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Keyboard not recognizing USB flash drive


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I plug in a flash drive to the USB port, go to Media, and it gives me an error message that there is no media. I can't even get as far as formatting the flash drive. I have tried various flash drives, same result.

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Also, make sure you created a directory/folder on the USB drive called "MUSICDAT" and put all your media (e.g. midi files, wav files, custom hex tones, registrations, etc.) within that folder.  Otherwise, the PX560 won't recognize.

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5 hours ago, Mike Martin said:

What sized drive are you attempting to use? 
After plugging in a drive, you do need to wait 10-15 seconds before attempting to access it.

The flash drive is 7.5 GB and is already formatted to FAT32. I am still getting the error message after a long wait.

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Formatting the drive as FAT32 with a computer is not enough. Unless the drive was originally formatted in the PX560 where it will create a directory/folder named MUSICDAT, you must create a folder manually with your computer on your thumb drive labelled as MUSICDAT, which will be empty until you start saving anything into this folder from the PX560. Or...


Silly as it seems, the USB port might simply be dusty or oxidized (it happens even when relatively new). I would "exercise" the port a few times-just insert and take out the thumb drive a few times, which should get those tiny electrical connections working, if that is the problem although if you used a few thumb drives already, probably not. And as Mike said, my PX560 does take  10-20 seconds or so initially to "see" a new thumb drive, even if all these other conditions are taken care of. And do you insert the thumb drive before...or after you power up the 560? Try both. or possibly you did already....it is possible the USB port is electrically failing but I've used mine many times, and its still OK.

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On 2/3/2024 at 5:12 PM, Jokeyman123 said:

Formatting the drive as FAT32 with a computer is not enough. Unless the drive was originally formatted in the PX560 where it will create a directory/folder named MUSICDAT, you must create a folder manually with your computer on your thumb drive labelled as MUSICDAT, which will be empty until you start saving anything into this folder from the PX560. Or...


Silly as it seems, the USB port might simply be dusty or oxidized (it happens even when relatively new). I would "exercise" the port a few times-just insert and take out the thumb drive a few times, which should get those tiny electrical connections working, if that is the problem although if you used a few thumb drives already, probably not. And as Mike said, my PX560 does take  10-20 seconds or so initially to "see" a new thumb drive, even if all these other conditions are taken care of. And do you insert the thumb drive before...or after you power up the 560? Try both. or possibly you did already....it is possible the USB port is electrically failing but I've used mine many times, and its still OK.

Thanks for your suggestions, but I have tried them all to no avail. My last ditch effort will be to buy a brand new flash drive and try that. By the way, my keyboard is brand new.

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Checking my own 560, I regularly use a 16GB Sandisk Cruzer thumb drive with no problems. Page 91 in the manual describes a capacity of up to 32GB for a drive. And yes, I have never heard of a thumb drive with 7.5GB capacity-although with Windows, it may be reading a "system volume folder" on the drive if there is one, and this might take up some of the capacity of the thumb drive-Windows automatically puts a "system volume drive" on any drive that is formatted in Windows and a user cannot erase this unless you have "administrator privileges". I don't think this should be causing a problem though, it hasn't for me.

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On 2/5/2024 at 11:17 AM, Mike Martin said:

4GB might be the limit, I think this is the issue. 

I got a brand new 2GB drive, formatted it to FAT32 on my laptop, plugged it into my PX560, waited 15 seconds, and still got the error message!

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10 minutes ago, Brad Saucier said:

That's very unusual.  How long have you had your 560?  Is it new or used?

I bought it just a couple of weeks ago. It came from Guitar Center's warehouse. It was "level one" which they claim means the box was opened but it was never used, and it did come in the original box and looked like it had never been unpacked.

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12 hours ago, Brad Saucier said:

I'm not sure what to add that hasn't been covered already.  It's possible the flash drive port is damaged in some way.  It shouldn't be, but that slim chance is there.  Could you possibly attach a video of what you're seeing, just out of curiosity.  

I made a video, but I don't see an option to upload it here, only to insert an image from URL. Thanks anyway. I think I will open a ticket with Casio service.

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On 2/8/2024 at 2:42 PM, Darla said:


Does any of the flash drives have a light to indicate it's working? It looks like if some of the contacts is not right and for the keyboard that's like having nothing plugged at all. You may try pushing very gently up or down to see if that helps the contact and the drive's light turns on.

I'd also try using a vacuum cleaner to try to remove any dust from the USB port. And just in case, with a flashlight check if the contacts inside look fine, just like any other USB port.


Regarding the 7.5 GB drive, to me it's clearly an 8 GB one (8 x 10^9), which is actually 7.45 GiB (gibibytes) (7.45 x 2^30). Depending on the operating system or software used, you may see GB or GiB (and both might be shown as GB or Gb, to add to the confusion).

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