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I've lost a tone in my main settings.

DJ Waterman

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I recently purchased the Casio CTS1 and just today I discovered that I'm missing a tone in my Electric piano 2 set, it is either 'Advanced' or 'Vintage', both are now identical.

I've tried the reset to factory settings and also if I cycle through the tones using the keyboard itself I find that those two tones are still identical. What could've happened? 

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Thanks for reply.

They sound strikingly similar, however having played the tones back to back, perhaps the vibrato is a bit faster on the 'Advanced', it's not super obvious, I don't understand why only today I've noticed them being so similar. Can you tell me if it's something that you have to listen hard too (to notice the difference)?

I don't want to go through the process of returning product if it's just how it is.

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If the Advanced Piano Tone in the CT-S1 is similar to the Advanced Piano Tone in the CT-S1000V, then you get additional and varying expression/ accent features with it. On my S1000V, the Advanced Piano patch will bring in a string backing when you play a chord of three notes or more. The standard Piano Tone sounds similar, but doesn't have that feature. 

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