I bought them both at Guitar Center. Their sister company Musician's Friend already has Black Friday prices on both keyboards I bought today. Guitar Center matched them. 

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10 hours ago, drksd4848 said:

PX-160 or CDP-S350


Which one do you get?

One thing to consider about the CDP-S350. I don't believe it allows you to adjust the part volume in layers and splits. (Somebody correct me if I'm wrong!) This a a deal breaker for me using this on any gig other than a solo piano one. I plan to use this as a controller in my studio, so I can live with it. I've been so busy I haven't even opened the boxes of my 2 new units. I'm returning the CT-X800 for this reason and picking up a similarly-priced Yamaha as my emergency backup keyboard. 

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1 hour ago, Rod Tompkins said:

One thing to consider about the CDP-S350. I don't believe it allows you to adjust the part volume in layers and splits. (Somebody correct me if I'm wrong!) This a a deal breaker for me using this on any gig other than a solo piano one.

But since he asked about PX-160 vs. CDP-S350, the PX-160 doesn't even have a split, does it? I can't remember if it has a bass split, but if it does, that's it. Much less any real control over what of the two layers you've chosen. The PX-160 does have 1/4" output jacks, but no pitch bend wheel, no display, no rhythms, no presets, etc.

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 1 hour ago, Rod Tompkins said:

One thing to consider about the CDP-S350. I don't believe it allows you to adjust the part volume in layers and splits. (Somebody correct me if I'm wrong!) This a a deal breaker for me using this on any gig other than a solo piano one. I plan to use this as a controller in my studio, so I can live with it. I've been so busy I haven't even opened the boxes of my 2 new units. I'm returning the CT-X800 for this reason and picking up a similarly-priced Yamaha as my emergency backup keyboard. 


28 minutes ago, Brad Saucier said:

@Rod Tompkins  You are correct.  CT-X700/800 and CDP-S350 operates the same in that regard.  If you want to replace your CT-X800, I would suggest shopping for a CT-X3000.  The price can sometimes get really close to a CT-X800 and you gain much more than just volume control over splits and layers.  




I think at this stage of the game, it probably won't matter for us.  Right now, I'm working on applying all the chord theory I learned studying guitar to the keys. The kids will be starting from ground zero.  If I get to the point where I'm worried about layering, I'd say I've come a long way. 

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59 minutes ago, drksd4848 said:

I think at this stage of the game, it probably won't matter for us.

In that case, you will be very happy with the 350. It's really amazing for the price. I don't think anything short of the PX-S3000 can beat it.

1 hour ago, Joe Muscara said:

the PX-160 doesn't even have a split, does it?

Joe, I had to look it up on the website, but yes, the PX-160 does split and layer. I'd have to look at a manual to see if you can control the relative volume of the parts. 

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1 hour ago, Brad Saucier said:

@Rod Tompkins  You are correct.  CT-X700/800 and CDP-S350 operates the same in that regard.  If you want to replace your CT-X800, I would suggest shopping for a CT-X3000.  The price can sometimes get really close to a CT-X800 and you gain much more than just volume control over splits and layers.  

Thanks, Brad. I will check out the CT-X3000. 

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