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Outstanding duet showcasing the piano sound on the PX-S1000


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And Astor originally played this on an accordion! I would be curious as to how they recorded the sound-look at the acoustic space here, definitely a plus. I think a few things when I listened. Articulation on fast passages-it is there. Balance throughout the octaves, again excellent. Dynamic response-maybe not quite there compared to a real grand in an acoustic space, but pretty impressive anyway. and this is coming through the (relatively) tiny built-in speakers? I knew the Privias can carry a good-sized room if there is no ambient noise, but I am more impressed with the clarity throughout the octaves in this space-but then look at this room! Proves that a Privia can be used to execute some pretty difficult musical passages, and with clarity and dynamic response.  Nice post thanks.

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50 minutes ago, Jokeyman123 said:

and this is coming through the (relatively) tiny built-in speakers?

This is a great demo! We are certainly not hearing the sound from the S1000 speakers. I'd guess they used the MIDI recorder to capture the performance, recorded the audio separately, then synced the audio with the video.

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Are you sure? I wonder....would be pretty amazing if this was coming from the tiny speakers. Stepping away from the PX350 and 560, listening in a large room to something I've recorded-the built in speakers on those can be heard throughout my entire house if I raise the volume up even half to 2/3rds and I don't think these are any bigger than the S1000. I wonder if there is a way to check this, possibly contacting the performers or whoever produced the video?  It does seem unlikely, but then as I said, look at this acoustic space-brick, hard floors and walls could get pretty resonant, and loud.


Listening again, i take back what I said about dynamics-an amazing range for a digital, or even an acoustic!  I'd have to hear personally, but wow! if I didn't already have 3 Privias  (yes I'm bragging but it's taken years to get here)...........

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With 3 sound systems and 6 pairs of speakers all over my house, I can dream can't I? Would be nice if I could get away with the built-in speakers. Alas, it is not to be. But given the size of the Casio internal speakers, all of them put out a pretty powerful sound. It isn't Dolby 5.1 surround, but its loud enough for me to annoy my wife and the small creatures roaming around here-I mean my cats, not my kids. :waaah:

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