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Hi all, new here, just purchased the above instrument and trying to negotiate some of the functions. The main area of my problems are that I cannot get the layer function to work as per the manual. I have read, and re read and to no avail. Maybe someone has found a solution to it, as I have hit a dead end and switched it off for now. After coming across from a different brand, which I still own, I find navigating the function menus to be a bit more than ''tricky''. Maybe I will get my head around it a little better as time goes by. Any help would be much appreciated. I must be doing something wrong with the layering of tones, but I have the manual opened in front of me, and doing it to the ''word''.

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X3000/X5000 means - bad quality piano sounds, bad quality reeds/woodwinds, but good quality other instruments - some of them comparable with ones of 3x expensive keyboards. Also you will get strangely designed menus and bad control features. The main problem (and difference) is that you won't getting anything better from other manufacturers, in that price range. In fact, for it's price, X3000 is so far the best entry level keyboard (Except not yet announced Yamaha PSR E-473, which should be a Casio killer).

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On 1/17/2021 at 8:33 AM, Just Alex said:

X3000/X5000 means - bad quality piano sounds, bad quality reeds/woodwinds, but good quality other instruments - some of them comparable with ones of 3x expensive keyboards. Also you will get strangely designed menus and bad control features. The main problem (and difference) is that you won't getting anything better from other manufacturers, in that price range. In fact, for it's price, X3000 is so far the best entry level keyboard (Except not yet announced Yamaha PSR E-473, which should be a Casio killer).

Right on the money here. I am glad I didn't sell off the Yammie 463, as the piano eats the Casio for breakfast. Casio piano doesn't even get a run here. Tried to ''pretty it up'', but decided to just keep the Yamaha close by for it's piano. The nylon guitars in the Casio do excite the ears though, but the menus? Why Casio? Why?

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Yes Yamaha has Greater piano sound, but it lacks sound quality on Guitars and Synths - X series on that have sound of 3x expensive PSR S series. Also, loading a new style into 463 takes hours - on casio it is just a blink of the eye. So these aren't opposites, they are filling each one well.


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On 1/20/2021 at 6:44 AM, Just Alex said:

Yes Yamaha has Greater piano sound, but it lacks sound quality on Guitars and Synths - X series on that have sound of 3x expensive PSR S series. Also, loading a new style into 463 takes hours - on casio it is just a blink of the eye. So these aren't opposites, they are filling each one well.


Yes, makes sense to have both brands on hand I guess, but this CTX3000 menu layout is still doing my head in after using it for 2 weeks. Many of the functions require better explaining  than what the paper manual does. I think the manual assumes that the user would understand the Casio "system", but if you have been a Yamaha user all along, it is very confusing just to do basic functions. To be honest, only for the excellent sounds, well, most of the ones I use, it would have been going back to the shop. Going back across to the Yamaha, setting up patches etc, is a breeze, but I will persevere with it until I either learn it, or offload it.

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37 minutes ago, geobee said:

Yes, makes sense to have both brands on hand I guess, but this CTX3000 menu layout is still doing my head in after using it for 2 weeks. Many of the functions require better explaining  than what the paper manual does. I think the manual assumes that the user would understand the Casio "system", but if you have been a Yamaha user all along, it is very confusing just to do basic functions. To be honest, only for the excellent sounds, well, most of the ones I use, it would have been going back to the shop. Going back across to the Yamaha, setting up patches etc, is a breeze, but I will persevere with it until I either learn it, or offload it.

You can do great things with your CTX3000 if you learn how to work with it. After one year of working with my CTX, I still explore new features. The keyboard has a simple design but offers many options to user, that's why the menu is a bit complicated. 

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Sorry Casio, your manual and menu goose chase is a disaster, this thing is going back to the shop. Shame really, has some great sounds, if it would be a little easier to fine tune them to ones liking. I should have done more research on the model before purchasing, because the number of negative appraisals regarding the operating system would have steered me away. At least the dealer has accepted the return without hesitation, and understood my concerns regarding the button pushing required to do even the basic of changes, admitting that it is a complicated instrument. I have decided to go for the Korg EK50, a recent model from Korg. The reviews are excellent, and is claimed to be better than the Casio, and even the Yamaha PSRE463, which I also own.  I hope I have better results with the Korg, as it is claimed to be more user friendly in the menu department.

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1 hour ago, Just Alex said:

If you have E-463 at hands, can you play intro, main A main B and Fill in's for style "Organ high life" and save them as midi file? Wanted to make that style available for casio, but have no E-463 at the moment.


Hi, where are you seeing this voice? in my 463, organs are numbered 19 to 33, but there are no ''high life'' voice listed. Not quite sure what you are requesting of me?

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19 hours ago, Just Alex said:

haha thanks, but this is audio, not midi

can you please just record a midi ?


Sorry mate, it will only save styles etc as a smp file, only user songs can be saved as a midi file. That's what the manual is saying anyway. Cheers

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