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Question for PX-5S owners


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Hi all,


Very excited about the prospect of using PX-5S instead of MotifES-8 for portability reasons in a rock cover band. I intend to audition the bread and butter sounds soon, but there a few capabilities the board will need to have for it to work for me in addition to basic keyboard patches.


1. We do quite a few songs where I use the "sync" sound ie The Cars, No Doubt. Does the PX-5S support sync and is there a patch onboard that approximates that sound?


2. Some songs require splits of 4 zones. Assumming 2 of them are tone based and two are HEX based, do the effects for the any given patch change when implimented in a zone vs just playing it in a non- split mode? Are there any real world limitations in this regard that current owners could share on that question.


3. I think I know the answer, but can the board play any user loaded single shot samples? (I had to ask)


4. Finally, Can someone comment on the sound of root-fifth distorted guitar patches. I'm not trying to convince anyone a guitar is being played, but I am currently used to a servicable "back in the mix" guitar-ish sound to support the guitarist when he breaks away for solo's or occasional lead lines.


I would appreciate any feedback you'all might have...


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I'll attempt to answer some of these by the numbers.


1.  I'm not sure if I understand the question.  If it's a synth sound you want then the PX5 can handle that with no problem.  There is already a stage setting here on the forums available for download that is made for the song "Just What I Needed" by The Cars.

2. The PX5 is always in stage setting mode.  It can do almost anything you wish as far as splitting and layering is concerned.  The effects are totally customizable in any instance. 

3.  If I understand your question,  the PX5 cannot sample sounds.

4.  Guitar sounds are awesome.

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RE: 1 - Please post a YouTube clip of the sound you are referring to and/or describe what you are looking for in more detail. 

Re: 3 - If you put a .wav file in on a USB drive, you can use the foot pedal to start it- this can be as long as 14 minutes IIRC. You can also put backing tracks on the USB drive and play along to them. You can not play back samples from the keyboard though.


Cheers!  :)

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