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USB pen drive mounting forever !


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Hi forum members,


I have ct-x870in keyboard and i'm trying to use a pen drive with it.

As mentioned in the user manual, i followed these steps:

1. Insert pen drive into usb slot

2. Power on keyboard --> "USB" flashes in the lcd screen

3. Goto Function, choose "Media" and pressed "Enter" --> at thispoint of time, the word "Mounting" is shown. It never goes away.

4. After several minutes, the keyboard aumatically powers itself off.

Unable to choose format option at all !


Please help. I purchased the keyboard 2 days back.



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Careful with these usb drives-I have a long post here somewhere about my experience with counterfeit Chinese drives. The keyboard could be the culprit, but there are so many of these counterfeit drives being sold-this sounds like it could be the problem. It will look OK and format, but will not work properly.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there everybody.  I am a new owner of a CT-X3000 and I must say it was an absolute bargain at 290 euros. My CTK-6200 developed the dreaded key noise problem. I solved it by taking a Bremel to the 36 front black plastic strips under the keys and removing  about 3mm from their top edges.

I have never been happy with the piano and string tones on the CTK-6200. The CT-X3000 is in a different league. So many options to choose from. As usual, the Casio manual is a bit of a nightmare but the information is all there - somewhere!  For the beginner, the step input - for example -  is a dream to use, once you get used to the button presses.

As I'm working my way around the keyboard with the manual I write down my button sequence in a notebook. This is definitely helping my progress.

In the manual I missed the bit about formatting a thumb drive to Fat32 and inserted a 64 G drive formatted in Windows as exFat. Works a treat...

Sorry about going off subject, but yes, exFat works fine.



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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Casiokid said:

По моему скромному опыту, многократное подключение к разъему USB приводит к преждевременному износу, что является общеизвестным фактом для всех моделей клавиатур. По этой причине я обычно держу удлинители USB-разъемов постоянно подключенными к клавиатуре.

 Я точно так же и с ПК  делаю, давно. 

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