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Complexity. Simplicity. Power.


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Hello Casio, I hope you hear this. I am the very proud owner of a PX 5S. I love the thing, dearly, but I am also continuously frustrated by it. The PX 5S must surely be the most unfairly underrated synthesizer on the face of the planet. Why? The answer is simple. The sound engine, samples, tones, layers, zones and parameters offer up the most incredible opportunities for sound design. Yet they are presented in the most complex and impenetrable manner imaginable. Yes, of course, it is possible (just) to learn this complexity. But the complexity is hidden for the *vast majority of users*, I am sure. I love the fact it has zones (Z1 to Z4). I love the fact it has 'hex' layers (L1 to L6). But I *hate* the way all this is buried in a terribly badly designed user-interface which requires moving up/down/left/right and among a myriad of tiny edit screens that resemble something out of 1970s computing. I also hate how it is possible to re-assign the 4 knobs and 6 sliders in ways that makes it impossible to understand what any stage setting will do in real time. The PX 5S is a legendary instrument in so many ways. It exceeds the sound creation possibility of the vast majority of instruments out there. But its power will, unfortunately, lie forever hidden. This is frustrating because the answer is so very simple. Instead of hidden layers and zones and instrument and sound selection, all this power should be exposed via dedicated knobs and sliders. Yes, everything!! In this way, the sophisticated (and unique) ARCHITECTURE of the PS 5S would be immediately apparent to the whole world. Suddenly: the relationship of stage settings to tone settings would be clear, and separated, with dedicated control knobs and sliders. The relationship of zones to layers would be clear, and separated, with dedicated control knobs and sliders. The stage settings would be separated from the tone settings. The tone settings would be separated from the effect settings. Etc etc etc. *Everything* needs to be laid out logically using dedicated knobs, slides and switches so that anything can be changed by touch only, no menus. No knob or control should be multiple purpose. While this will, no doubt, significantly increase the number of knobs and sliders on the panel and require the instrument to look very different, it would expose the massive power of this instrument/ENGINE for all users. And, LED lights are needed on each control to show what is active at any time. Yes, the instrument would be a little heavier. Yes, the instrument would be more expensive (but not significantly). The result would be a legendary instrument, in my humble opinion.  I have sneaky feeling that there must be, among users, and designers, and those who support Casio instruments, people who feel the same way. In simple terms: the PX 5S is a WONDER OF A MACHINE but it is HIDING ITS GREAT LIGHT UNDER A BUSHEL.  Next time ... please ... expose the power of your sound technology to the user via a properly designed and exposed set of knobs and sliders and switches. No compromises. If you did this, I would buy one in an instant. And it would change the face of the synthesizer marketplace, I have no doubt. 





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Brad. Yes, thanks, I have used the software. But my message to Casio is that the trend is to expose the architecture of a synth via explicit and dedicated controls in all details. Korg get it. Roland get it. Dave Smith get it. Behringer get it. Arturia get it. Casio need to get it. Otherwise their wonderful engines will always be underappreciated. That's my point. Software does not solve the problem. What's needed are simple, intuitive controls dedicated to their purpose and reflecting the full architecture and power of the engine. 

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