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using the XW-P1 as a controller


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Hey guys,

Is there any way to have "on the fly" control over the 4 zones ? Like control which zone is active at a specific time, maybe use the step sequencer buttons as switches ?

Also : can the faders act in such a way that they transmit CC07 on each zone? (fader 1 -> CC07 for Zone1; Fader 2-> CC07 for Zone2, and so forth).

I tried looking in the mixer settings, but in that mode the faders control the part volumes, but not the zones and more, whenever moving a fader, that part gets soloed, and the other parts muted. I found a way to make the knobs control the volumes for each zone, but i'd love using the faders instead, and leave the knobs for other stuff

I'm trying to include the XW-P1 in my current setup, which includes a few other modules, and i can't find a way to make the XW-P1 fit in with the rest...

Thanks a lot for your help!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have been using the Casio as a controller, but haven't gotten as deep into it as you have. I just posted a wish list for a controller that has the features that you are asking for and more. I've gotten as far as being able to flip through sounds on my Korg SGRack using the dial. I haven't gotten into trying to assign specific Casio controls to control the synth parameters.

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Hey guys,

Is there any way to have "on the fly" control over the 4 zones ? Like control which zone is active at a specific time, maybe use the step sequencer buttons as switches ?

No this isn't possible. You'd have to switch Performances on the fly, but you can do this without the sequencer stopping.

Also : can the faders act in such a way that they transmit CC07 on each zone? (fader 1 -> CC07 for Zone1; Fader 2-> CC07 for Zone2, and so forth).

In the Performance EDIT area under CONTROLLERS, you can set the KNOBS to work this way not the sliders.

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Thanks for your help Mike!

Now there's another thing i'm trying to figure out : sending MIDI bank / patch change CCs to an externat module. I noticed that when pressing the INC/DEC buttons, that actually does change the sounds on the GM compatible banks, and i need it to switch to the specific bank/patch i set in the EDIT page. Am i doing something wrong ?

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