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I'm working on a DAW to make Event Editor for Casio CT-X series.


I know that it's not easy to Event Edit any rhythm in PC. But, I have  sampler plugin for/in daw to import and save all CT-X drum samples to one and create one preset.


Almost all the tones are imported and created preset of it. 


I have a question that, is there any option available to convert any MIDI file to AC7 without using any flagship keyboards like MZ-X etc...?


There is an option where Midi file can be converted to AC7 by using Microsoft Office Excel, but many peoples who don't own the excel cannot be able to convert the Rhythm. 🙂


Thank You


There was a software called SMF convertor for desktop, that is also not compatible with CT-X series keyboards.


This type of software cannot be developed by Casio or from Our Community in future for make the rhythm editing easy for CT-X and CT-X like keyboard launched in future? Not sure about that. 🙂

  • 1 month later...
On 4/19/2022 at 11:22 AM, Akshansh Khare - Alex said:



I'm working on a DAW to make Event Editor for Casio CT-X series.


I know that it's not easy to Event Edit any rhythm in PC. But, I have  sampler plugin for/in daw to import and save all CT-X drum samples to one and create one preset.


Almost all the tones are imported and created preset of it. 


I have a question that, is there any option available to convert any MIDI file to AC7 without using any flagship keyboards like MZ-X etc...?


There is an option where Midi file can be converted to AC7 by using Microsoft Office Excel, but many peoples who don't own the excel cannot be able to convert the Rhythm. 🙂


Thank You

The truth is that Casio should release its code from the rhythms for the programs already known as STYLE WORKS

Among others to make life easier for those who already have rhythms from other platforms.

It has an Excel-based program that, if you pay attention,

a "raw" conversion can be done and another way would be to use MZ-X to make it easier.


Can the CTX series import the older .ckf format rhythm files? This opens some possibilities. You can create an auto-arranger rhythm file from a midi file-study Chandler's doc posted here-and save it as a .ckf with the casio rhythm converter, called sty to ckf. All .sty files I've found can be changed to .mid just by changing from *.sty to *.mid (asterisk is old DOS command meaning (all) files. This is an .exe file and it will run directly from this attached file but it is not a virus or trojan, it is just a Windows executable. I've had it up and running on XP and &, not sure about 10 or 11. Run it through your virus scanner if you are nervous about it.


I don't think this converter is available online anymore although I've posted it here before, it was created by an independent programmer, not Casio, but it works. Yes it is limited to only 2 variations and fills but at least now one can convert a midi file to a .ckf, then load that into any Casio that reads a .ckf rhythm, then it saves as an .ac7. I've done that with the PX350 and PX560 and my older CTK6200. I used this ckf rhythm converter, and the IDES 4.0 to create some of my pretty complex backing rhythms I posted in the PX560 section, but I uploaded these as .ckf's instead of ac7's, so others with older Casios could try them out.


Good luck Akshansh with your development. Maybe if you can reverse engineer this little executable midi to ckf converter, it might help you modify it so it will save custom .mid files to .ac7.  i am not an advanced enough programmer to do this myself-Alex what do you think? is it possible? This looks like a relatively small simple program, but i have not dis-assembled it, and i don't know what language he used to create it-could be C++, Visual Basic or similar as it's an older program, i doubt it would be Python, and I see no such Casio application in Linux development. Maybe we can get Ian in on this!




I've added this-another program I saved, can't find anywhere anymore-for playing/previewing .ckf rhythm files. Again-if this can be reverse-engineered-might become a stand-alone .ac7 player. Someone developed these years back, when .ckf rhythms were standard for Casio arrangers. if they could do that independently from Casio, maybe one of you can study these and do the same for .ac7 files. I just checked today, to see if these work. I converted 3 .sty files-which had been converted from korg rhythms, and it worked, at least as .ckf files. I've also done this with several Roland arranger files-again only for educational purposes, these were/are copyrighted-the arrangements, not these software programs as far as I know. Here is one example and the player program. I would do it myself but I lack the programming "chops".

CkfRhythmPlayer.exe RubberFunk.ckf

Posted (edited)

Thank You Mr. Jokeyman 🙂


Sorry for late replying, I'm suffering from cough and cold that's why I was not able to take phone for much time due to tears.


Yes, CT-X series can import ckf files. I have tested it in the keyboard. I have two ckf rhythm files. The CT-X can easily Import CKF files. After importing it have to be select matched SET / KIT / TONE for each part, so the audio comes very interesting and nice.

Yamaha using STY formats for styles and uses PRS before. When convert Yamaha style file STY to midi file MID, minor chords are played nicely but major root chords are played with 7th. This is because of CASM programs that you explained me before. To remove CASM data I usually using DAW. 

First of all I change style extension from STY to MID.

I load all the chords parts (from 11 to 16) one by one in the digital audio workstation (FL Studio). Then, I remove all the controls like Cut-Off Frequency, Event Note Pan etc. Sometime it has to be removed channel paining channel volume and channel pitch controls. After removing this data from a midi file, I change all the 7th chords into major chord. After doing this I export the media file and import in the MZ-X500 as SMF Import. After that the style works fine in the keyboard but only in MZ-X!


Many thanks Mr. Jokeyman to providing me this mid to ckf style changer software. Now this will help to import any of the style in CT-X series.


Yes, it's limited to two Variations with one Intro and one Ending. Which CT-X series have the same option, only except two more variations.


There is a way to import another to variations in the keyboard with onboard keyboard Rhythm editor. To import two more variations, I converted STY to MID then CKF for Casio then imported it on CT-X5000 I copied 1st and 2nd variations (1 and 2... from CKF) to 3rd and 4th. Then I imported the CKF file again to the keyboard with another first and second variation also with intro and ending... after that I select the required sets for the keyboard now the rhythm works fine but some of the samples of drum set and percussion set a different from Yamaha style. I think it need to be change some of the events in the particular part of drum and percussion.


This STY to CKF convertor will might be help to convert more styles from Yamaha to Casio.


Genos using many of the styles which have there sub extension .PRS, .SCP ... these are Sub extension as fas as I know. Teaser also play able in this software after changing its extension from prs to sty.


There is also one thing that ckf supports only Part 11 to Part 13. So so there is only one way to convert any rhythm from Yamaha to Casio (for now). Rhythm can be loaded at least for four times to make it for CT-X series.


On the Excel program any style can be loaded and converted with all five parts. But sometimes it shows error message due to SFF2 format. New Yamaha styles are in SFF2 format but that software works with SFF1 format. Any style has to be converted from SFF2 to SFF1 format to convert it as a AC7 file or a CKF. I think that was a Visual or C++ program, it was not a Python program. Umm, I'm not sure. 

CKF Rhythm Play is a good program to test any rhythm before it will be loaded to the keyboard.


One more thing, the Excel program has different language that is not understandable for me, I think that is the Indonesian language probably. I always use my phone as a translator to see what is written there, lol.

I think to make any program that will easy to understand and easy to use for any user.


So, How to convert STY to AC7?
-- There is a way to convert STY or MID file to AC7 file. 

I am working on a project to make a plugin for Casio EMI for daw. Like a virtual instrument (tones only)
So that this makes some easy to make midi events using daw. 

After editing from daw, the file will be exported as midi file with all parts at the same time. 

Then, by using midi to ckf / ac7 convertor it will be imported on any Casio keyboard which supports ckf rhythms. 🙂


One more think is that Yamaha styles are so quite in event volume? Have you faced this issue?

Edited by Akshansh Khare - Alex
Added last pera
Posted (edited)

Yes, with a few midi files I've converted-the volume is lower in the Casios I tried, although I'm comparing these to the loudness set up in my computer'virtual synth which is Coolsoft loaded with a soundfont set for all my midi files I play on the computer. With a good soundfont and coolsoft, i can get a pretty good idea of what the rhythm will sound like in my Casios. I use the soundfont called "Arachno" which is available at the Coolsoft website if you are interested in taking a look. This one has a very good soundset, including a pretty realistic acoustic piano sound which is important as i do alot of piano work.


I'll have to get in front of my PX560 to remember how i change these rhythm files, but it can be done pretty easily i recall-and of course the "header" part of the midi file will have settings embedded in the file that is determining the loudness for each track, and those can be modified in your DAW, although I'm pretty sure I can do this using the PX560 mixer function and saving my changes but I'll check this later. And then of course the PX560 will save my new edited rhythm as an ac7 file.


OK-in front of my PX560-not sure if the CTX mixer is the same-I think it is similar.there are 3 mixer screens-A, B and C which will show setting for each set of 16 tracks in the 560. Mixer screen "A" is the one that shows the auto-arranger track settings-I can change any settings i want from that screen for just the arranger tracks-I still can't get straight how i save those changes from within the PX560. I think i might not be able to do that unless I create a midi "song" using the arrangement as part of my entire multi-track "song" arrangement-which gets recorded to the system track. Any changes or settings I make in any mixer screen-A, B and C I believe gets saved in the system track-and to do that, i have to create a full "song/midi song" arrangement inside the PX560. I will have to try that next and post back. but this is only important to know if you want to save your new rhythm arrangement settings inside the 560, otherwise using a DAW and the Casio programs is probably easier to monitor and edit.

Edited by Jokeyman123
Posted (edited)

There is a option I have found how to increase the volume almost and atleast at the max level of Yamaha Styles for Casio.

There are two softwares needed I have searched these softwares on the internet but very hardly found these on the internet.

I did practical on it yesterday and the attempt was successful for me. 

No need to import any style as midi into the MZ-X keyboard or any other Keyboard which has standard MIDI file import option. It was and import any of the style directly into the CT-X series or any other Keyboard which support AC7 file format (with PX560).

Using Arachno is a good idea to check the rhythm before it will be loaded to the keyboard. Almost every and all general medicines are very nice at least it is given me idea that part any Rhythm look like in the keyboard.


Yes, the mixer of CT-X is same as PX560. I don't know about PX560 has an event editor for the rhytm or not, but the CT-X Series doesn't have an event editor option on Pattern Sequencer, while it have this option on Multi Track Recorder mode.


Not everyone will have a keyboard that has an event editor program built in it. Without event editor its not possible to make any rhythm compatible for Casio keyboard especially in CT-X Series which doesn't have this option in it. On the MZ-X, CTK, and XW Series... These keyboards have this option build in it. So, who know the event editing will make any Yamaha style better and compatible in the Casio keyboard after changing the Major 7th chord to Major or Minor but event edit is very very Complex process I think for everyone. When I make any rhythm with using event editor on my keyboard it takes me a month or sometimes 2 month or more than two month to make a single rhythm with at least and almost perfect timings and velocity is of notes.

And that's why I thought if there is any software to edit the events of Rhythm for CT-X Series or any other series of Keyboard which doesn't have event editor program built in it.


I am preparing and creating a virtual keyboard on computer which is same or similar as CT-X5000.
In first version I am putting all GM Tones, Drums and Percussion Tones. This required lots of coding and lots of hard work to ready this virtual instrument for computer user. I am thinking to design this software tour work only with compatibility mode who have the Casio keyboard connected with there digital audio workstation only.

Please check the photo that I have started work on it, now there is only two knob to test the sounds and panning sounds. After this will get success I will design it more I friendly and interesting.

With the software, the events of any Rhythm (MIDI file) can be edited on any digital audio workstation and can be imported on any Casio keyboard as AC7 file format. And restof  all editing process will be continued by CT-X keyboard after creating and editing events by a software.

What do you think about this? Please let me know, if this was an good idea or not? Should I continue to make this software?




I'm very very sorry for long post :unsure:

Edited by Akshansh Khare - Alex

Absolutely continue with this. I'm sure many here will be thrilled to try this out-as kind of "beta" testers. some of the best programs I've used for older equipment was developed by musicians/software designers like you! Onward and upward!😀

6 hours ago, Akshansh Khare - Alex said:

There is a option I have found how to increase the volume almost and atleast at the max level of Yamaha Styles for Casio.

There are two softwares needed I have searched these softwares on the internet but very hardly found these on the internet.

I did practical on it yesterday and the attempt was successful for me. 

No need to import any style as midi into the MZ-X keyboard or any other Keyboard which has standard MIDI file import option. It was and import any of the style directly into the CT-X series or any other Keyboard which support AC7 file format (with PX560).

Using Arachno is a good idea to check the rhythm before it will be loaded to the keyboard. Almost every and all general medicines are very nice at least it is given me idea that part any Rhythm look like in the keyboard.


Yes, the mixer of CT-X is same as PX560. I don't know about PX560 has an event editor for the rhytm or not, but the CT-X Series doesn't have an event editor option on Pattern Sequencer, while it have this option on Multi Track Recorder mode.


Herkesin içinde yerleşik bir olay düzenleyici programı olan bir klavyesi olmayacaktır. Event editor olmadan Casio klavye için özellikle bu seçeneğin bulunmadığı CT-X serisinde herhangi bir ritmi uyumlu hale getirmek mümkün değildir. MZ-X, CTK ve XW Serisinde... Bu klavyelerde bu seçenek yerleşik olarak bulunur. O halde, olay düzenlemenin Majör 7. akoru Majör veya Minör olarak değiştirdikten sonra herhangi bir Yamaha stilini Casio klavyesinde daha iyi ve uyumlu hale getireceğini bilenler, ancak olay düzenlemenin herkes için çok çok karmaşık olduğunu düşünüyorum. Klavyemde event editor kullanarak herhangi bir ritim yaptığımda, en azından mükemmele yakın zamanlama ve nota hızıyla tek bir ritmi yapmam bir ay bazen 2 ay ya da iki aydan fazla zaman alıyor.

İşte bu yüzden Rhythm for CT-X Series veya içinde yerleşik olay düzenleyici programı olmayan herhangi bir Klavye serisinin olaylarını düzenlemek için herhangi bir yazılım olup olmadığını düşündüm.


CT-X5000 ile aynı veya benzeri bir bilgisayarda sanal klavye hazırlıyorum ve oluşturuyorum.
İlk versiyonda tüm GM Tonlarını, Davullarını ve Perküsyon Tonlarını koyuyorum. Bu sanal enstrümanı bilgisayar kullanıcıları için hazırlamak için çok fazla kodlama ve çok çalışma gerekiyordu. Bu yazılım turunu yalnızca Casio klavyesinin yalnızca dijital ses iş istasyonuna bağlı olduğu uyumluluk moduyla tasarlamayı düşünüyorum.

Lütfen üzerinde çalışmaya başladığım fotoğrafı kontrol edin, şimdi sesleri ve kaydırma seslerini test etmek için sadece iki düğme var. Bundan sonra başarı elde edeceğim, daha samimi ve ilginç tasarlayacağım.

Yazılımla, herhangi bir Ritimin (MIDI dosyası) olayları herhangi bir dijital ses iş istasyonunda düzenlenebilir ve herhangi bir Casio klavyesine AC7 dosya formatı olarak aktarılabilir. Olayları bir yazılım ile oluşturup düzenledikten sonra tüm düzenleme işlemlerine CT-X klavye ile devam edilecektir.

Bunun hakkında ne düşünüyorsun? Lütfen bana bildirin, bu iyi bir fikir miydi, değil miydi? Bu yazılımı yapmaya devam etmeli miyim?




uzun yazı için çok çok özür dilerim :emin değilim:




So, I'll start and continue the work for this plugin / virtual keyboard. I'll create sperate topic at this forum to develop this software.


However, it requires beta testers and some developers to make design gui more nice and make this software easy to understand and easy to use. 


I'm not a professional software developer as we have in our community, I'll try to do my best with all of us (with your help, support and motivation).


Thank you all 🙂

  • 8 months later...

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