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CDP-S100 touch response problem


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I purchased this used about four years ago at a very good price.  It's worked perfectly until now, the touch response of the Bflat key (the one next above middleC) is defective.  If I turn the touch response off, or to its lowest setting, all normal.  Increasing the touch response results in the volume of the Bflat key (only) reducing so that if you are playing quietly, and using the heaviest touch response setting, there is almost no noise.  If you bash the key hard, it works as it should, almost, sounds a bit "tinny".


I've tried the factory reset setting - no joy.  I do wonder of there is some crud in the key mechanism somewhere, and would like to take the case off to see if I can blast it out maybe with canned air, but the case won't come off.  I've removed every screw.  Yes, definitely every Single.  Screw.  Checked.  The bit of the case at the front is loose but at the back it just doesn't move, stuck tight, as if all the screws around there are still in place.


What am I missing?  Is there a knack to this, or are there hidden screws maybe under the rubber feet?


Many thanks

Edited by JonSC
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Can you post a picture showing underneath the CDP? I don't have this one, but there might be screws buried under the endcaps, if there are endcaps that can be removed. I will study some diagrams of the CDP, I have disassembled the CDP200 and 230, must be somewhat similar. The PX's have little panels underneath that must be removed to reveal screws buried underneath which must be removed to take off the top panels and speaker compartments but i don't see that in the S100. I found this on Youtube-its in Russian, but he illustrates how he took the CDP-S100 apart. You might have gotten this done correctly, the top and bottom might just need a little "nudging", there might be a bit of interlock between the 2 shells.


Edited by Jokeyman123
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Thanks for that video.  Mine looks the same as in the video, exactly.  Whereas in the video the case appeared to just lift off when I tried it, it was stuck fast.


Maybe I'll try again with a little more "persuasion".

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Mea culpa, I should have watched the video more closely.  There are six screws hidden under the rubber feet.  The feet feel like they're glued on, but they're not (for which, thank you Casio).  Don't accidentally push the feet into the hole, it's a minor fiddle to get them out.  Once the case came off (careful, note the cables and ribbon cable in the video) I fired most of a can of canned air around the back of the offending key and that fixed the problem.  It was quite clean inside the keyboard so what was causing the problem I have no idea.

Thanks all

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