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XW-P1 Performance loosing configuration when changing selected Tone

André Marques

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I'm  having some problems with using XW-P1 Performance. I've created some Tones and some Performances using some of the created Tones. But, if I play one of this Performances, and later decided to select the Tone function and play a specific Tone (that has nothing to do with the Performance I played before), when I select again that Performance, the last Tone I selected is attributed to Zone 1 . For example, if Performance PerfA has ToneA in Zone 1 and I  select Tone function and play ToneB, when I select Performance PerfA again, it has ToneB in its Zone 1.

Anyone knows how to solve this problem? Is it configuration problem or a limitation of Casio XW-P1?

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When you say “select again that performance,” how are you doing that? If you are just pressing the Performance button, that only returns to Performance mode. It will not restore the Performance’s original Zone 1 tone setting, which was changed when you selected a different tone in Tone mode. Tones played in Tone mode are actually changing the tone in Zone 1.

To restore your original tone in Zone 1 after switching from Tone mode to Performance mode, you must re-select the Performance, either by using the + or - buttons to switch to an adjacent Performance and then back, or by using the numeric keypad to explicitly call it up again. Either way, all the original data for your performance should be reloaded into the XW-P1, including the tone for Zone 1. At least, that’s the way it works for me.


Edited by AlenK
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Thank you, @AlenK. I'll try to do as you suggest and see if it works for me. Anyway is very strange if it's the normal behaviour of Casio XW-P1. Everyone would expect that the configurations will be kept whatever the function you chose later, since you've saved the Performance. But, if XW-P1 was implemented that way, the only thing that rest for me is seek a manner to deal with it, like trying your suggestion.

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If you are only using the XW-P1 in a studio or casually at home, this aspect of the machine’s behavior shouldn’t be much of a problem. If, on the other hand, you are playing live in front of an audience, Casio is really expecting you to switch between Performances, not in and out of Tone mode. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Tom-exactly right. A subtle concept but it makes for a little more flexibility (IMO) when shifting in and out of performance/sequence/tone mode in that I can quickly "audition" a tone in an existing performance or sequence temporarily before I "write" it, and also when I am creating or editing an performance or sequence with the mixer. And all these changes must be saved as "user" performances/sequences/mixes. I think what confused many is that there was an expectation that whatever changes one made to tones/mixer/sequencer/performance settings would automatically be "saved" within an existing factory version of any of these, or even a user slot without writing/storing the edits-every time I shift from one mode to another-as Mike Martin's first important reminder was way back-always "write" whatever you are doing before you go from one mode to another if you expect it to be there when you come back to it. Honestly I'm sort of posting this to remind myself!  The more I compare all the new technology-the more i still like the XW-P1. 

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