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Still have some beginners questions


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I am having trouble understanding why I can't change the value of my pitch bend wheel down, on stage setting 3.3 (which is made up from hex layers but I can on 7.7 which is not)  I know this is basic stuff and I am embarrassed that I have to ask. Can anyone who can help me with this ? Thank you for your masterful input.

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Hi and welcome to the Casio Music Forums.  Not all Stage Setups are programmed to respond to pitch bend, but you can edit this. Press EDIT, then STAGE SETTINGS and then PITCH BEND RANGE. Under CONTROLLER you may need to enable the bender wheel as well.   Page E-32 of the manual shows you these settings: http://support.casio.com/pdf/008/Web_PX5S-E-2B_EN.pdf


Also, make sure you watch all the videos at http://PX-5S.com/howto and join the PX-5S Facebook Group (link in my sig).!


Have fun!

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Thank you all. I am also looking for some phat lead sounds (timbres) to beef it up with some overdrive/pitch blending (detune/natural chorus and create some real thick lead sounds (possibly using a hard sync sound) Is this possible and are there any sounds on the forum that could be recommended for just this type of sound ?

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Thanks again, Brad. You are the poster child for being the guardian of PX5 information. Unfortunately the stage setting you recommended spawned my original question.  I have gone thru every S/S on the board and altho 7.7 is my favorite, especially for the (pitch blend) sound that is associated with detune fx, I was hoping that you knew of a good lead sound that wasn't on my board. Something that has been created since, oh wise programmer.  Last but not least, I still haven't found out how to use and  tweak the fx on the board. The limited documentation is one of my only gripes.  Not that I'm a stellar manaul guy but I sure have tried my best with understanding and making sense of the manual  that originally came with the board. I've also downloaded the second manual.  The videos that and live webinars are so well received and appreciated on my end. No doubt you and Mike Martin are friends. Thanks again for any help you throw my way. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you again, Brad. I am in the Chicago area. I am guessing that your music has you out west. I really appreciate your willingness to help me out with my PX5.  The sound that you suggested is now on my keyboard. Which brings me to another question. What is the bank in which my new sound sent to ? and Where is the best place to look for information on how to use my effects (fx) or is that the DSP ?  I probably need to watch  M Martin's videos on youtube again. Are there any other sources with info on the PX5. Hope your holidays have been filled with happiness.  God bless, my brother. 

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Thank you once more, Brad. This will definitely keep me busy for a while. I'll let you know when I come up for air.  Your direction and willingness to help me out has been wonderful and so appreciated.  Happy New Year, my friend. I'll be in touch.

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