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Pbm of Functions with buttons, wheel through screen and settings

Go to solution Solved by Brad Saucier,

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I have a Casio Ctx 5000 and I encountered some functionnal issues where my buttons doesnt work properly, (it jumps randomly or conflicts  with other functions), cozfor the kids harsly touched all the buttons all'at once, as well as my keys (which got noisy, but id mind this, as i got used to.)


Anyway, do u think its a system issue or a physical issue ?


If it is rather a system issue,'is there some Reset button, so that i can have back my Functions buttons as it was before?

Or'is there another way to fix this functionnal buttons ?

At last, maybe'to send'back to my Shop for a Repair ?

But'tbh, wanted'to fix'it on my own with ur advices


Please, feel free to post me any useful answers to solve my annoying issue.



Ie: for dysfunctions, at beginning it was just the Tones, then figured out that all my settingw and categories are quite messed-up...

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7 hours ago, Brad Saucier said:

It sounds like a physical issue unfortunately.  The keyboard resets each time the power is turned off.  Have you checked the firmware version and updated accordingly?




Yes, it looks like so but its some minor problem, actually it does work but sometimes, its messing between  2 functional buttons where the 2nd one does the job of the 1st one, knowing that i'm pressing the right Functionnal Button on the right place. Beside this, i did press the wrong button which gives the wrong function, it obviously won't work.

However, for my problem, i rather think that some earlier unexpected little forcing/puling Hit affected the system, so that some Functions dont work properly as it should.

Would u think that it could be the case ?


As for the Update, i was suspecting of this potential factor as i read along and it would be great if that would solve my issue, because i don't see my Keyboard being hardly damages whereas it works fine (80%) in general.


Now, for the Update, i don't know how to proceed for that. I guess i should download it from your enclosed link, but then, i dont know how to transfer to my Keyboard.

Would it work through an USB Flash card/Key (with downloaded Update) or

with my Usb Cable by connecting from my Laptop through my Keyboard, then load it from Media Menu and install it there?


So far, I see that the Update might Fix from my issue (from Bugging Functions), i'll try try that, but i need your support.


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30 minutes ago, Brad Saucier said:

The link will lead you to instructions for installation.  Download the update manual and download the firmware on the same page.  Open the manual, read and follow along.  

Alright !

Ho i checked that link and found all infos required, just some time before your answer 


On the other hand, i'vr also checked my manual referring'to Update, and just'checked within my keyboard and realised that im on V:01:07, so obviously got outdated, as i own the Old version and i'm glad that u pointed out as being the Issue.

I'll do that Update and Thanks a lot

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On 11/7/2023 at 3:13 PM, Brad Saucier said:

The link will lead you to instructions for installation.  Download the update manual and download the firmware on the same page.  Open the manual, read and follow along.  

Yep, i saw u need to use a Flash memory stick to save all ur data before u make the Jpdate and ultimately to Format that "stick" when you're inserting for the 1st into your keyboard, so that it automatically creates a Folder named CasioMidi.dat which will be then used for future  Recordings that u want to import/export...

Is that true ?


Also, for that Usb Flash stick, can u use it for the Update and for your Recordings, or do they need to be in seperate Usb Flash ?


Other noob question as im lost.

Can i first Format my Usb Flash through Keyboard then Save my recording file, transfer to Laptop, then

Take another Usb Flash with my downloaded Update File on it, to then Load It into Keyboard so it'will upgrade from V:01:07 to V:01:08 ?


Thanks for clarifying those details, coz it never been really mentionned in those guides !



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Got big problem for Update


I format Usb Flash, then saved Update on it

Then it says Keyboard must be OFF and Insert Usb Flash.

Then, Press simultaneously Power ON with Write/insert/delete

Then on screen appears UPDT Mode.

All good and then Pbm'appears


Which button to press ? 

I did'Enter


But'on screen shows.  NO FILE



AT that moment it should'have showned'me. SETUP, Select File, and Ctx50018

None of that shows up....


Im stuck right here, and idk how to Exit or Cancel that or to go Back

What to do as my Keyboard is still ON, but would Self SHUT DOWN after 20mns of Inactivity...

Need'fast help !



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Yes, i managed to Exit and to open back my keyboard as usual !


Yes, update works and installing right now !


However, for update file, i just moved it into the Root of Flash drive and theb, since i insert, it directly detected that file....i didnt have to go to SETUP or anything....just Automatically done


Byw, is it normal that the 1st process goes with CHK 0-100% then 2nd loop goes with WRT, FIN ?


Thanks soo much, Brad


PS. IF in any other cases, theres still some pbm, i'll inform u here !



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